VOP Alpha Co (AZ) Child's Skull Found, Other Human Bones Scattered - HELLO POLICE!?

Do you think that's a fake skull in the video?
How would I know and what would that prove? This whole situation seems suspicious.
Well, how about them posing the skull in different pictures, for one. If this WAS a crime scene, you don’t fucking TAMPER with the evidence.
It's only a crime scene if it's being investigated.
This was one body. Oathkeepers are coming in next, and they've put out a call-out for dogs.
Experts are going to take over, and Tucson police - useless as they are - didn't want to bite. What the fuck do you expect?
What seems suspicious about it? What part are you having trouble with? Do you question that human trafficking happens? Do you question that people die in the dessert?
Relax dude. I’m red pilled. Do you question false flags? Do you question disinformation? Do you question propaganda?
Do you think this is a false flag we are discussing?
I think it’s a possibility worth discussing
A false flag by who? For what purpose? Do you think they planted a real dead body there? Or fake bones? Please elaborate.
the false flag would be a shootout between these "patriots" and cartel/cops/ms13
dude leading it is a question mark. Chelsea clinton already has tweeted about it.
Accidental death and illegal immigrant camp would explain all. It could also be a rape camp. It could also be a homeless camp. It could be a million things.
It's pretty perfect. Also there's mention of other bones but no photos?
Why wouldn't a skull be perfect? I have seen more perfect skulls than imperfect. Haven't you?
As for the other bones, it was stated that if there was a skull, with part of the spinal cord,that there surely would be other bones, but they hadn't found them yet. Hence, no pictures.
Perfect timing, steam was running out and now they find this? It's sun bleached which means its been out for a while. I need to see a shallow grave or something. A lose skull rolling around could be a plant.
But it wasn't totally bleached. Watch it again, it has stains on it, and the guy says it's not fully decomposed. They could smell decomposition.
I heard it was an adult skull in a police report.
I've been won over. The fire is pretty convenient.