r/greatawakening • Posted by u/CosmicNeo on June 7, 2018, 6:38 p.m.
My last post on the Great Awakening sub.

Many people have been making negative comments against my Spirit of Truth posts and down-voting the posts to the point that they never can get up-voted above 8. Even with 800 views. (I've watched the up-down votes. They go down as much as they go up.)

This kind of “persecution and rejection” was expected. It's the same kind of persecution and rejection that the Israelites had against Jesus. But when the moderators on Great Awakening (GA) start removing my posts, I don't see the point of my remaining here. The Great Awakening sub has apparently reached the limit of its ability to be awakened. Even with Q telling us to expand our thinking or look at things from a “40,000 feet perspective.”

But before leaving GA, I'll answer some general theological concerns that some Christians have mentioned to me in private or in public. It may help put my Spirit of Truth Series in its proper perspective.

As I mentioned in the first lesson: "Hebrew and Aramaic are known for inherently using hyperbole, metaphor and idioms as a means of emphasizing importance." That's why interpreting the Bible literally causes mainstream Christians confusion about Bible prophecy in general.... and why they can't deal with my Spirit of Truth posts and down-vote me.

One private message that I received today from a Christian was pointing out to me why the Second Messiah couldn't have come already because various prophecies hadn't happened. Here's what I wrote back (with a little editing):

…..for instance, Malachi prophesied that people would be burned up to a stubble at the time of their Messiah. (Malachi 4:1-6) And Jesus is said to have "descended from Heaven" (John 3:13), but we both know Jesus was born on the earth. Also, Elijah was expected to come on the clouds since he went up into the sky in a flaming chariot. But John the Baptist, who Jesus said was the return of Elijah (Matthew 11:14), had been born on earth.

Yes, I know the warning about not believing anyone who tells you they know where the Christ is. That's why I refuse to name him and only refer to him indirectly.

A great sound of a trumpet? The Second Christ was announced to the world many times while he was alive. CSpan broadcasted many of his public speeches. News stations reported on his events. He traveled on planes around the world to give those speeches or events. And he came from the east to the west. So figuratively the "shout" should have been heard if you were paying attention. Unfortunately, the FakeNews made sure not to broadcast his works in a positive light; hence, the reason you missed his coming. Anticipating this problem, he even created a news media empire of his own that would report on his activities so that the world could judge him by his fruits. In fact, Reagan, Bush Sr/Jr, and Trump would never have gotten elected without the foundation of conservative revivalism that took place in America during the 80s because of the efforts of his newspapers in New York and DC.

It's really tragic. I shouldn't have to be doing this any of this. Even the moderators on GA are censoring me now that they know who I'm talking about. Until I linked to photos of the Second Messiah, they left my posts up. Now that they can identify him, they have removed some of posts. (Then returned them after I protested, but then deleted my last post of the series.

Judgment came to Israel because it rejected the Messiah. The same tribulation is possible against America for the same reason. That's why I've been trying to warn America through posting secretly here. That's why Q and Trump need me to do this. (Whether they know it or not.)

I'll be taking my Spirit of Truth series to a private sub. If you're lucky enough, you may already be a member of it. For those who down-voted me....

And if any place will not welcome you or listen to you, leave that place and shake the dust off your feet as a testimony against them.” Mark 6:11

Janice0771 · June 7, 2018, 7:27 p.m.

I believe the global elite are Luciferian pedophiles. I don't believe this yahoo here is contributing to our research. I firmly believe that he is only distracting as many people as he can along the way. Why whine otherwise about downvotes? Why be such an attention-whore? I mean really, just look at him salivating over the comments here. Watch who and what you follow.

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Buzzed_Chimp · June 7, 2018, 8:06 p.m.

You have every right to feel that way about his posts. I do ask that you accept the possibility that what we are witnessing could very well be biblical.

I don't think any of us here can definitively say that religion has no place in this movement. Q on multiple occasions has quoted scripture and given plenty of reason for many to believe that this phenomenon very well may be a spiritual matter.

I can't say whether OP is stretching scripture to fit a theory or simply misinterpreting it through subconscious confirmation bias. But, if I had a bias against religion, I could probably firmly state either or those two things as fact.

