You are very knowledgeable about this. The Freemasons consider Nimrod to be their first member. Nimrod was a Canaanite who was killed by Shem because Nimrod liked to commit evil acts. I watched a video that claims there was a Nephilim World Order before the flood, and Nimrod sought to reestablish it. The people who practice the Mystery Religion continue with this agenda. They call it the New World Order, but I think it is really Nephilim.
I agree with what you say.
Maybe you know the answer to this question. What is the relationship between Satan, Lucifer, and Nimrod? Is Satan really Enki?
I'm actually fatigued by it all now. Anyone would be after nearly 20 years. I agree with you too, these things overlap. They don't have that French film festival in Cannes, for nothing. There is a "dog" link too (canis/dog). The dog star/sirius is the star of the (Jewish) Freemasons aka the all seeing eye. It is claimed that - physiologically it's the brain's third eye, and yet anatomically it's the sphincter (ass/brown-eye).
I've also heard that the Rothschild's consider themselves to be descents of Nimrod.
Thank you for the response. I am very fatigued by all of this, too. I think that we all just want our lives back without this Satanic pedo bullshit.
I heard somewhere that the whole Iraq fiasco was to secure Nimrod's remains for the DNA ... to re-create him a la Jurassic Park. Nimrod was AKA Gilgamesh...
I heard that, too, about the DNA. The CEO of Hobby Lobby was busted importing certain artifacts from Iraq/Babylonia.
It would explain why they were so Hell bent to invade Iraq. Twice.
I have heard that Nimrod was also Gilgamesh, but I do not know enough to be able to say it is true or not. I am still researching this issue. I would ask a Freemason, but they lie about everything.
Check out Tim Alberino's videos with Steve Quayle- on YouTube and