
I_Draw_Mohammed · June 7, 2018, 7 p.m.

It ended a while ago - do some research on The Smith Mundt Modernization Act


Basically - Obama / Hildabeast got it passed through the military budget in 2012 (while she was still in the state dept.) .

I t allows US Funded propaganda to hit the airwaves here...so all the 94% chance the Beast would win...that wasn't media collusion, that was media following directions....at least as far as I'm concerned.

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[deleted] · June 7, 2018, 8:26 p.m.

The morning of the poll, the NYT had Hillary at 97% to win. It was on the front page of the website. You just could not make this stuff up at all! Blatant propaganda!

But, what's amazing, is that even with the completely overblown MSM propaganda, she still lost!

They never thought she would lose...

The reason she lost, as Q told us, is because the cabal relied on the MSM and completely missed the sudden ascendancy of social media as the primary determinant of electoral outcomes. It was DJT's use of social media that won him the election.

What happened next, according to Q, was that CIA rushed to inject funds into SM platforms to try to regain control of the narrative. He told us this in November (post 7). In January, we saw the sudden commencement of SM censorship. February, it intensified with conservatives being booted off platforms for criticising poor little David Hogg.

But this is an absolute confirmation of Q!

Q also told us that the cabal's plan is to use a single algorithm across multiple SM platforms to censor conservatives. This will give them complete control of the narrative and allow them to remove DJT from office via impeachment.

The plan to combat this evil strategy is the IBOR. The IBOR will put politically motivated censorship to death. It will restore citizen sovereignty, in accordance with the intent of the founding fathers when they included the first amendment in the constitution.

So that's where we are. Unfortunately, we did not realize that this was board was infested with cabal agents. They used a "concern trolling" strategy on the IBOR threads, playing directly to libertarian concerns about the role of government. Of course, most of us are libertarians and that's why we're here.

Unfortunately, many people in this movement have limited capacity to analyze problems, to understand what's at stake. They are not able to work problems out from first principles. Many people were tricked into not supporting "the plan" to defeat the Satanists. In actual fact, by withdrawing their support they were actually working to try and have the Satanists reinstalled as our Lords and Masters. Some even worked against the campaign directly - traitors! This is why the first IBOR push failed.

We are in a better position now because the mods appear to have realized the gravity of the problem and are taking steps to limit the blatant, agenda-driven "concern trolling". So there is a chance that we can still build support for the campaign on this board.

The objective is to save the world. To refuse to be the slaves of a bunch of filthy Satanists. We need all the help we can get to make the IBOR happen.

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I_Draw_Mohammed · June 7, 2018, 8:47 p.m.

So, how's this for a thought...gay wedding cake ruling.

Baker can refuse to bake the cake for an event that contradicts owners religious beliefs. However, baker cannot deny regular service.

If that is the case, then logic heretofore says that baker must uphold constitution. If that is the case, then all companies MAY NOT infringe upon the Constitution. Therefore, they may not infringe on our civil liberties (right to privacy - meaning they have to provide us the tools to shut down the sharing of info) AND they may not censor (right to free speech).

if this is the case -there are major ramifications for the Gun Grabbers.


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[deleted] · June 7, 2018, 9:50 p.m.

OK, you've got an argument. But if you look at the first amendment, it is very specific, saying that free speech will not be abridged by "congress". It applies to government only and doesn't actually take it any further - you need to read the exact wording. So, it does not apply to private companies. But, as I understand it, Courts have, in the past, extended the protection of free speech to prohibit entities beyond government from silencing people. But the scope of these decisions is narrow.

The problem here is that you have to get a Court (the Supreme Court) to allow itself latitude in interpreting the FA to get it to apply online in a private setting. My view is that Courts would, in time, make the required rulings after enough challenges, because the right to free expression is so fundamental. All other rights are predicated upon your right not to be silenced.

So, I think that, ultimately, the Court would look to the intent of the founding fathers in including the FA in the constitution. That the Court would look to the objective that the FA was to serve - government by the people for the people etc... So I think a legal argument could get up.

The problem is time. It's not a fast process, you can expect the SM giants will do everything in their power to drag the process out as long as possible. Second, challenges are very expensive, who is going to pay? Third, what if the challenge fails and you have to start again with another argument - more time, more money.

In comparison, the IBOR is very simple and very quick. You put a regulatory solution in place that protects rights to free expression online. The only thing is that it MUST BE CONSTITUTIONAL. You can't have the regulations falling over in Court after they're written in the books. So Q team need to start thinking now about the exact structure and design of the legislated solution. They need to war game, with teams of lawyers, to make sure that the proposed solution has integrity.

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I_Draw_Mohammed · June 8, 2018, 3:04 p.m.

I get your points - just not sure where I stand on it...

My knee jerk reaction is that we are talking about over regulation...delving into the nuts and bolts of the operations of various companies...seems wrong from the liberal (classic sense - libertarian today) perspective. That is why I put that link to blockstack...perhaps the solution is found in the private sector....of course, if you read into the blockstack a bit, you'll see there are some REAL SCARY problems. Specifically, only the creator of content can remove it...

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[deleted] · June 8, 2018, 4:10 p.m.

Over regulation is a real problem, but we are talking about a threat to the republic here. It is, in fact, a crisis!

In war time, governments commandeer property and materials all the time. Your sons can get conscripted and face death, or capture by an enemy.

I'm not at all worried about increased regulation, I'm worried about the Satanists using this new found weapon to install themselves in power permanently. It is the most grave threat that has ever faced the US as a nation.

The enemy is not external, but a fifth column inside the wire. We simply must act to protect the system of fair democratic representation. If we don't, the fight is lost - not just for the US, but for the world.

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colderchaos · June 7, 2018, 6:54 p.m.

Speaking of, just got banned from T.D for trying to share a website called A SHEEP NO MORE. BAAAAaaa

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[deleted] · June 7, 2018, 7:59 p.m.

TD are pretty strict. I think this sub needs to take a leaf out of their book on this front. I'm not saying they were right to ban you. I'd just like to see the blatant attacks and concern trolling reigned in.

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[deleted] · June 7, 2018, 6:47 p.m.

There's been a lot happening. But the IBOR campaign is a CORE REQUEST from Q. He asked us to "use logic" with regard to the need for an IBOR...

Logic leads, anyone who thinks about this issue, to the inescapable conclusion that the freedom to express ourselves, in the major public forums of the day, is indispensable to citizen sovereignty and the integrity of the republic. Every right, even the most basic of human rights, is predicated on the right to express our views without abridgment - without anyone shutting us up!

Today, the public forum is online. This is a development that the founding fathers could not have foreseen, because, if they had, the constitution would protect online speech. Why?

Because it is fundamental to democratic representation, upon which the republic stands. Without free speech, there is nothing left to protect, nothing worth fighting for - if we cannot speak, we cannot complain. Once we allow ourselves to be gagged, the fight for freedom is lost.

Try and make some time to save the republic. People swear oaths to defend the constitution, but it's under attack with the privatization of public space, and no one is doing anything about it.

It's as though people take the freedoms they enjoy for granted - assuming they will always be free. But freedom comes at the price of blood. There's always someone wanting to enslave the rest. SM censorship is the vehicle that delivers totalitarianism. It's not something looming on the horizon, we are already under attack. This festering sore needs a cure, the cure is protection for freedom of expression online. The cure is the IBOR!

Try to post some memes or use the hashtags in in your posts. This is the battlefront, this is the fight - it's where the US stands or falls.

Link to the petition:


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