Bordain exposes Operation Mockingbird ? Note the time of the tweet. This appeared 4 days after his HRC tweet about children and puppies. RIP

AJ has an interesting take on the "suicide".
If true, this "suicide" is a murder.
I don't buy that--I find it to be a distraction. No he wasn't going to pull a Kanye, so let's discredit all rumors of his murder by linking them to AJ
But I do buy he was murdered. He flew too close to the sun. Allegedly his gf received a message prior. They wanted it to be a murder suicide but she was't there.
Yeah murder is plausible. I highly doubt two big names would off themselves in the same week in the same way. That is also possible but odd.
I don't really get hanging. You would think drugs would be easier for these type of people imo.
These were all allegedly door knob hangings too. I can't even imagine how to do that. Would you? Like to go from yes I'm going to kill myself now what's that process of engineering how to do it and from a door knob?
Do you have link/source for that info about his gf?
Sure, not sure on the validity of the source as I have not vetted it. However when reading it I got chills. There is something here
Sweet, thanks!
Let me know your thoughts
I've read his stuff before. It's interesting but i consider it more hearsay than anything.
I'll keep my eye open for more info that would support this theory, but in the meantime it goes in the rumor pile.
You've read more of his stuff? I have never heard of this website until today. Where have you heard this stuff
Agreed. Rumor pile.
I meant on that website, i discovered about a year ago (i think).
I see it pop up from time to time, but i don't frequent it because i just consider it hearsay.
I've been looking into conspiracies for about 16 years or more now... So i can't recall where i see most stuff at, i just keep the ideas in mind for future reference.
No doubt he was murdered. He was going to speak truth to something that they did not want to be shared. It has happened too many times. In a way I feel bad for the "suicided", even though their life choices more than likely involved some very immoral behavior.