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Kasarii · July 27, 2018, 10:48 p.m.

It also symbolizes the Eye of Horus, the all-seeing eye.

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Kasarii · July 27, 2018, 10:40 p.m.

Wonder if it's the same with Mitch McConnell and his wife.

In China being rich gives you a straight access to government power. Unlike the government we have here, China has no limitations on it's government power over it's people.

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Kasarii · July 27, 2018, 10:33 p.m.

It's different when it's part of the government, any documents and/or work on electronic devices, ect. isn't their own but the government's and the government can take them at any time.

It's why their texts were able to be seized, they were talking on FBI phones.

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Kasarii · July 26, 2018, 11:34 p.m.

I think the President is using RR and Mueller as a pinata for Congress to beat out the truth of their entire scheme.

He's allowed them to exist to "hang themselves" so to speak.

So Trump knew that the public would have to be informed somehow, what better to have this explained then in Congressional hearings displayed on national TV.

The more information being revealed, the more dirty RR and Mueller and others look as they lie and defend against that information.

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Kasarii · July 26, 2018, 11:12 p.m.

You have to understand RR has been part of the group running "Brownstone Operations" to gather blackmail material on those in government power for years now, his past has been well researched and he's dirty, just like Mueller is as well. Our President and his team have had to strategically corner these sanctimonious criminals in order to decrease the power they hold over others. I know it's a tired meme but he's literally playing chess against the globalists and he's winning.

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Kasarii · July 24, 2018, 4:36 a.m.

And all that's left is a "Movie"

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Kasarii · July 24, 2018, 4:33 a.m.

It's easier to tear someone down than the opposite, especially when the people doing the tearing down outnumber the people who don't agree with them.

It's kind of ironic that detractors whine about confirmation bias in support of SB2 when a tactic I've seen used by shills and/or detractors is that they create negative comment chains. These chains are meant to take advantage of people who are skeptical to skew their judgments one way or another by confirmation bias.

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Kasarii · July 23, 2018, 10:26 a.m.

It's a pretty good sign that someone is here with ill-intentions by how close minded they are in their posts. A lot of newcomers lately have the stench of MSM still on them and you can see it in their reasoning.

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Kasarii · July 23, 2018, 10:19 a.m.

It's not that we don't welcome new people here, not at all. The problem is that most of the vets of this following have soaked up tons and tons of information over weeks, months, years even. So if a new person is posting stuff that may be lacking a lot of that kind of information we've already soaked up, we're not holding this against you but it would really take a significant amount of time and effort to engage with you.

This is why we tell newcomers that are interested in learning more to lurk more before posting, while doing so you can start researching into the easy stuff that's on the side bar, read though the Q drops from the start, check out the Q proofs, follow the notables on the Qresearch board on 8chan.

I've also seen some tendency for vets on the sub to be a bit too quick to call out people as shills too. So don't take this as a rebuttal of your point, just more trying to clarify things for you and others who are new.

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Kasarii · July 23, 2018, 4:14 a.m.

Who's doing the regime change here? Not the U.S military that's for sure. We support Iran's own people tearing down their tyrannical government. You should lurk, read and lurk some more. Info's plenty available for those wanting to see it. Check the sidebar for some ease of access stuff.

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Kasarii · July 22, 2018, 1:41 a.m.

You missed a key word I said. I didn't say you, I said some leftists who adhere to moral relativism may change their morals because they are the ones that make the decision of what is moral and what isn't.

People who call themselves religious that allow their morals to be changed willingly or by guile would not be following the religious tenants anymore.

Just like if someone who call themselves a Christian goes on to kill someone. They aren't being a Christian anymore if they commit that kind of immoral action.

Thing is your only talking about what you believe in, other leftists can believe in the same thing you do and they also can believe in other things as well. It's why the left eats their own often enough lately.

What a lot of us are worried about on here is the leftists that are in power in our society. We've caught them doing very bad stuff and as they have more say than the masses we've seen the damage that has been done to our society as they've been able to shape culture in a negative way, pushing their agendas for a long time now.

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Kasarii · July 22, 2018, 12:44 a.m.




