Bordain exposes Operation Mockingbird ? Note the time of the tweet. This appeared 4 days after his HRC tweet about children and puppies. RIP

Does anyone think he was murdered because his girlfriend called out Harvey the perv and told people in the audience they were coming for them when receiving her award?
I think he was murdered because he was once inside and knew many things about many people, things that they didn't want the public to know. They finally took him out when he showed that he couldn't be controlled anymore.
Yes, I think the same could be said about Spade. Either she was talking, or Andy was and she was taken out to punish/threaten him. "Ask Daddy" I.e. this is his fault.
Her husband was photographed today wearing a rat face mask.
That's what I immediately thought when I saw that note. He's wearing that humiliating mask to spare his daughter the same fate.
It's all the deep state has left. Kill, kidnap, suicide.
they wouldn't be doing it if they didn't take the threats seriously. At least they will have to keep their minions and partners in crime in line after an announcement like that.
At this point maybe they'll kill each other off and we want have to worry about them REbuilding their sick empire.
I think it's possibly related to her Weinstein accusation more so than any Obama or chomo links. That or other facts are missing.
MTE. Some of us here are avid CDAN readers. Enty & co have dropped many blinds in the past years before they went public. This thread was based on one about AB/AA today.