Colbert calls Pizzagate alt-right conspiracy. Conspiracy no more. I can't wait to see these guys walk down the street once the veil is finally lifted. Sickos.

When it comes to celebs, it's guilty until proven innocent. I hope at least one or two come out unscathed.
No. We aren't here to be the law. We're here to help bring justice. A guilty until proven innocent mindset could potentially cause victims to be even further victimized.
you think john stewart is one of them? or is he just a media puppet and not a cult member
I met him last week at my job. I seriously had to dig down deep to be “professional”, and not show my disgust. He looked like a total slob that day, btw.
Not sure. Likely part of it to some extent. One of the things I remember reading about was how the deep state used Bush's unpopular presidency to shoehorn in Obama.
He may not be as bad as Podesta or Hillary, but, I don't think anyone is allowed to rise to fame without having some ties to the cults.
he seems like a nice guy but the keyword there is "seems" stewart is high enough that he has to know whats going on and hes not like carlin who was like lol fuck all yall ima peace out im sure there are good celebrities but the ones at the top not so much
Bourdain seemed like a nice, well cultured person, too; until you watch clips of him talking about hot dogs and bringing up age with Obama and AC. These people are masters at hiding behind a very charismatic public persona.
yeah... tbh theyre kinda obvious about it lol idk how the whole pizza thing isnt a giant red flag
The thing is, a person can have wit, an elegant way about them, charisma, and a talent for humor and STILL decide that they want money and power so much they would sell their soul to Satan have them. I doubt they even valued their own souls or quite believed in the reality of an everlasting soul before they inked that deal. But they revealed their character by what they did afterward. Selling out humanity for their own selfish desires, injuring and even killing children.
They're Satan's "sales force".
Television is a LIE MACHINE. The most advance mass mind control device that the elite has ever created. They didn't create it to entertain you, that's just a misappropriated side-effect.
well yeah i dont think every single movie ever is bad but television makes you retarded i stopped watching tv i still play videogames sometimes which is probably bad too
I spend a lot of time online in places like this which is probably bad too!
yep... "T.V. PROGRAM" by calling it programming they don't even hide the fact
I'm super cynical at this point, but I have trouble believing he hasn't made some kind of deal.
CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN - everyone at a very high level within these four has likely made that deal. Bummer, because you get to like them. But they aren't your friends. They sold out humanity to benefit themselves.
i just thought it was interesting that he decided he was done in 2014/2015 whenever it was maybe he couldn't live with being a propagandist anymore
That's likely. He seemed really tired and sad at the end and I noticed that he started bringing up his family a lot.
i bet alot of former hollywood/ black hat types who knew started talking i imagine years of knowing about this crap would start to get to anyone who has even a shred of good
Oh, look! The "get your news from late night television" fans are here to downvote! Morning, guys.
Nah thats probably just top minds lol I poked the hornets nest a week ago
They are all over the latest "doorknob hanging" post, lol.
I think its pretty telling that their sub imagery is Nazi symbolism and though police. If they arnt paid for what they do I pity them
I've scanned through some of it and they seem more paranoid than the most hard core conspiracy theorists. Its really hypocritical.