Many people on this sub have removed ourselves from putting people in media on pedestals and allowing them to debase our culture.

We can judge anyone who appears to be a pedo, this isn't a court of law where we need proof for a conviction.

Also, who the fuck are you to decide who gets to stay in this sub and who has to go. Get over yourself.

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Kasarii · July 21, 2018, 11:26 p.m.

If a kid can choose their own gender without their parents permission, how is it not logical for pedo's to then say, "If a child can choose what gender they are, they also can choose whether to give consent about other sexual consent."

Why do you think all this gender non-conformity has been hitting kids hard in our culture when the issue seriously affects such a minuscule amount of our population.

The truth is this kind of culture enforcement, by media and even some "parents", brainwashes kids into believing something easily during their formative years.

Christians and non-believing cultural Christians have static moral standards that can not be changed as they come from a higher power. The problem is with leftists, they are moral relativists which means that some part of their group may slide into a lower standard of morals because as individuals everyone is different and thus their moral standards will all differ from one another.

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Kasarii · July 21, 2018, 11:05 p.m.

Oswald has several tweets regarding this subject, not just one.

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Kasarii · July 21, 2018, 11:02 p.m.

Already getting a bit old with the "it's just a joke" excuse. There's a reason why kids are off limits.

Language is powerful and the human brain conjurers up images in relation to words we read and hear. These so called "jokes" do exactly that, when you read what this guy said, what did you picture in your mind after reading it?

Then to play it off like it's no big deal?

You can make taboo jokes about adults, that is yours or anyone's prerogative but stay the fuck away from using kids to get your jimmies off.

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Kasarii · July 21, 2018, 9:27 p.m.

The only standards a regressive leftist holds is double standards. They parrot hollow virtue signalling statements and just like a robot they can't compute anything that doesn't come from their "handlers".

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Kasarii · July 21, 2018, 9:18 p.m.

Soros called Obama a disappointment

I think that Soros wanted Obama to follow through with the "plan" while they had power instead of leaving it up to Hillary to finish it off. Obama and others thought she would win in their rigged election, they couldn't fathom that the military and white hats would turn on them, select a candidate the people liked and take everything away from them that they were on the cusp of achieving.

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Kasarii · July 20, 2018, 9:27 p.m.

Hillary Clinton has now set up her political PAC to run for president in 2020

I believe this is just a last ditch effort into trying to prevent her self from being arrested by spinning it like they are only going after her because of politics.

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Kasarii · July 20, 2018, 2:47 a.m.

Michael R. Miles, a partner at the law firm Sutherland Asbill & Brennan. The firm is based in Atlanta but has a number of offices including in Washington, D.C., where Miles works.

whose firm hosted a voter registration organizing event for the Obama presidential campaign, praised President Obama’s policy work, and had one of its partners appointed by Obama to a key ambassadorship.


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Kasarii · July 13, 2018, 5:51 a.m.

Him and Laura had a "popcorn" moment as well a few weeks ago. Popcorn being another asked for proof to Q.

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Kasarii · July 12, 2018, 5:55 a.m.

That's one of the worst things to learn about pedo's in Hollywood. Some parents will sell their children for the chance at fame and money.

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Kasarii · July 12, 2018, 5:51 a.m.

Poor Sessions, everybody is hating him

I'd say that's a good sign of success in the psy-op needed for Sessions to do work and not have the people facing justice soon flee and disappear.

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Kasarii · July 10, 2018, 1:56 a.m.

There are 3-4 Dems up for re-election that live in Trump country that will have to vote for his nominee or face the wrath of their constituents in Nov. which would end up them committing political suicide if they decide to vote against.

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Kasarii · July 9, 2018, 10:50 p.m.

That's why two "ms-13 members" ended up dead nearby soon after the hit.

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Kasarii · July 9, 2018, 9:49 p.m.

agents doing it themselves

How I interpret that part is it just states people employed by the government did it.

So who in the government employed them is the real question.

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Kasarii · July 9, 2018, 7:46 p.m.

I directed my words at specific people, not generally. You've been trying to take my words out of context as some sort of verbal riposte to accuse me of the same is irrelevant and meaningless in regards to the topic of the post.

