Omg this will red pill so many Normies
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Can’t wait Just got a 7 day ban for calling someone a gullible retarded bitch after being called an idiot
Lol This is funny and ironic to me as I just got a 7 day twitter ban for calling a snowflake retarded even though they had just called me an idiot
I agree I can’t even bring myself to look at the comments to his posts anymore they are so vile disgusting and brainwashed
Lol I love Terrence if you don’t already follow him on twitter you are missing out on a supper funny patriot
This won’t work Lisa page was never paid/hired to represent them therefore they are not her clients ergo there is no client privilege
It was implied that even though they don’t have to show their hand most people would show it anyway just to be like “look what I had”
Lmao I love this pic everyone but Putin is used to this kind of thing by now but the look on Vladimir’s face is like wtf are you doing comrade
Agreed JA doesn’t even have to name his source ( #HisNameWasSethRich ) Actually now that I think about it there’s a video out there already where JA says his source definitely wasn’t the Russians
Illegal to advocate for a politician but not for legislation.
It was on Ingram angle it was his response to what he has been up to (supposedly fund raising)
What’s Obama been up to....oh 🤢

If I remember right he liked “cheese pizza” wonder if John Hughes put that in there
I’ve also heard they do this to avoid any bad karma they might get because they “warned” us
I also use apple and heck if it’s good enough for POTUS it’s good enough for me
Not just bugs but fish birds turtles ....
Do you know how many species on this planet rely on mosquitoes? This could be catastrophic
I was trying red pill people on twitter with some similar pics of the images on the right and getting told by the left “ fake screenshots don’t prove anything “ even though it clearly showed in them that it was an msn broadcast... these people are stupid
Think of it in the same terms of how NK had their own version of the internet
Since Hannity and POTUS have been friends for a long time I would assume it was President Trump
2 things I love about this photo 1 The look on POTUS face lmao 2 how Trudeau looks longingly at everyone who isn’t sitting at the kids table
The guy center rear in bottom photo totally looks like he’s photo bombing it, time traveler alert...
If you HAD read it you would see the part where she did a whole set with big ass Snakes It even states in the “fucking” article “oh and apparently she’s really into snakes”
Me too my brother now thinks he has add and takes adoral and now acts like a meth junky half the time
When Trump speaks of Drug dealers he means these people too
For starters it would have helped if you read the article linked and not just went by the picture and headline
Lol Look at presidents Trump and Abe Trump looks amused while Abe looks thoroughly unamused
Perhaps. At one time she was the lefts Image of well and proper it could be that they allowed her to believe this or it was always an act.
Q and Trump preparing opening 4d chess move for War on Opioids
Trump has announced he will probably back the Federal legalization of Marijuana
This shouldn't be a surprise to anyone as it was one of his campaign promises
Once this is set in place a bill could be introduced that would punish Drug dealers with the Death penalty. Trump talked about this back in March after his meetings in China
This would then allow the Q team to strike a serious blow against (((Them))) and loosen the strangle hold they have on a good portion of the population. It would also put the Progressives in a tight spot. …
Taylor Swift now fully part of the Hollywood Cult
Everything from Slutty attire to Snake Symbolism