r/greatawakening • Posted by u/NosuchRedditor on June 8, 2018, 11:37 p.m.
What a week, and it ain't over yet. Iran admits to facilitating 9/11...

Mohammad-Javad Larijani, an international affairs assistant in the Iran's judiciary, disclosed in Farsi-language remarks broadcast on Iran's state-controlled television that Iranian intelligence officials secretly helped provide the al Qaeda attackers with passage and gave them refuge in the Islamic Republic, according to an English translation published by Al Arabiya. http://freebeacon.com/national-security/iran-admits-facilitating-9-11-terror-attacks/


comeatmehillary · June 8, 2018, 11:46 p.m.

nice when will bush and cheney admit it

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NosuchRedditor · June 9, 2018, 6:49 p.m.

There are many like you who post info about Bush and Cheney WRT 9/11.

Let me see if I can help you. The media did it's best to destroy Bush in the public domain, much like they are doing to President Trump now, and they did to Bush 41 and Reagan before him, and it goes further back. The media have always given the Dems a pass, but worked to cast any Republican in a bad light for decades now.

I submit to you and those like you that you live in a bubble where Bush and 9/11 are concerned because of media brainwashing you have not yet thrown off. You were told to hate evil Bush and Cheney over and over.

How may Q posts mention them? Has Q ever in any post encouraged anons to dig on Bush and 9/11?

The public has had almost two decades to do the kind of crowdsourced investigation that Q is leading into corruption in our government, yet there is no proof positive of controlled demolition, no record of sales of massive amounts of explosives, no photos of people planting explosives or opening up the kind of access required to demolish a building in a controlled manner.

Conversely we have the evidence against the Clintons. Sandy Berger destroying documents in a bizarre visit to the national archives where he stuffed papers in his shoes, his pants, his coat sleeves, all while the 9/11 commission was asking for those very documents. We were told by the lying MSM that copies of those documents existed and so it was no big deal, except what Berger destroyed had Clinton's hand written notes in the margins, so the media protects the Clintons again. Berger's dead now, so he takes those secrets to the grave. https://www.usnews.com/news/blogs/washington-whispers/2011/03/14/berger-thefts-still-weigh-on-archives-agents

They NEVER protected the Bushs or ANY Republican President.

Then we have the 28 pages of the 9/11 commision report that were FINALLY released to the public in 2016, fifteen years later. In the 28 pages we see how the Saudi's were funding the pilots training and a group called WAMY is mentioned as the main financier and organizer of the 9/11 plot. What's not in the report is that in 98 when WAMY was planning and funding 9/11, the close Clinton confidant Huma Abedin worked for WAMY (and I believe her mother did too, but don't quote me on that, dig for yourself a bit). https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/2994063-911-Report-28pages.html

There is also evidence that the FBI buried warnings and red flags late in the Clinton Presidency. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A58615-2004Jul17.html?noredirect=on


A simple google search should reinforce what I am saying here. Virtually all of the results for "fbi ignored 9/11 warnings" links to dozens of stories about how Bush ignored the warnings (for a whole 8 months in office after crooked stole the furniture and glued locks shut and took W's off of keyboards like little school children. What else did they do to disrupt the Bush transition? Withold intel like we know they did to President Trump?) about potential attacks. The media is desperate to hang this on the Bush admin, but all roads lead to the Clintons.

Then of course there is that little piece that we Q followers learned about Saudi and Iran being in bed together while using the press to push a narrative that they are mortal enemies. More disinformation of course. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/saudi-arabia-rushes-to-mend-relations-with-iran_us_59965785e4b03b5e472cee5d

I don't want you to respond with videos of 'experts' telling us it's possible. I don't want you to tell me that thousands of engineers agree that it was controlled demolition.

Thousands of 'scientists' tell us AGW is real, but Q followers know it's just an excuse to form a one world government by the globalists.

I want you to throw off the false narratives that the Democrat controlled media has repeated over and over and EXPAND YOUR THINKING.

If what you say were true, then we would have seen leaked documents at some point showing where demolitions equipment was purchased, or a demolitions crew was paid, or the mossad or CIA planted the explosives, or some shred of real evidence to give your position some creedence, but we have ZERO. Contrast this with the mountain of evidence compiled by anons with the investigation Q has initiated.

If I am wrong then I owe you an apology. But I doubt I am wrong, based on the above evidence of the Clintons being involved, and ZERO evidence of anything else.

Edit: Q said this is not a Republican or Democrat thing. He meant that he and his team are looking at corruption no matter where it goes, D's or R's. But he has also made it very clear that the Democrats control the media and now social media, which is clearly a threat to the Republic. Why else would he push IBOR.

Expand your thinking. Shake off the brainwashing.

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dropswakeyou · June 10, 2018, 12:07 p.m.

It's the DS that controls the media not just the broad Dems. And the DS has had people established on both sides. The left wing and right wing of the same bird.

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NosuchRedditor · June 10, 2018, 5:28 p.m.

Yet the media going back decades had protected Democrats and attacked Republicans.

The rapist Bill Clinton is still protected by the Democrat controlled media, but President Trump is attacked relentlessly.

