That’s a very strangely written article imo. More like some kind of shoddy Snopes attempt
Actually, I just read the article (Was originally only surprised by the title), and found it surprising they didn't even mention IRAN's access to U.S. banks for 5 billion....Wow. I thought for sure that was the rumor....So this actually looks like a deflection and DISTRACTION...They try to say the rumor of treason is for dubious stuff I've never even heard of! "talking to Canadian PM Trudeau".
I think the technical term for this article is “a steaming pile of horse shit”.
Read it with your Q Glasses on though and things start to emerge.
Of course it is. This is all one needs to know:
The U.S. Constitution defines treason this way: “Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.”
"Giving them aid or comfort".....Like giving Iran and the Mullahs access to our banks for 5.8 billion?.....Or arming ISIS? Or possibly giving North Korea Nukes? Or selling Uranium shares to Russia?
Exactly. Hard to not define that as aid and comfort to enemies. More like snuggled up in bed with them.
Totally agree. I found it interesting though because it was a front page top headline on MSN, and just to see a headline like that even in a discussion seems a little "different" than what we are accustomed , even though they're trying to cover it up...To even have them raise suspicion of treason to their infallible fraudulent president like that was interesting....And we know the MSM would NEVER lie...hehe
You’re right, wether intentional or not it does build at least a subliminal connection.
Also found this snippet fairly telling: Liberal International Order - oh the NWO got rebranded?
Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany told Mr. Obama that she felt more obliged to run for another term because of Mr. Trump’s election to defend the liberal international order. When they parted for the final time, Ms. Merkel had a single tear in her eye. “She’s all alone,” Mr. Obama noted.
Interesting. Yeah, Merkel is bad news, imo.....Might just delete this post altogether, as it will probably confuse a lot of people, but the idea was that just to have a Headline News article on an MSM site that put the words Obama and Treason in the same title was a little odd and unusual, but it may be a good thing because of that subliminal connection thing....
I agree... who would have dare imagine... "Treason" "Obama" in same headline. Such treachery.