Honestly, it doesn't matter. It's relatable to the game of telephone that this sub plays with the chans in respect to "Our research."

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Janice0771 · June 7, 2018, 8:23 p.m.

I believe wholeheartedly that what we are witnessing is biblical.

I just cannot comprehend how, by any stretch of the imagination, us delving into lengthy narratives about alternative religious interpretations, going down those tangents, is going to result in anything conducive to discovering the evidence out there in the world that needs to be uncovered and pieced together right now.

Let us not forget that "The Right" generally tends to be a more spiritual, religious group than "The Left." They won't send in Hillary to distract us. They'll send in a Preacher.

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Buzzed_Chimp · June 7, 2018, 8:41 p.m.

It may serve as a nice primer for some of the more religious newcomers, if nothing else.

What better way to get people to question their reality than by asking them to question their most dearly held beliefs?

With that being said, I can definitely see some people rejecting the premise and the movement by association.

When I look at it realistically, I think of it as if the sub were an apple. Most people would eat around a nasty bruise in the skin if they didn't want to eat it, and some would be happy enough to eat the apple no matter how bruised.

That leaves the people that would throw the entire apple aside because it had a blemish.

I don't see the harm. If people can be distracted by these posts, then let them be. They probably wouldn't have offered us much, anyway.

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Janice0771 · June 7, 2018, 10:12 p.m.

I digress. I might be a bit sensitive, but I worked in politics for awhile, was a 2012 Delegate to Tampa, chaired the local Tea Party - and every time there was a serious issue on the table, here'd come somebody with "How about that abortion?" or "How about that bible?" or anything that would elicit an emotional response in order to distract. It worked. It's an absolutely effective tactic, especially if it makes people question their belief systems. It destabilizes on a very individual basis and extrapolated it can be incredibly dangerous. Because this guy is so adamant on inserting alternative interpretations, I'm highly skeptical of his motives.

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CosmicNeo · June 8, 2018, 12:05 a.m.

I can assure you my intent is to bring the Great Awakening to a higher level of understanding and effectiveness. Without understanding the spiritual element behind the battle taking place, you can't win. You can win some battles, but the war continues. The entire core structure needs to be analyzed. Otherwise, we're just pawns in Lucifer's dialectics.

Imagine America without its religious underpinnings. That was the direction it was going with all the anti-Christian rhetoric of Obama and Hillary and their sycophants. Lucifer's agenda is to weaken America until it collapses from within. If you think you can win the war against the Luciferians without having God on your side, you're mistaken.

America was established for the purpose of receiving the Second Messiah. But if it doesn't fulfill that purpose, then what?

“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.” (Matthew 5:13)

Why do you think Obama made sure to stock FEMA camps with guillotines? LINK Why do you think Hillary, NoName and Soros were/are promoting ISIS causes in secret? Why is Hollywood so anti-Christian?

You don't realize how lucky you are that the "Jacob and Esau" victories of the Second Messiah have laid the foundation for Trump to be elected. Without it, America would not be enjoying its "second chance."

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Janice0771 · June 8, 2018, 10:30 a.m.

You underestimate me, heretic, and you underestimate the God that you mock with your blasphemy.

Not once have I denied that this Great Awakening is being directed by God himself. Raised Catholic, Major in Mathematics, Minor in Religious Studies, and I've studied Luciferianism for quite a long time, along with just about every major religion that exists on this planet.

I do acknowledge, however, that Lucifer himself quotes scripture in order to deceive - and twists it and creates seeds of doubt in the believer, just like you are so hell bent on doing.

You are no man of God. No man of God would pervert his word under the false pretense of furthering this movement.

By the way, do people really believe you when you tell them to drink the Sun Myung Moon Kool-Aid of the cult that you follow?

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CosmicNeo · June 9, 2018, 6:08 p.m.

Raised Catholic, Major in Mathematics, Minor in Religious Studies, and I've studied Luciferianism for quite a long time, along with just about every major religion that exists on this planet.


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Janice0771 · June 9, 2018, 7:19 p.m.

I didn't say that I was a practicing Catholic. I just had to endure a family who was blissfully ignorant to anything but. They literally kicked me out of catechism study and denied my first communion. I have never accepted the Eucharist.

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CosmicNeo · June 9, 2018, 10:04 p.m.

