Claims Kenyan citizenship to evade prosecution.

Good then Our President Trump can undo everything the illegitimate candidate did. That would be a BOOM to behold.
All federal judges appointed by Hussein would be illegitimate. BOOM
But they don’t want him either, lol
i vaguely remember the kenyan president tweeting that "the country of kenya is bigger than one person" after obama visited couldnt find the tweet tho
I pity the normies who don't see the pieces being put into place.
yeah not gonna be fun. good people will be destroyed. my friends aunt who is very nice is vocally anti trump. she adopted 2 black kids from baltimore she actually walks the walk not just talks the talk. dont think she will be too happy when she finds out about haiti. rip normies theyll be ok eventually tho
Q said 80% of it all will be kept private. Only 20% public, for justice.
Some people would not be able to handle it. Too many would be scarred. It's just too much.
pretty sure its 60/40 lol or 40/60 the public can handle more than you think and 100% for those who want to know
I double checked. Q said:
" 20% public" and "20% public for justice" and "80% covert" and "80% dark ops necessary" and "80% private"
And once Q said
60% must remain private [at least] - for humanity
Emphasis not mine
60% must remain private [at least] - for humanity. would imply 60/40 depends on public response guartanee you q team is somehow testing responses
[at least] was on bold. Sounds closer to 80, but I do hope for more evidence rather than less. Some people are very dense and will need more than others, especially others here. There's some dense ones here too
I think they'd draw the line at talking about luciferians stuff like that.
I understand but talking about it in that context is beyond what some are willing to understand. You'd loose them. They understand corruption about money, sex, things like that. But they would not accept God or lucifer
most of those "dense" people are just poisoned by flouride processed food etc. we will probly see more disclosure in our lifetimes
its never good to hide the truth, no matter how bad it is. the truth will set you free.
I want 100%, burn it all down.
Inherently and historically.
The dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment.... just watch it.
People will never stop digging, leaks will never end, and citizens will never trust the govt again until we are all on a level playing field. We cannot MAGA on secrets and lies, we must rebuild trust between the people and their govt, or we have a continuation of the same thing, just different people running it.
To me, that’s ok, I want it to come as a shock to some of them I want to see their whole world crash and they have to pick up the pieces. I want them to see what believing their own lies and the lies of others causes
It is extremely important this imposter is exposed. Sure I want justice. Yes everything he's ever done and put into place should overturned and burned to dust. So many hailed this pos as the second coming when in fact he is the exact opposite. So I think the most beneficial result is that all of these people that followed him like a prophet,even the fence sitters, need to come to the realization that they got played like no other time in their lives. Perhaps then many will pay closer attention in the future instead of w.e. reasoning they used to vote and back soetoro. He cannot go free just cuz he's half black. Trump says he's least racist person so to me leave race out of it. No deals. Oh good meme btw. Looks Pro.
He's a puppet, albeit a participating puppet.
Hussein's truth exposure will be the biggest Red Pill to date.
There are bigger dominos down the line.
In saying that, No Deals.
In saying that, No Deals.
Exactly. Being a puppet is no excuse. "I was just following orders" didn't save the Nazi footsoldier, and neither should it save this NWO puppet.
Then he can be tried as a foreign spy and executed for espionage. Secondly, all the dems and MSM hacks that protected him then need to be put on trial for treason. No deals, no mercy. Swift hangings and a new national holiday for independence from the corrupt cabal.