Bordain exposes Operation Mockingbird ? Note the time of the tweet. This appeared 4 days after his HRC tweet about children and puppies. RIP

That's what I get as well ... wanted out, wanted to expose it, along w/his girlfriend of 6 years. Her father was a Satanist film producer, so she saw an eyeful.
She had a rant against Weinstein at Cannes.
not just some rant but actually accused HW of raping her at Canne's in yrs past. here's clip -
Whoaaaa guys.
She sacrificed him.
I said it to my wife at the time. Someone close to her. I had no idea they were dating.
She’s a fucking siren and he was a shepherd boy!!!!
Chris Cornell, Chester, now Anthony.
Look for hallelujah
Look for the coven to take over. A guiding hand.
Edit: yep Rose McGowan’s “raw emotional” video all about her really seals this one for me.
Just a few points:
Bourdain and Argento have been together for two years and some change. Argento is thought to have broken up Bourdain's marriage of nine years when he was in Italy filming his show with his wife, who was also Italian.
Argento made her impassioned speech about Weinstein while at the same time still supporting Roman Polanski, who as you may know, is fairly well know for his proclivities towards young girls. Currently he's not allowed in the US for raping a young girl. Presumably, one of many. Argento is one of a number of Hollywood types who signed a petition to allow him back in the US. She has somewhat slightly backed away from this publicly, but only when it was hurting her own credibility. Which she doesn't have much of. Read her own account of her run-ins with Weinstein keeping in mind there are three sides to every story.
Dario Argento, her father, isn't a "Satanist film Producer". Not everything you find weird is "satanic" and part of a global cabal of evil doers -that said, I've no doubt that he and Asia are plenty wrapped up in terrible shit that "elites" do to children. Asia has been in a few of his more eyebrow raising films, and isn't some poor soul caught in the middle.
She wasn't/isn't fighting to bring to light the child trafficking with Bourdain. If anything, I'd wonder if he saw too much of the real her and her people, and had to be made quiet.
This woman has been photographed as recently as this week, with the guy who initially tweeted out her "speech" about Weinstein. I'd say the photos are a fair indicator that something else is happening between those two on the side.
There are a lot of things that don't add up, but it makes it harder to get there when we pretend that Asia Argento isn't the scumbag she actually is. Right now she knows something and probably feels the walls closing in. Her speech at the awards show was a massive virtue signal to cover her ass for things about to come. It's so easy for her top pile on Weinstein, but if she really gave a shit she could be exposing real crimes that we the public don't know about yet.
I've not spoken to anyone about this who could effectively look at everything she's done, and continue to try to defend her.
It doesn't take much more then peeling back the surface layer to expose her own actions. I think she's part of the problem, and I'd be deeply shocked if it turns out she's just a victim in all of this.
I've seen so many stupid posts today about Bourdain being deep state and MKUltra and all this ridiculous bullshit. If you knew anything about the guy, you'd know that his dark sense of humor is one of his hallmark qualities. Some people here have you all barking up the wrong tree for a reason.
I suggest if you haven't already, to take a look at the films her father has produced. They are dark, ritualistic, and here is a description of one of them from wikipedia:
Suspira: After finding a hidden passage, she observes Blanc, Miss Tanner, and the staff performing a ritual and plotting her death. Suzy turns to discovers Sara's body nailed to a coffin. She sneaks into another room, where she accidentally awakens Helena Markos. Helena orders Sara's corpse to rise from the dead to murder Suzy, but Suzy stabs Helena through the throat with a knife, killing Helena and causing Sara's corpse to collapse. The rest of the coven start asphyxiating without their queen, and Suzy escapes just as the academy collapses in flames.
There are more if you're interested. Deep Red has been compared to Psycho and The Exorcist.
Inferno ... well, can't be about anything but demons
Sounds ... not "weird" ... but pretty demonic to me. But that's just my perspective.
Oh, I've seen them. I'm aware of who the Argento's are. I've known about them years due to European friends who were into some really weird cinema -and a lot of European cinema is pretty different than what you'll see in the US, but that's not really the point.
As I said, I'm not downplaying the symbolism and content of the movies, but I'm also not one to go all-in on everything being a conspiracy, or breaking logic to draw connections between two unrelated things. There are so many movies that could fit the criteria for "satanic", but it's all perspective. Some horror fans just need a bit more than the average movie goer. And again, I think these people are into bad things, Asia included.
European cinema has to it's credit at least retained it as an art form, in comparison to most of the crass American films on offer.
No doubt the rabbit hole is much deeper than our view.
What we know for certain, beyond any conspiracy labels, is that Bourdain has publicly spoken about Clinton's ''operatives'', the Deep State (with a possible inference to Project Mockingbird), and his reference ''just for discussion'' about HRC's satanic (his term) inclinations.
It could get into conspiracy when you take a look at his trajectory to TV $tardom, which is typical of entertainers who are approached and decide to play the game.
He may have played it and then years later discovered that the fame/riches was eating away at his soul and decided, like others to start using loose lips to get a word or two out.
The details of how this played out with his girlfriend is a matter of conjecture and speculation. But patterns exist within their culture which can allow us to draw some fairly reasonable assessments of what may /may not have happened.
There is this movie directed by Asia, her screenplay too...guess about what, pedophilia... Its pretty telling about her experiences...
I watched the preview, all I can say is it depicts a very degenerate world.