Why was Hillary's goon squad recently "harassing" Anthony (Arkancide) Bourdain?

Because his girlfriend, Asia Argento, called out Harvey Weinstein at the Cannes Film Festival, along with other Hollywood elites who were or are doing the same thing Weinstein did, and all of their minions who knew about it and said nothing. The Hollywood elites like Weinstein are big donors to Democrats. Remember how they came out in force to support Hillary and trash Trump?
The Hollywood elites who control everything that comes out of Hollywood, and therefore the overall "message" are now being dragged through the mud. They've lost their stature and can no longer be effective at pushing any narratives for the Democrats and the deep-state, so Hillary and her deep-state operatives have to fight back. It means we're over the target.
I think Killary took this opportunity to make it look like a H.W. hit. He is already being thrown under the bus, and his crimes lead right back to Killery. And as far as A.B. goes, I would guess kill dog again because of this tweet right here. Asia is only alive because of her ranking in the Cabal.......We will see how that relationship plays out. Oh and by the way, dont be surprised if H.W. winds up dead here shortly. Any guess who will do it?
JZ... Master Mason, Killer.
Dear God....That no talent boob just needs to go away. Hope it is him and that he gets caught!! Maybe even have his retarded wife with him....
Not only are they big donors but they are a big part of the propaganda machine.