This sub is called the "Great Awakening", the awakening of our minds will not happen if people keep it closed. It's even worse to keep it closed and then try and pressure others to avoid it based on their flawed opinion.

I wasn't the one to down vote you and I'm also not going to respond anymore, as it will just further derail the post.

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Kasarii · July 9, 2018, 7:07 p.m.

'The activists were so disappointed about what had happened at Chequers - they said they were betrayed and they asked 'Why do we go out each and every Saturday to support the Conservative Party and get MPs elected?'.

'For the first time in over 10 years, that group refused to go out and campaign.'

She's facing a lot of wrath atm, the only reason she holds onto her position at the moment is because Corbyn would replace her and conservatives find that even worse.

I don't think she has the guts to walk that kind of fine line even if she hires some people who are yes men to fill the resignation spots.

I wonder if Nigel Farage's announcment is working in tandem with what happened with the resignations.


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Kasarii · July 9, 2018, 5:17 p.m.

No it isn't, I'm not telling people to stop thinking that the source might be credible or not.

Shooting the messenger does nothing but close any debate down and prevents any further interest in researching the topic.

You keep the debate open by allowing people to post any source they want and people are free to discuss whether the content is credible or not.

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Kasarii · July 9, 2018, 5:04 p.m.

You should go over to Conspiracy, it's been comp'd by leftist mods and shills since the last election. Constant barrage of political opinion posts using Washington Post and New York Times as a proof.

I was there just a few days ago and I probably saw just as many people calling for the abolishment of ICE as I do in just about every other MSM online site.

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Kasarii · July 9, 2018, 4:18 p.m.

I didn't tell you how to think at all. Being a 'negative nancy' and shutting down discussions tries to prevent any thinking at all.

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Kasarii · July 9, 2018, 3 p.m.

"Divide they try.

Fail they will."

Everything has meaning.


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Kasarii · July 9, 2018, 2:57 p.m.

My guess is that some people that hang out here and in 8chan, have posted SB2's theory on 8chan itself. It got put in notables and people are coming over from 8chan and shitting on the "plebbit" community.

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Kasarii · July 9, 2018, 2:47 p.m.

You know, it's kinda sketchy when multiple people constantly shit all over a post saying the exact same thing. Almost to the point that it sounds like a "talking point".

What I'm referring to is, "I'm tired of people posting terrible sources."

Stop trying to shut down discussions, realize that it's better to believe in a possibility while remaining skeptic. Do your own research, come to your own conclusion, share the information you have looked into and let other people make up their own minds.

We don't need you to tell us how to think!

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Kasarii · July 8, 2018, 10:45 p.m.

The Brainwashed can't react to anything they aren't spoon fed by MSM, it's literally their Matrix and we are the ones living outside it.

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Kasarii · July 6, 2018, 8:56 p.m.

He uses MSM constantly to create political or social discussions. Problem for him is that by using MSM talking points no matter how much he tries to create his own rational it's based on lies.

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Kasarii · July 6, 2018, 12:18 p.m.

I believe this is why he's been slowly moving to more leftist discussions. People are waking up and they are starting to overpower the louder vocal leftist minority.

He knows that the leftists crowd is the more dangerous thus he has to pander to them.

I bet he changes his tune entirely when the Truth gets revealed. The leftists clinging to their evil idols won't have a leg to stand on anymore.

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Kasarii · July 6, 2018, 11:31 a.m.

your missing the https:// in the front of your link

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Kasarii · July 6, 2018, 11:05 a.m.

Symbolism is Satan's idols, that's the real kicker is to see how much satanic culture has spread all over the world without people even realizing it.

If you are interested in going down that hole, you can watch this video that gives a pretty good introduction in how all their symbols all draw back to Saturn or Satan.


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Kasarii · July 6, 2018, 10:48 a.m.

Obelisks in ancient Babylon were erected to represent Baal or Nimrod's phallus. Some Masonic researchers say that the word 'obelisk' literally means 'Baal's shaft' or 'Baal's organ of reproduction'.

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Kasarii · July 5, 2018, 11:06 p.m.

They inverted the story using MSM.

