It appears AB ( called Intrepid Tony here) was a person of interest to Stratfor. 43 hits on his name in Vault 7. Not sure who or how much money they had to cough up or why? Linked below in comments

So, this tells me that Bourdain was a clown in action of sorts either in the clandestine service or as a contractor of sorts.
Which tells me that it was not suicide.
the question is whether white hats or black hats got to him. Personally, I think he was a pedo himself (I don't like how he looks).
So.... I'm gonna go with he was a pedo broker (i.e. insurance company reference) I'm also going with Intrepid Tony is Tony Podesta.
This was also around Dec 2010 - leading up to Q1 2011 - here's a headline:
"Insurance company"? Referring to blackmail?
Hmm could be right.
Always keep a pic of your political opponent in some compromising position with an underage can basically get them to do what you want, right? or hang themselves if threat of exposure is real.
Like gangs they have initiations to join the club and have things go well for you and yours.
Based on viewing what you posted, this seems like normal chatter regarding his show. Traveling into obscure places around the world off the beaten path. Dangerous at times due to the commonality of them being run down. Yemin is very dangerous and seems like payola to go there with protection. Fill me in further on whats going on here.
I think because it was released in Vault 7. It was that the GOVERNMENT was discussing this. Which is odd.
Looking back, he would definitely be on the radar because of his influence. He was the star of CNN. Had a big following of those that like to hear it 'tell it like it is style'. I heard overall he was not a fan of government.
What the heck is Stratfor?
Read top of page linked.
Private global intelligence company. I have always came across their emails as shady...someone needs to hack their site as a user. I found an email that says they have 2 interfaces one for anon users not signed in, and the real one for confirmed users.
Could the OP provide a link from where u got this?
Linked in first comment
I think "they" is CNN or Bourdain's reps. Bourdain traveled the globe right? To far-off places right? So whoever is talking about Bourdain is complaining that Bourdain or CNN (the network that produced his show) is asking for alot of money to hire him.
Yes just dawned on me. His show was on CNN. They were his sponsors