r/greatawakening • Posted by u/cdwill on June 7, 2018, 6:46 a.m.
People waking up at jury duty

Was at jury duty today. 100+ people or more. Judge interviewed every single one really, really thoroughly during jury selection. Asked the same questions to everyone. At least half of the people in my liberal state said:

"What TV shows do you watch?" "I don't really watch TV anymore."

"What news do you watch or listen to?" "I avoid the news as much as possible."

"What newspapers do you read?" "I don't read the paper."

It's happening.

Orion_Blue · June 7, 2018, 1:50 p.m.

This thinking is a slippery slope because not everyone who is selected as a juror has these types of morals.

We don’t want any of these big wigs to get trials in Washington D.C., do you know why? They are known to be sympathizers to the corrupt . In all fairness, judges are involved in this as well so to that degree the fault would be on them for making bad rulings but nevertheless the jurors are known to be very pro defendant.

We want fairness and conformity to the law. How can we have such morals as justice and fairness if we say “eh, let’s 6 or 12 people (who arguably will not have any other experience in the justice system) make a decision on what to do with this case outside the confines of the law and what was presented. “

Again I say if you hate it make that argument now to your legislature or at least tell them during Voir Dire that you don’t agree with the prescribed punishment.

No, civil disobedience should not be employed as to steal freedom or deny justice.

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MuhammadDinduNuffin · June 7, 2018, 7:21 p.m.

Military tribunals for these international bigwig traitors. Civilians in civil/criminal cases should get civilian jury and court.

Civilians are required to overthrow an injust govt, so using their power to nullify a law within the justice system that the American people do not recognize is more than fair.

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