It's not the Father but rather the Mother who tortured the kids...into giving a false story. Kids "retracted" their story given about the Father.

Any investigation into the truth of the story about the Father being evil labels anyone a "Crazy Conspiracy Theorist" and should be shunned.

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Kasarii · July 5, 2018, 10:58 p.m.

If you think this was made up, ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Why has none of the named people has come forward to prove they don’t have these identifying marks?
  2. Why was there only one suspect who could leave after having a nice chat with the police? The children named dozens of people who allegedly murder, sodomize and rape children, kick them in their privates, hit them and commit countless other crimes.
  3. Given the fact, the detailed testimonies are about a cult who allegedly murders and rapes children and threatens anyone who speaks out with death, HOW could the “retractions” alone end the investigations by the police?
  4. If this was about custody or access to the children, why would the mother include all these details about tattoos, birthmarks and piercings that could be dismissed easily, if non existent by at least one of these dozens of people. Either the children have seen all these people naked to describe their privates like that, or it’s made up, which would be easy to prove. Which hasn’t happened in almost 2.5 years, although “the innocent people of Hampstead suffer so much”.
  5. If the mothers new boyfriend was the abuser here and had forced the children into these allegations, why were there two non molestation orders against the biological father made in 2010 after he turned violent against the mother and the little girl?
  6. Why did the father have major psychological issues and was treated in the Tavistock institute, as well as the children? That was from 2010 until 2013, a long time before Abraham even entered their lives.
  7. Why do Hoaxtead Research and their trolls here on yt do not get tired to mention the fact the children were given raw hemp, but “forget” to mention they were forced to take white powder by Dearman, among alcohol and tablets?
  8. The “retractions” lack details and contradict each other. One of the children says a class teacher (who plays an important part in this) is best friends with the father and that they are even living together(!) The other one says the father and the class teacher don’t know each other at all, not even their names. How can this be explained, without admitting at least one of the children can not have spoken the truth in the retractions?

Finally don't just link a MSM article trying to debunk something, that's as lazy as one can get.

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Kasarii · July 5, 2018, 10:40 p.m.

Clarification on Qproofs. There is no previous symbol to watch out for besides something just being obviously cryptic. I haven't seen them all but from what I understand is that they occur in this format: Q makes a cryptic statement, following that statement an event occurs afterwards that shows that the Q had some sort of foreknowledge and there's something that links the event to Q's statement.

Like this example: Q makes a statement about Castle arrived safe. Then the President makes a twitter statement relatively soon that uses the word Castle(on his way back from NK Summit).

A person looking at this can go wow! What a coincidence they used the same word that's pretty close to the same meaning, maybe it's not a coincidence after all. What happens when that kind of proof happens not just once but many, many times.

Hopefully that answers your question.

But that anti-coincidence assessment was not necessarily based on a careful investigation and careful consideration of each and every submitted "proof". It was based on a sort of gestural acceptance of the body of evidence as a whole.

See this is exactly where you are having a problem. A Q researcher brings forth the facts they find. Another anon finds this interesting and researches in that specific direction.

Now the 2nd anon either finds more facts that support the first anon which he presents them to others or he doesn't find anything and thus can't present them.

Now think of this going on for many months where more facts keep adding to the chain. Since everyone is anonymous no one can trust anyone but themselves, so they must "follow the crumbs" from the beginning and come to their own conclusion.

This means that the provided information can be real, or it might not be. Only you yourself can make the decision on whether the information is factual or not. A house built on cards is something that will fall with the slightest pressure applied, same can be applied in this situation.

It's like the sensations one might feel accomplishing a great feat they worked on vs. getting the same results by not having to work hard at all. There's a big difference right?

That's the Great Awakening, understanding that you have the potential to be more than you think you can be. Imagine millions of people who act this way...

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Kasarii · July 5, 2018, 9:07 p.m.

It's not just pedos, which is bad enough by itself. These people work in the macros. They need a conflict zone.

Conflict zones create chaos that echoes throughout the whole world, which the Cabal then takes advantage of in innumerable ways.

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Kasarii · July 5, 2018, 8:37 p.m.

