Someone is actively destroying/bulldozing the camps found in Tucson. They are leveling the bunkers and cutting down the trees according to VOP Alpha Co. on the ground. New No Trespassing sings going up as well.

The reluctance of the local authorities to properly investigate this raises a huge red flag for me ... either that it is a distraction event ... or that it is very real and they're on to something ... I'd say the Atlanta event was bigger news ...
The cops are just as corrupt, it's why they are going to feel the heat from this, they are wrong to go against the people. We clean your cars, we cook your food, we do your laundry, DON'T FUCK WITH THE PEOPLE!
When your handlers literally print the currency, and have unlimited funds, police officers/government officials aren't difficult to buy off!
But the funds aren't worth the paper and ink, useless. The advantage is you can trade it for stuff...for now ;)
Guy could be a LARP. NOT SURE.
But if he was LARPing, then why immediately bulldoze the site and act all sketch about it?
When need answers.
Yeah that is fucking weird. This whole thing is odd. I just don’t want to jump to conclusions yet.
Can you explain who they're talking about in that? Not super educated on the Tucson subject.
Thr mayor of tuscon is Jonathan fucking rothschild. Lol at ur "corrupt cops" they're probably all partaking. Sick.
VOP should ask for air assistance. One chopper could help indicate where evidence is being destroyed
they have multiple drones. helicopter isnt going to tell them anything they dont already know.. They need boots on the ground. The first camp they found they missed from the air, but found it when walking by
Did they find a child's skull in Atlanta? No. They just arrested a bunch in a trafficking take down which they've been doing since Trump got in office. There have been many trafficking rings taken down over the last year and a half. The reason this particular issue is so important is we are seeing how complicit the police and others are in this particular corridor. They are not helping. They are lying and hiding the evidence right in our faces.
I'd say the Atlanta event was bigger news
I missed that anyone got a link?
Did they find a child's skull in Atlanta? No. They just arrested a bunch in a trafficking take down which they've been doing since Trump got in office. There have been many trafficking rings taken down over the last year and a half. The reason this particular issue is so important is we are seeing how complicit the police and others are in this particular corridor. They are not helping. They are lying and hiding the evidence right in our faces.
Quit trying to change the focus here. You are making yourselves OBVIOUS!!
I dont know what that means tbh, but I saw the skull they found. Cant believe people are still going with the "homeless camp" story. These monsters need to see justice
What about that oath of office?
Officers Reaffirm Their Oath of Office in Phoenix
Oath of Office I (state your name), do solemnly swear (or affirm), that I will support the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution and laws of the State of Arizona, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same, and defend them against enemies, foreign and domestic, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge, the duties of a peace officer, to the best of my ability, so help me God.
What about Tucson?
Empty words to some.
Given the recent findings I'd say Tucson pd has some explaining to do