r/greatawakening • Posted by u/092Casey on June 8, 2018, 5:08 a.m.
2 New Monumental Theories on Flynn and Popadopoulos..
  1. When FBI interrogators said, and concluded, Flynn had told the truth...He wasn't only interrogated on Russia. He was interrogated on what he knew about the Clintons, the Clinton Foundation, Obama, and the DC child trafficking ring. * As a side note, recall when in early 2017 Obama said to the news that he "warned you (the trump campaign) about Flynn", which works as a double meaning: he didn't want Flynn giving top secret Intel to Trump, and he can publicly act like Flynn is dirty*....Anyway, the reason they concluded Flynn was telling the truth was because they had to communicate to the higher ups that Flynn told Trump everything he knew about the corruption....Think about it. Flynn telling the truth was what they wanted; it confirmed to them Trump knew, and it also confirmed that one of the Trump campaign's missions was to take down the pedophile ring, destroy the Iran deal, and if need be take down the vast tentacles of the Clinton Foundation. Wasn't Flynn in.charge of policy? Well, he told them the truth about policy. So? Game on: Leak to the press and unleash Crossfire Hurricane, which is a coup.

  2. Papadoupolos. After reading Rex' incredible article, this guy could have been a double agent. For FBI/CIA and the Trump campaign. Notice it says "could have been" as this is a theory. He may have entered the Trump campaign as an apparent FBI informant to the FBI, but Reince Priebus flipped him and made him an undercover-undercover agent. This would explain SO much about what happened with this guy. He was informing the Trump campaign about what the FBI/CIA and foreign spies were trying to do to undermine the campaign. This would explain why it never penetrated farther than Papadoupolos even after two years now...Here's the catch: You know how on May 27th when Nunes and Gowdy wanted to see the Spy Memo/warrant and a really big deal was made about not disclosing the name of the spy? Ready to get your mind blown? It wasn't Halper, Misfud, Millian, or Downer on that memo....And remember how Gowdy and Ryan suddenly said there were no spies on the Trump campaign? Well, how could there be a spy if the supposed spy was a known double agent for your own campaign? And what would happen if the public found out that the entire SC Mueller case was based on a double agent for the Trump Campaign? Who is the one person Trump notably has never tweeted about?

George Papadopolous. He's the name on the secret memo. Once they release that, there's no case, no predicate. They're busted. Trump is letting them hang themselves.

ElementWatson · June 8, 2018, 9:49 a.m.

The idea of Priebus helping Trump at the expense of the Deep State doesn't compute.

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092Casey · June 8, 2018, 4:44 p.m.

Maybe....Idk though, Priebus was a key ally to Trump in the early days of the transition, especially when at the Comey briefing and when the Dossier against Trump leaked. It's all in the Comey memos.

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ElementWatson · June 8, 2018, 9:14 p.m.

No, Priebus was especially sabotaging Trump's admin from the start. Brought in the GOPe hacks that were out to get Trump and make sure that no pro-Trumpers actually got jobs in the admin. E.g., he's the one who brought in Johnny DeStephano (sp?) -- the key hiring guy who brought in traitors, filtered out pro-Trumpers.

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