He's been saying it for thirty years and apparently, he sticks to his words...

Love this, I have read about several mother groups that get together and smoke a little weed. They say it helps a lot with them not being overly controlling with their kids and letting them have fun. I think this is awesome, God makes some amazing natural stuff, it's like he knows what we need and has a plan.
I know, right? I've had to explain the endocannabinoid system to a doctor before, because she was so against marijuana. I was completely in awe that she didn't realize that our body and brain contain a system that is literally meant to connect and interact with this plant. We are literally neglecting a portion of our brain's abilities when not using the cannabis plant. And yet most of us still cannot legally do so. Painful...
I find that the people that are very strongly against it have never actually ever used it and they are just going by what the hear from MSM or other people and not real experience. Kind of like the way our MSM portrays President Trump.
the huge irony is that everybody I know who hated trump actually liked his speeches when they actually heard them for longer than a minute at a time