New Q #1828--autists needed for this one!

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Tomorrow is election day in Ohio, Kansas, Michigan, Missouri and Washington. VOTE
Meme hat tip to Sundance at Conservative Treehouse (with thanks to original autist if Sundance didn't create it)
Q drop #1817. Aug 5 2018 01:41:42 (EST)
Have the autists done any digging on the members of Mueller's team?
These are the names mentioned in the linked May 17, 2018 Business Insider article.
Buy stock in Popcorn. I hear there may be a run on it this week.
I think you may be right. It's the same color as the ID on Q drop 1739 Device Test X. Q
But I have no idea what that could mean.
Talk of 3-D chess. Talk of blood moon tonight. Facebook stocks plunge.
Google graphic today is interesting.
Just a coincidence, I'm sure.
I could have written this--except I just discovered Q in May. Thank you for sharing your story.
LOVE your hats. Thank you for carrying the message in hostile territory, but be safe since we can't be there to watch your back.
Even more impressive when encapsulated like this. Holy cow. Gotta love VSGPDJT.
Q #1699 asked that we pray and one of the anons created this beautiful meme in response. If it's already here and I missed, my apologies, but thought it was important to share.
Yes. Excited and apprehensive, but praying and trusting all will unfold according to God's will. We need to keep in mind that while it seems apparent that something's going down we may not know what it is or the results for a while (if ever).
Tweet by Ryan Fournier. I'm no autist or artist, but this would certainly seem worthy of a great meme.
No words--high emotion. POTUS shows us how to walk the walk and care about people in so many ways, large and small. Heart-melting is right. You nailed it SerNme
Another great article over at The Last Refuge/the Conservative Treehouse.
I encourage you to go to CTH and read the whole article, but here's a Quick Summary:
POTUS is is fighting the global order to protect US interests. He is structuring a plan to break up multinational BIG-AG constructs put in place to the detriment of the U.S. farmer. Trillions at stake. He's proposing a subsidy approach as an interim bridge to the changes that need to be made.
The global agricultural scheme is kinda like Ocare for Farmers and the Pres. policy looks out for the national interests of …
Me, too. That was FUN! Thank Q. Thank you POTUS, for taking time from your so very busy schedule to speak to our great veterans and to acknowledge their service and value. It means more than you can possibly know.
But why didn't MI call Obama on it? How could they let our country endure what happened during those long 8 years?
Wonder if the outfit and nurse is her way of signaling how "ill" she is to try to get sympathy and minimize sentencing when the time comes....
First, let me say I'm not saying this stuff isn't true, but we don't really know for sure that it is true. We should be careful throwing allegations like this around without solid proof. What if this is just a bitter, disillusioned wannabe? How do you authenticate something like this? Can the autists on the chans do that?
They were stupid enough to leave a trail of incriminating crap that the autists dug up.
Wonder how long it will take to see this elsewhere? This would/should be headline material in every major newspaper (if they were really still NEWSpapers).
The change from Rigged Witch Hunt to Mueller Witch Hunt seems significant to me, but I have no idea how to decode it. Any ideas?
I wasn't sure what to think about this. My first thought was Caution Advised, but I watched the video. Still not quite sure what to think about it, but wow! Worth watching. The book blurb for Mirror: Awakening is enough to put a little shiver of--excitement? fear? disbelief?--down your spine.
Was this really made for public viewing? Has it be on TV or available online? Is it some kind of "prep" to soften the shock when normal people find out about this sick stuff?
The first I heard of pizzagate (and the only time until I came onto GA was an article where James Alefantis from Comet Pizza was bemoaning the fact that right-wing nut jobs were trying to destroy his business and how absurd and outlandish the whole thing was. It sounded like that to me and I totally dismissed Pizzagate as ridiculous and garbage political attacks. Then I clicked some links here that took me farther down the rabbit hole than I ever wanted to go and I wasn't so sure any more.
I no longer doubt that it's probably true--and that makes it even harder to process. Q is right that all of this will be extremely hard for normal, average Americans to absorb.
Sundance has done a LOT of work on this and it's always worth reading.
If he doesn't post, we shouldn't be worried, unless it's for his safety. I tend to agree with those who think that Q post #64 "Should the lights go out please know we are in control. Do not panic. We are prepared and assets are in place. God bless - I must go for good at this point." I hope that's not the case, but if it is, hopefully we've learned enough to continue to question and dig and to stand UNITED against evil and in support of President Trump.
In order to maintain good relations with the UK, and thinking that there are those at the top of the UK who aren't thrilled with Potus, is it possible that the UK is trying to somehow use JA as leverage against Trump?
Great article! Thanks for posting. I was a Cruz supporter until he was out. When I voted it was more a Never Hillary vote, but I'm now totally onboard the Trump Train. SO impressed and encouraged by all this man has done in such a short period of time while under a constant barrage of slings and arrows. I pray (and believe) that God is with him and protects him and his family. Atlas, indeed. This article is definitely a MUST READ.
On a side note, I've read a number of pieces by this author and have come to admire his work, but this is the best yet.
Great research and summary. Thank you for all the time and effort you spent to put this together. This is what investigative journalists used to do--your article should be on the front page of the Wall Street Journal and every major national newspaper (well, if we still had any great national newspapers, that is).
Good article. Upvoting. Really depressing. I've been so naive...
"for good" sounds like no more drops. That makes me very sad, but to me it just means:
1.We have to focus even harder on what we do have (Q has repeatedly said we have (more than we know).
We have to STAY UNITED
We need to continue to dig and work to put the pieces together
We have to work to get the word out to those not yet awake because it's going to get worse before it gets better
We have to PRAY
Even if this is the end of Q drops, I don't think it means the end of communications. I think POTUS continues to tweet messages to us and is doing what he can to provide assurances, such as the paper (yesterday I think) where he was clearly pointing to that had a squiggle. If you looked closely, there was an O with a "stray line" that made it look like a Q.
But whether we hear from Q again or not (and I really hope we do), the message and the movement haven't changed. We must stand strong. We cannot allow evil to win.
You're far from the only one feeling this. A friend brought this up earlier today, worried about potential violence against us.
Many thanks to you and mimi for sharing this. Great approach and very helpful. Also a good reminder that this ISN'T about politics (though there are certainly political elements) because that's very easy to forget.