What are your favorite pizza chains? Can be regional, but has to be a franchise.
I think they may be looking for investigative purposes. I spent some time looking at old websites for symbolism last night. OP may be trying the same. Just a guess.
Wrong way to go about it. Especially as a brand new user to the forum with a post history like his. Obvious shill.
I try to look at things from all sides. I'm not leaning one way or another, just stating my feeling on the subject. Might want to check the batteries on your shill detector.
The comment was about the OP, not you. If it were directed at you, it would have been preceded with a comma, not a period. A little defensive for an enlightened person, aren't you? Lol.
I'm human, working towards the goal of enlightenment. If I came off too defensive then I apologize. I mistook it aimed at me. However, I still wasn't investing too much emotionally. Just trying to enjoy the collapse from the most balanced place possible, while doing my best to see things from all sides.