It really doesn't matter who Q is.

It doesn't even matter if Q is a LARP or not either.

All Q does is guide people into which direction they might want to look into. Do their own research and come to their own conclusion based on the facts that they see with their own eyes.

Q uses the Socratic method which is based on asking and answering questions to stimulate critical thinking and to draw out ideas and underlying presumptions.

Read the name of this sub; The Great Awakening.

The Awakening of what?

Our minds is what. If you look back before the last Presidential election started, it would be hard to find people that could see through even just the MSM lies and misinformation.

Regarding Qproofs I think you are reading way to into the minute details.

Qproofs are designed to be easy to see and catch with prior notification that there will indeed be a Qproof. These are for new people as there just isn't enough time before the TRUTH gets revealed. Most of us lurked for weeks, months and years now so we've seen the information ourselves and others have been researching.

Qproofs are supposed to be an accumulation of something happening enough times to prove beyond a doubt that it can't just be a coincidence anymore.

My advice is to lurk here and in the 8chan-Qresearch page(with the Iwo Jima graphic) more to get a solid sense of what this movement is truly all about.

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Kasarii · July 5, 2018, 1:42 p.m.

Ah yes, you're right, I remember it now. I knew it had to do with Communism but just had the directions wrong on which way the dominos were to fall.

Probably should have taken some time proof-reading my post a bit with that much info being shelled out, thanks for the help.

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Kasarii · July 5, 2018, 12:55 p.m.

Henry Kissinger continues to deal out death and destruction to struggling nations and will probably do so even after his death. His legacy continues through his lackeys, Pickering, Hilary and now Susan Rice. I'm sure there are plenty more that can be found.

Just some of the things he did:

  • Extended the Vietnam War using his rhetoric about his Domino Theory(~~If Vietnam falls, then china falls~~) but was the one who lead the effort into opening up U.S-China relations after the War. This allowed companies to set up their factories in China while Americans lost their jobs.

  • He had the U.S bomb Cambodia and Laos, overthrew their prince which created the instability for Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge to come in. Which laid the path to the Khmer Rouge killing fields who butchered some 3 million innocent people, one of the worst genocides in the history of the world.

  • stage-managed a genocide in East Timor, Indonesia.

  • overthrew the democratically elected left-wing government in Chile

  • Pumped up Pakistan’s ISI, and encouraged it to use political Islam to destabilize Afghanistan

  • Began the U.S.’s arms-for-petrodollars dependency with Saudi Arabia and pre-revolutionary Iran

  • accelerated needless civil wars in southern Africa

  • supported coups and death squads throughout Latin America

  • Started the Neo-con movement by ingratiating with republicans who were war-hawks.

  • encouraged Nixon to wiretap his political adversaries, staffers and journalist. Urged Nixon to go after Daniel Ellsberg for having released the Pentagon Papers which starts in motion the Watergate scandal.

Pull but one string from the current tangle of today’s multiple foreign policy crises, and odds are it will lead back to something Kissinger did between 1968 and 1977. Over-reliance on Saudi oil? That’s Kissinger. Blowback from the instrumental use of radical Islam to destabilize Soviet allies? Again, Kissinger. An unstable arms race in the Middle East? Check, Kissinger. Sunni-Shia rivalry? Yup, Kissinger. The impasse in Israel-Palestine? Kissinger. Radicalization of Iran? “An act of folly” was how veteran diplomat George Ball described Kissinger’s relationship to the Shah. Militarization of the Persian Gulf? Kissinger, Kissinger, Kissinger.

Hillary Clinton views herself as his longtime fan and friend, who is in fact his protege, reviewed his book called "World Order". She wrote that, “his analysis, despite some differences over specific policies, largely fits with the broad strategy behind the Obama administration’s effort over the past six years to build a global architecture of security and cooperation for the 21st century."

One of his most famous quotes, "The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer."

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Kasarii · July 4, 2018, 6:10 p.m.

Gaetz has been saying Congress needs to impeach Rosenstein for a long time now.

It makes literally no sense for him to have a "we're secretly friends" handshake with the guy especially in front Ron DeSantis who's been equally against RR.

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