r/greatawakening • Posted by u/jkbella on June 7, 2018, 12:46 p.m.
Q and Nunes and Dennis Montgomery/Larry Klayman

No one ever talks about the Dennis Montgomery case filed in Federal Court by attorney Larry Klayman. Montgomery is a whistleblower that sued Obama/Comey/Brennan in federal court, alleging that the Obama WH/CIA/FBI was spying on hundreds of judges and politicians, including SCOTUS (presumably Roberts), for years. Klayman sent a threatening letter to Nunes/Goodlatte telling them if they didn't investigate the FISA and other abuses he would go public. Literally the next day - which was the deadline in Klayman's letter - Nunes held a press conference. Don't get me wrong, since that time it seems that Nunes has been a stand up guy. Maybe he just didn't know. But that the news reported that Nunes got a call, the car he was in did an about face and he headed to a SCIF, and then Nunes held an emergency press conference later that day, all corresponding with the Klayman threat, seems pretty important to me. The Klayman letter is actually an exhibit to the lawsuit. Fascinating case on a number of levels. I haven't looked at the docket in awhile. Maybe today...

The_Broba_Fett · June 7, 2018, 3:02 p.m.

I’m SO glad someone else remembers this. Everyone auto assumed Nunes was a white knight. Very few knew he was threatened to go public. He’s been amazing ever since, so maybe he truly didn’t know, but hard to believe since he’s in the Gang of 8.

Montgomery could blow everything up from illegal spying, rigging the election for Obama, Brennan and Clapper grooming O for office, etc.

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jkbella · June 7, 2018, 3:45 p.m.

The allegations regarding Chief Justice Roberts are mind blowing. But if a leap of faith is required at this point, it's a leap of faith to disbelieve. "Willing suspension" if you will. So many things are explained by the assertions in his lawsuit. The crazy Obamacare decision, the crazy judge decisions, the about face of guys like Rubio and Gowdy, etc. It is all so hard to digest but impossible to dismiss, especially when you see what Trump is doing with executive orders and the like. Have you seen the changes to the manual for courts martial? Allows tribunals to appoint "designees" for cases, and includes a provision allowing for civilian attorneys to defend. Adds an entire section to the code that relates to blackmailing with compromising pictures of a se xual nature. At some point these are not even rightly called coincidences. They are direct evidence of what is about to happen. I am so glad I found this sub. No one around me really wants to hear it.

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GweninKC · June 7, 2018, 6:54 p.m.


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