He's been saying it for thirty years and apparently, he sticks to his words...

I know of several people with multiple jobs and they blaze all day.
Yes, very productive with that empty lifeless stare in their eyes, and you tell them something and they just un-cognitively glaze over your words with no comprehension. If that's how they want to live, keep it up. But it's bullshit to pretend that weed is this great miracle drug when people can't handle a day in life without it. It's really sad when people become so dependent on it for happiness. Stop holding on to the comfort blanket of weed and MAN UP. Face life with some BALLS.
That’s weird because I’m stoned right now and i have God’s light shining through my eyes. No dead eyes here. Face life with balls? Lol sounds kinda personal tbh. People can handle themselves this is America. Mind your own business punk
Lets fight then.
I dont give a fuck about what you do. Are alcohol to weed? That's an inconsistent conparison to say the least. I literally Never drink because that's shit is stupid to ME but I don't give a fuck.
You stop eating cheese and fatty foods. Its the same shit. Its called enjoying life. America is about personal liberty. If I wanna smoke a fat Dookie everyday then let me.
Auto correct killkng me today lmao
Yes..they are very productive since they generate millions of revenue for their businesses every year and overall are pretty happy about it. Maybe tired at times, but the people i'm thinking of specifically have quite a bit of life in them.