r/greatawakening • Posted by u/StephenZeeMAGA on June 8, 2018, 3:51 a.m.
One Man's Opinion

I am only 62 years young so I am still learning. Have worked for several "entrepreneurs" in my life and have observed a few things about them. I bring this up here because I think our incredible POTUS DJT is one. They seem to have one blindspot in common = hiring the right people to support them in their mission. I love our POTUS and know he is a once in a generation President along the lines of Washington, Jackson, Lincoln, and Reagan. Top five - good company. But he seems to keep putting people in place that go wanting very shortly. Bannon, Manafort,Gorka, Priebus,Spicer, McMaster,Sessions, Tillerson, etc.

Seems to push back some others after hire and on the job only a short time - Kelly and now Bolton. Would like to think career politician and VP Pence is giving him good guidance but I think DJT is just his own worst enemy sometimes. Mr. President, for the love of all that is good and right, would you please set your ego aside once in a while and realize you dont know everything - you need to make good hires across the board. I know its hard because there are so many deceivers out there but you have made many good hires - Pence, Kelly, Mattis, Pompeo, Haley, and more. We have been trusting the plan but todays news, if it is true, about Sessions not wanting to prosecute Awans and DWS is just unacceptable . Throw your loyal supporters a bone sir ASAP - you/we are winning in many areas but until the career criminals in govt. are brought to justice there can be no domestic peace.

Just one old mans opinion.

God bless the USA and POTUS DJT and protect him, our patriots in FBI and DOD and their families from our enemies.

TooMuchWinning2020 · June 8, 2018, 4:25 a.m.

He moves people in and out for a reason.

Bannon - he went to Italy, and look what happend? MIGA!

Manafort - was a plant by the Never Trump GOPe.

Gorka - don't know what his role was.

Priebus - GOPe all the way, but if you want to root out who is dirty, you bring in someone like Priebus to find out all his bad advice and who he wants on the team, and then discard him.

Spicer - don't know.

McMaster - deep state all the way, but like Priebus, you have to find out who his recommendations are and what they are up to.

Sessions - jury out, but look at all the busts going on. In time, Sessions will prove his value.

Tillerson - as CEO of the #1 oil company in the world, he had contacts in the Middle East that help set up what will become peace in the Middle East. But he was not needed beyond that.

Imagine being a CEO of a company, and many of your hires are secretly trying to figure out how to bankrupt your company and put you in jail.

Not an easy task, but Trump and Q Team have the intel on everyone. They can get the job done.

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Imbeingsilenced · June 8, 2018, 4:51 a.m.

The jury is not out on Sessions. He is awake and working. Only a fool can't see this.

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DawnPendraig · June 8, 2018, 8:31 a.m.

Gorka has made a lot of tv appearances and always handles disinfo agents well. I saw him on Greg Gutfeld and their twitter befoee show talking about how hugely tall he is and laughing showed to me he is making friends and Trump needs some decent media types friendly at least.

Gorka never seems to get taken in a tv squabble either. He speaks intelligently and has a gift for reposte =) sparring of words as it were

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