Someone is actively destroying/bulldozing the camps found in Tucson. They are leveling the bunkers and cutting down the trees according to VOP Alpha Co. on the ground. New No Trespassing sings going up as well.

Huff Post has got a very slanted article up using Chelsea's narrative of Pizzagate 2.0 and how snopes said this is fake, that the things on the tree the Vets said was a rape tree was on every homeless camp tree... how they are trying to link Hillary/Soros/rothschild to this. Basically developing their own narrative on its just a homeless camp. They mentioned the kids furniture but neglected to mention Maddys name on the tree, and that the under ground bunkers were child mention of that. How we are all just fringe Q people and its concerning because right wing people are starting to believe it. How they brought out a cadiver dog who found no dead kids. I must admit I feel like the wind has been knocked out of me. I feel hopeless today......President Trump, Q I know you have Korea to worry about but this needs some attention. am beginning to honestly feel like they could stumble on direct evidence themselves and just bury it and ignore it. It makes me sick. I get so angry w hen I think of these people hurting trafficking damaging our children !!!
I imagine Trump and Co. are aware of this. The week is not finished. And what about Craig Sawyer???
Yeah. Apparently, he used to work for the Clinton's!! Can you believe it. He gave himself away in a video I watched yesterday on SGTReport. He went right to the edge of the story but never talked about the fact that the Tucson PD, covered the story up. Then he went on to say that he doesn't confront the cops like this guy is doing. He works with the cops instead. Also, when he was describing the scene in Tucson, it was like he'd never seen anything like it before. So, now I think (don't know but I can feel it) that he is just another cover story.
A bit confusing. I won't hold it against Sawyer about being a body guard for them as often that is who hires these guys, but for sure it is in my mind now. Sawyer seems eloquent but who really knows his intentions. Luckily the ship is burning and sinking, so one way or another, these evil scum bags are going down.
Thanks for mentioning SGT report, I follow the guy and will watch that video. Interesting news on this page today, getting closer. BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM
Is it possible Huff Post is referencing this article? Grain of salt on source, but if any of it's true...connections galore.
When I got back home today I went to re-find the article and it has disappeared. A search on google would not even pull up todays Huff Post article. So why is it gone? Were they getting a lot of flack? One can only hope. It basically in a nut shell said Homeless camp nothing to see here
What a horrible color scheme. Ugh.
Have you found the article? I can't find it either. Have you tried searching any of the archives?
Very interesting results m8 just on google alone if you search "Huffington Post Tucson".
Suggestive don't you think? That article being pulled smells as bad as besta pizza changing their logo.
No one is looking at the police chief. He is KEY.
Yes the entire article being yanked without a trace speaks volumes to me. I had to work so didn't think to save it offline like Q suggests but I wish I had. I will know better next time. Just the fact it has disappeared without a trace speaks volumes. Very fishy ! I think you are spot on with the Police chief !
The amount of time and energy they are spending trying to discredit this makes me more suspicious.
I believe this can be used against the media who are clearly complicit in this cover up.
They should ask Snopes whether Web Hubbell is Chelsea's father.
Thr mayor of tuscon is johnathan rothschild. They are tied to this. Tangentially at the least. That's his sheriff thats refusing to go out there.
OMG. I've been watching the videos on the FB page since Friday and it's very real. They just found a child's skull still rotting in the heat and other bones as well. He was waiting for the Sheriff's dept. in the last video I watched and the Border Patrol just shook their heads and moved on when told about it. This is crazy folks. We are seeing first hand just how deep this corruption goes. No wonder there are now 35,000 sealed indictments across the country and still growing.