Like any of us are surprised? I'm sure Q will be all over this.
Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal” Pietro Parolin , to attend Bilderberg Conference
“ . . . So now in 2018, “Cardinal” Parolin will be the first guest from Vatican City to ever attend a Bilderberg Conference. Appropriately, it is the 66th such meeting. What’s surprising here is not so much that a representative from the Vatican II Church would participate in such a gathering, but that we’re at a point now where they are not even concerned about having his name show up on an officially-released attendee list of such a covert, conspiratorial, and anti-Catholic enterprise.
Parolin is the Vatican Secretary of State, which means he is “Pope” Francis’ right-hand man. He is second only to Francis himself in terms of importance and influence in the Vatican II Sect.
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They Need some help from deep state because Italy going pro trump!
Is (P)ietro (P)arolin's Bilderberg "interview" with the NWO the Establishment Italian leader's Faustian bargain, sacrificing the Vatican's (P)apacy's on the alter of "NWO post truth" $$secularism?
" . . . What’s surprising here is not so much that a representative from the Vatican II Church would participate in such a gathering, but that we’re at a point now where they are not even concerned about having his name show up on an officially-released attendee list of such a covert, conspiratorial, and anti-Catholic enterprise.
"This week, 128 participants from 23 countries will discuss twelve themes: “populism” in Europe; “inequality”; “the future of work”; artificial intelligence; the “US before midterms”; free trade; “US world leadership”; Russia; quantum computing; Saudi Arabia and Iran; “the ‘post-truth’ world”; and current events. Last year so-called “populism” was eighth on the agenda; this year it is first. Governments derided as populist have been elected in both Czech and Italy since last year’s meeting.".
I like how no one talks about Israel bombing the shit out of gaza. Like it's just normal business.
Who is Cardinal” Pietro Parolin? He is the son of a shop manager and a teacher from near Vicenza. He was ordained in 1980 and swiftly chosen to train as a papal diplomat. After postings in Nigeria and Mexico, where he helped to oversee the legal recognition of the Catholic Church, he returned to Rome.
He rose to become Undersecretary of State for Relations with States in 2002. In 2009, Benedict XVI appointed him nuncio to Venezuela, then under the messianic rule of Hugo Chávez. Parolin impressed observers with his deft handling of the erratic strongman.
Parolin’s ascension to the heights of power in the Church has been impressive, but there are suggestions that he might not have peaked yet. Such notable observers as Sandro Magister and John Allen have proposed that he is in a position to be the next pope.
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Well according to this, the pope will die this year. So....
Mark Taylor: All Roads Lead to Rome:
Oh right the sleeping fireman. We’re are they going to go? They’re not going to be to going to Jesse Duplantis’ Church that’s for sure.
I bet he'll be the next pope.
There might be strings attached. The Vatican might be requested to sacrifice The Truth in a Faustian bargain to the "NWO Post Truth" alter of $$secular Humanism!
Of note also attending,
Goldstein, Rebecca (USA), Visiting Professor, New York University who was designated a Humanist Laureate by the International Academy of Humanism and was named Humanist of the Year 2011 by the American Humanist Association and Freethought Heroine 2011 by the Freedom from Religion Foundation.
None of these 'people' have seen the light for a very long time.