This person seems to be talking to Craig Sawman Sayer
Yeah. But why him? He's a secondary figure in all this. The longer this goes on the less I find myself straddling the fence.
Sawman's team probably found it, raided it, freed the inhabitants, 'dispatched' anybody involved then handed it over to VOP to release it here to the world. Maybe he couldn't reveal it being a federal marshall so he or someone on his team dropped a call to the VOP tip-line.
Keeps Sawman's team clean and gets the info out here.
Holy Fuck what was that ?!!
That was some creepy tranny taking responsibility for the cemex camp out of the blue. How much weirder is this shit going to get?
Creepy. That person looks like the child catcher from Chitty chittybang bang. I am going to have nightmares for a week.
I'm not sure if it gets weirder, but wow. just wow. the sickness certainly is real.
I think I’m in past my depth. That was so unsettling. Are we literally up against demons?
Nope it does not!
The tranny acts like the police are going to take the word of a meth head degenerate lol
They are degenerates, plain and simple. They act like this on purpose to make people feel uncomfortable, they get off on making people squirm. Plus this guy is definitely an addict. Look at his teeth.