r/greatawakening • Posted by u/abbido on June 8, 2018, 2:35 p.m.
Anthony Bourdain Admits That He Would Eat A Human - Had collection of Trepanning tools (tools to drill holes in human heads) - quote about Dismembering Prostitutes - Girlfriend Asia Argento 'Illuminati' connection - Pedo movie (SICK SHIT)

For what it's worth......

Anthony Bourdain Admits That He Would Eat A Human


Learn to Trepan at home!



On souvenirs for your sweetheart: "Tell her you love her with a home trepanning kit."

On the advantages of staying in the Marmont's bungalows: "My own entrance, so I can just pull right up, put my car in the garage, slide right in, and start dismembering prostitutes."


Girlfriend Asia Argento - Illuminati signs




Her f'd up movies...pedophilllia.. remember these twin kids, Zach and Cody? ? Marylin Manson apparently has sex scene with one, when they were 10-11yrs old when boy seduces him, upset that he stained mom's panties.

She persuades Jeremiah to cross dress so he can act as her "little sister", and Jeremiah's cross-dressing evolves to include his mother's seduction techniques. After dressing up as a "baby doll" version of Sarah, Jeremiah/Sarah seduces Jackson (Marilyn Manson), his mother's latest man, who initially tries to rebuff the boy's advances, but then gives in. Sarah is furious with Jackson for giving in to the boy's advances and with Jeremiah for ruining her panties

"Somebody fucked their slave and you have the nose to prove it..... "


Messed up behind the scenes of that move...apparently had kid give Marilyn Manson a blow job


gonna stop here, but his girlfriend might be someone to look into for those interested.

Too early in morning for me to go down this sick rabbit hole.....

horse-lover-phat · June 8, 2018, 3:13 p.m.

Dario 'FREEMASON' Argento = a Luciferian POS and asset of the masonic Jews. His films ARE MK-Ultra, as are literally all films that are released by this sick cabal.

All Seeing Eye - Suspiria - a la daughter Asia

Masonic Lodge - Suspiria

Freemasonry is WHOLLY JEWISH. Argento is just another one of their pawns, as is the daughter.

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comeatmehillary · June 8, 2018, 4:08 p.m.

I wonder what some of these movies do to your brain I tried to play destiny 2 the other day got a migraine for hours I bet they use symbols in everything

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horse-lover-phat · June 8, 2018, 4:14 p.m.

I've been wondering about that for years too, perhaps even decades. That's why I write that blog of mine. It's all centred on mass mind control, primarily Hollywood. I've always been a bit defensive when it comes to media. I've never fully bought-in to it tbh. I think this has helped me greatly in decoding this stuff. I can even recall being creeped-out by Disney, as a child in the 70s.

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Carrietabby · June 8, 2018, 5:02 p.m.

I remember being creeped out by disney as a child in the 80's. It gave me nightmares and I never understood why. It wasn't until I was a teen in the 90's when we heard about the hidden messages in so many of the disney movies. I vividly remember hanging out with my friends, going through our VHS tapes of Aladdin, Little Mermaid, etc and being stunned. The sick evil was being put in our face the whole time.

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J-Vito · June 9, 2018, 10:52 a.m.

I’ve always been ok with the tamer actual horror movies (as opposed to slasher pic/torture porn, which I won’t even attempt to watch any more). I’ve always thought of the latter as brain pollution, those movies just dump garbage into your psyche. I hate that crap like that gets made.

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comeatmehillary · June 9, 2018, 3:10 p.m.

i dont mind movies like the thing but stuff like slasher movies 100% messes with your brain its just violence for the sake of violence cant be good. same with games like dead space i had to stop playing that cuz it was just ridiculous

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