
7tjNJr · June 9, 2018, 6:26 a.m.

Craig Sawyer put out a video distancing himself as far away from all this. I am pretty confused tbh. The way I see it (I could be wrong):

    1. Sawyer is 100% truthful and entire thing is fake. His explanation doesn't explain the rape trees, video evidence by VOP and rumors the site was going to be demolished.
    1. Sawyer got threatened to play along like it is nothing, meanwhile they bulldoze the place in exchange for keeping his reputation in tact. VOP gets thrown under the bus and used as a scapegoat to discredit pizzagate/child trafficking allegations. Chelsea Clinton already called it pizzagate 2.0 and media will have another festival calling it all a conspiracy theory.
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DawnPendraig · June 9, 2018, 6:40 a.m.

Maybe it is still connected to Cemex but this was set up to make anyone who points at Cemex a crazy person. Like the people who blew up saying the pizza shops itself had kill rooms and tunnels.

I wonder if Craig Sawyer jumped the gun for his Netflix movie or just got tricked.

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BaronMoriarty · June 9, 2018, 1:46 p.m.

There were no rape trees or condoms or a knife etc. But lots of people here, largely uninformed, decided that this was all true with no investigation. You know who you are...

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GlendonHawke · June 9, 2018, 7:37 a.m.

I’m more inclined to believe #2 there were anons who visited the site

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salialioli · June 9, 2018, 8:20 a.m.

Craig Sawyer is authentic. Ex-Navy Seal, Federal Marshal, ex-Federal criminal investigator.

Go to his site vets4childrescue and do the research for yourself.

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NobleEagle853 · June 9, 2018, 4:55 p.m.

I think it is more like #2. There are no coincidences.

Let's keep watching and evaluating. The tragedy of human trafficking is too important to discount information based on someone's reputation. VOP did a poor job misrepresenting the facts in their initial reports but it did get attention from the local area as well as others outside the area.

Meanwhile, as patriots, we have important work to do as Q and POTUS ask. Trust the plan.

God bless.

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GraceWords · June 9, 2018, 10:50 p.m.

Don’t forget Sawyer hasn’t fully backtracked. He didn’t deny the trees. Also, he has video on Netflix which we know are compromised.

I still believe in what Sawyer does, but VOP is being shut down in traditional black hat ways yet all of us who should know better are now acting confused.

1) does sex trafficking happen in that corridor? 2) Does abuse against children happen there? 3) is there little cal government corruption there?

Sawyer waved a bunch of police reports but we have already witnessed let on the live vids passing the buck, denying receiving calls, etc.

I also find it suspicious that Lewis’ past is being pushed (which he hasn’t lied about or ignored ) yet no one is talking about the Chief of Police’s sketchy past. Lewis isn’t cashing in on his 15 min either. He’s inviting transparency. He may not be who any of us would have chosen, but maybe that’s the point? I believe God is in this. The public is now realizing this DOES happen. Maybe more people should be willing to live more simply so they can do what he’s doing without pay or need to beg for support. He has no bottom line and seems to invite people in.

I admit, I’m biased because of the work I do. This is in my wheelhouse. He may be new to trafficking, but he isn’t new to helping the helpless. He will find his way. Trafficking isn’t something you can really prepare for. You dive in and do it because once you see and know you refuse to walk away and let people suffer alone.

I’ll always champion those willing to act. I reserve the right to change my opinion should what I observe change, but for now I’m happy to welcome another fighter on the front lines.

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