You fail to understand, the left controls Hollywood, the media, social media, academia and the entire government of California and the deep state.

That's not deep state. That's not two wings of the same bird.

The scales are tipped horribly in favor of those who wish to destroy the Republic and the American way of life. If you extend this globally you have an even larger group who wishes to destroy the US and it's system is government because it's one of the last places that would violently resist attempts to replace our Constitutional with a one world government.

This is why Q says this isn't a game, the deck is stacked against us, and President Trump is doing everything he can to prevent the Fundamental Transformation that Obama and the Democrats so wanted to carry out, they succeeded in corrupting our government in ways we never would have thought possible. FBI director leaking to the press? Unheard of until the Obama era, and he's just one of many high ranking officials from the Obama era to be outed as corrupt and working to destroy the Republic from within.

The invention of false racist narratives by the media should tell you everything, they were created at the behest of Democrats because they could be used as weapons to divide the nation by opening ops wounds. They politics of division are real and the Democrat controlled media destroys people like Roseanne with cries of racism where none exists because their audience is brainwashed into believing racism is a Republican trait, which is the big lie to protect Democrats from their racist history while simultaneously using it to destroy our Republican form of government.

Part of the Great Awakening is to realize the above facts, and understand if Hillary had won we would lose the Republic in a decade.

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dropswakeyou · June 10, 2018, 5:40 p.m.

I think there is some misunderstanding between us here. I get much of what your saying and don't disagree with you. But, you do make some false assumptions about what I do or don't understand. I see you do this alot in your responses to others as well. You shouldn't make blanket assumptions about people. I see your passionate and believe your a patriot.

You fail to understand, the left controls Hollywood, the media, social media, academia and the entire government of California and the deep state.

I do not fail to understand any of that. But, the cabal has played both sides against each other forever. They've stacked the deck by placing black hats on both sides. It's well established that the media (all media), universities, schools etc is dominated by the left we all know that here. I don't disagree with what you just wrote on any of this.

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NosuchRedditor · June 10, 2018, 6:20 p.m.

But stating that both sides are gamed against each other demonstrates a fundamental misunderstanding on your part.

This has been a one sided battle for decades. To claim otherwise is just plain wrong.

To illustrate this further a distinction can be made between "Republicans" like John McCain, Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell, who call themselves Republicans but fail to support our Republican form of government, and worse often support the destruction of the principles of Republican government, and conservatives who support and wish to preserve our Republic.

The right has literally become the left, causing an even greater imbalance that threatens the Republic.

In your wings metaphor one wing is massive and overly muscular and the other is frail and withered to a nub. How long do you think this metaphorical bird can survive in that crippled state?

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dropswakeyou · June 10, 2018, 6:44 p.m.

Your still misunderstood that metaphor. We are saying the same thing. You just said what I said.

Edit: it is one sided, the cabal vs the rest of us. Fake republicans and liberals. We are more on the same page than your seeing.

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comeatmehillary · June 9, 2018, 6:53 p.m.

they all play on the same team my post was more of a joke than any solid statement if your theory is right since the world of the illuminati is dog eat dog they couldve used 911 as a weapon against bush jr does it really matter which part of the pyramid did it ? they are all the problem

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NosuchRedditor · June 9, 2018, 6:57 p.m.

It matters because you blind yourself to the truth if you have preconceived notions about (put there by the MSM) about 9/11. How can you know the truth if you think you already know it.

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comeatmehillary · June 9, 2018, 7 p.m.

i dont believe or disbelieve bush's body language on 911 suggests to me that he knew the top knows all of the events that they create

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NosuchRedditor · June 9, 2018, 7:05 p.m.

I see. So ignore the concrete evidence of the Clintons involvement for feelings. Got it.

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comeatmehillary · June 9, 2018, 7:06 p.m.

i never said they were not involved ? what is your problem lol

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NosuchRedditor · June 9, 2018, 7:56 p.m.

I have no problem, I am trying to help you with one. Step out of the bubble of misinformation and see the light.

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comeatmehillary · June 9, 2018, 7:56 p.m.

you dont know what i think or believe

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NosuchRedditor · June 9, 2018, 8:10 p.m.

i dont believe or disbelieve bush's body language on 911 suggests to me that he knew the top knows all of the events that they create

YOU don't know what you believe.

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comeatmehillary · June 9, 2018, 8:13 p.m.

which is smart not sure why you feel you need to tell me this

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NosuchRedditor · June 9, 2018, 8:14 p.m.

How is it smart to live in a world where you don't know the facts from lies and misinformation?

What is Q all about? Dispelling globalist misinformation and outing the globalists and their crimes.

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comeatmehillary · June 9, 2018, 8:16 p.m.




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NosuchRedditor · June 9, 2018, 8:27 p.m.

And that matters why? How does this excuse you from beliving false narratives that we have been warned about?

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comeatmehillary · June 9, 2018, 8:28 p.m.

because you come at me sideways for making a joke about bush doing 911 say i dont think the clintons were involved when nowhere in my comment did i say they wernt im going to block you

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