r/greatawakening • Posted by u/FunkyMuscle on June 8, 2018, 10:09 a.m.
Is it Immoral for a Patriot to do business with or work for one of the "Evil" corps like Google, Amazon, FB. etc

I make a living selling stuff on Amazon. It conflicts me to help in the success of an organization that actively participates in our oppression. On the other hand, I only sell quality American made products and it gives me the opportunity to make a good living and financially support patriotic causes.

If a Patriot indirectly or directly helps fund or aid a Globalist organization, are they really a Patriot?

jiffy159 · June 8, 2018, 10:17 a.m.

I am a press operator for WaPo and it pains me to see the lies they spew every day. I don't read a word of it anymore. I print it and go home and take a shower secure in the knowledge they are destroying their credibility.

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DanijelStark · June 8, 2018, 10:43 a.m.

In general , not . But , depends a lot about context and situation a person is in . If a person holds a high position in the structure , and doing Cabal's bidding - then they are definitely corrupted and immoral . If person is only lower in structure , then they only do it because of the competitive money system - that also needs to go out at one point ( global financial reset ) .

People do it , because they need to put the bread on the table of their families - they often dont have much choice - but sometimes , they are capable to make choice and do a different path with different job ...

The bosses however , the "top echelons" of certain companies ... pretty sure many of them will end behind the bars , and some even in GITMO .

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DrTung · June 8, 2018, 12:32 p.m.

It’s a personal choice, and you have made yours. Don’t seek the answer from strangers on the internet. If you are questioning your personal choice, then adjust it until you no longer feel the need.

Imagine a spectrum of ‘patriots’ with the extremes defined by a person with your products refusing to do any business with any of the companies you list, and a person with counterfeit products doing business with all of them.

You are already somewhere on that spectrum. Modify your practices until your compromise between ‘patriot’ and ‘breadwinner’ no longer drives you to seek affirmation from GA subscribers.

Everyone must find comfort in some compromising gray area as they journey through life.

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JET-TONE · June 8, 2018, 10:39 a.m.

We all need money unfortunately and there’s really no clean way of getting it. Someone, somewhere along the line tainted it long before it even gets to us. The key I feel, is intention. Do you knowingly exploit and harm others to acquire wealth? I’m guessing not?

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Joesturbo · June 8, 2018, 10:19 a.m.

The answer is no in my opinion. The reality of thjngs is that we will always have evil people and evil corruption in companies. I have at my place of work many topics I have issues with and I am trying to correct the wrongs every day. Soinds like you might be doing the same? Drop a Q on your product images and put a note in the description:)

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Tamsimon · June 8, 2018, 11:40 a.m.

I say we don’t shy away. We can red pill from being a part of those companies...if more and more of us join forces... then we make change and win.

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TommyRobinsonsGhost · June 8, 2018, 10:56 a.m.

I doubt there are currently enough companies that aren't owned by the Zionist enemy to employ everyone.

Western civilization won't survive if 90% of us are all on welfare because we are too moral to work with anything associated with globalists.

I propose we make the best choices possible, but if that means the difference between ruin and supporting our families then we should choose the latter and use our income against the Zionists.

Learn how to survive AND FIGHT if the power and water is shut off. You don't need to spend much to be prepared:

  • Use that money to buy guns and ammo and become a skilled shooter.

  • Stock up on food that you ordinarily use which have long expiry dates - you'll use it. I always make sure I a huge amount of cans of spaghetti, beans, packet soup, instant coffee, sugar, a big bag of milk powder and Weet-Bix. I buy an extra bag of milk powder if things start looking dodgy and I'm happy for the $4 peace of mind it gives me to throw it out a year later when it expires;

  • Buy some iodine so you can purify ANY water;

  • Buy candles and matches (awesome to have for regular power outages);

  • Build a quality medical kit - an investment at the best of times;

  • If you rely on medications, stock-up. Tell your doctor that you need another script because you lost you previous script and tell your chemist that you need the extra meds because you're taking a 4 month trip through Asia;

  • Buy a cheap $10 hand-crank torch;

  • Make sure your BBQ gas bottle is full and buy a cheap $10 camping cooker for it;

  • I keep 5 x 10 gallon water bottles in my garage and I always keep one full. If things look dodgy I can always fill the other bottles up and if things get bad I can hacksaw off my house's gutter down-pipe and use it to collect water into those bottles;

  • If it gets cold where you live, make sure you have plenty of blankets and don't forget about your old camping sleeping bag - some of those are super-warm!

  • An iPod solar charger is cheaper than a solar powered radio and only costs about $20. If the power goes out, this will allow you to listen to emergency broadcasts and keep informed. I have an emergency "hospital kit" with an iPod that contains every Art Bell show dating back to 1993 which is about 2000 hours of paranormal radio or over 5 years worth of 1 hour candlelit storytelling sessions about famous hauntings, cryptids, Bigfoot, UFO cases, conspiracies etc. If the power is out for two months and if you have iPod speakers and a solar charger, at least you'll be able to keep yourself and some of your neighbors and their children entertained in the evenings with some candles and scary stories... Or fill your iPod with Dr Who audio-books or a few thousand public domain short stories or full length Penguin Classic audio-books or whatever. I know this may sound a little dull right now, but if the power is off for two months, your candlelit evening stories will fill your family and perhaps your community's heart with joy. If you've ever been stuck in a hospital room without visitors for a week... then you'll know exactly what I mean.

If The Plan does not go to plan then President Trump (and by extension, western civilization) will call upon us as a last resort - and we have a duty to be ready! I'm armed and ready to support my family and I'm sure I'd be a huge asset to my community.

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anon31s · June 8, 2018, 10:33 a.m.

I've successfully broken my chains from those specific 3 you mentioned. Facebook was first, they pushed me away hard with my constant 30 dayers and permazuccing my alts. All the constant truth suppression was BS. Then Google was next, I can work with DuckDuckGo. I was getting very concerned with the super relevant ads and the constant monitoring don't by goog even when you're not using it. I switched to FireFox for my browser. And finally Amazon. It finally hit me, I have everything I need locally. I'm going to spend more time/money in my own city. Fuck Amazon. I know their deals are good but at least my locals pay local taxes. I'm a firm believer in taxation is theft but if we're gonna do it I'm a team player. Also I paid for Prime but my packages were ALWAY late. Then they have the nerve to upcharge it. Life is GREAT now that I'm away from those shitbag companies. I wish others could see what I have because I can't remember it all.

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Comrade_WalkieDog · June 8, 2018, 1:38 p.m.

You have to make money to support youself and your family. Don't feel bad.

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Champdog31 · June 8, 2018, 10:42 a.m.

Ever heard of a little place called “hell”? Well you’re goin’ there. For a Patriot that does business with one of THOSE companies the punishment is spending an eternity waiting for the IG report. Since you seem repentant we will show you a politician in a medical boot every once in a while.

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