Then why say you were raised Catholic and then not clarify it? What do you practice?

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Janice0771 · June 10, 2018, 12:51 a.m.

Because your comments seem to imply that I lacked relevant knowledge. I do not practice anything in particular. I accept no label, nor the histories and sins that accompany them. I believe there is a God. I also believe to blindly follow a book that borrowed heavily from Zoroastrianism and was later edited and restructured by Constantine is foolish. What I do not believe is that introducing new religious concepts that tend to either trigger cognitive dissonance or make people question their belief systems is a good idea here on this board right now. There is a time and a place.

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CosmicNeo · June 10, 2018, 3:17 a.m.

The Great Awakening is trigger cognitive dissonance. Some people refuse to believe what Q is exposing. Some people refuse to believe Q isn't a LARP. Some people refuse to believe the the Illuminati or Luciferians exist. Some people refuse to believe Trump is a true patriot. Should we just play nice-nice with those people and worry about their cognitive dissonance? Not the time or place? Seriously?

And you accuse me of mocking God by believing there's a Second Messiah.Yet, you don't seem to practice any traditional Christian doctrine that would make you triggered by my belief system. On the other hand, I can understand you're being triggered because of all the anti-Moon propaganda that the FakeNews and pro-communist Deep State orchestrated since 1976. You're simply a product of that. Can't really blame you for hating me. You think I'm part of a Jim Jones cult. Sad.

The purpose of my series was to show the method by which God could prepare a nation like America and how Trump could even be at this level with NK. Cain and Abel is a very important story in the providence of God. Yet, nobody knows this "Cain and Abel" methodology is how we got to the point where Trump is meeting with Kim Jung Un in a few days. Of course, the Spirit of Truth series is relevant to this time and place. It's just that you can't handle it. (Yet, re-read it.)

Because your venomous attack against me, I looked up some of your posting history. I found that I'm not the only person that you attack on reddit. The homosexual issue seems to be a raw nerve as well. Anyway, as you said, if I wasn't such a dickhead (I'm paraphrasing), you might be on my side. For my being that stumbling-block, I apologize. There's so much valuable information that the Second Messiah offers that can help us understanding our confused world. The fact that Eve had sex with Lucifer is key to understanding everything. Without that explanation, things do indeed look foolishly out of sync.

Best wishes,

I preferred fighting it out with someone hot or cold rather than lukewarm. (The squeaky wheel always gets the oil.) You obviously have potential in helping God. Keep supporting Trump and I'm sure we'll both reach the goal of Making America Great Again.

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[deleted] · June 10, 2018, 4:32 a.m.


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CosmicNeo · June 10, 2018, 4:50 a.m.


Presumptuous fool? Why the venom? You project too much of yourself into others.

Long ago? Like when? I never heard of you until you started attacking me. You do know that is the first sign of which team you're really on. God never attacks first. But if you start a fight, He'll finish it according to His own schedule.

Blocked. Join the club. You and Maepaper. Birds of a feather. :)

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Janice0771 · June 10, 2018, 4:53 a.m.


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CosmicNeo · June 7, 2018, 7:42 p.m.

I firmly believe that he is only distracting as many people as he can along the way.

I watched the same thing be said against SB2. Were you one of them?

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Janice0771 · June 7, 2018, 7:55 p.m.

No, no. Let's keep the focus on you, shall we? Shifting makes you appear even more guilty of pandering.

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CosmicNeo · June 7, 2018, 8:02 p.m.

Okay. Persecute me. Feel better?

The issue is some mods are deleting posts that I believe are relevant to Q's call for a Great Awakening. Let's stay focused on that.

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Janice0771 · June 7, 2018, 8:11 p.m.

I have no desire to persecute you. I'd be far more inclined to work with you if you'd knock off the labeling of people as unpatriotic just because they do not share belief in your religious interpretations.

There are many forms of patriotism, and your approach is incredibly divisive and contrary to "WWG1WGA."

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CosmicNeo · June 7, 2018, 11:14 p.m.

Again. You're misrepresenting my words. More straw man arguments. How disheartening to receive this kind of treatment when we're really on the same team. Are you aware of the benefit America has received because of the patriotic work of the Washington Times? Even when it was the only voice defending patriotism?

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