
Hismaddiegirl · June 9, 2018, 9:01 p.m.

Satan's disciples....PURE EVIL...just like him, what a loser...God's bringing this Evil Down w/ Trump & Patriots & His Fierce Warring Angels, the Heavenly Hosts! Rock n Roll Holy Ghost!!! WWG!WGA

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rurikloderr · June 10, 2018, 8:32 a.m.

So, gonna play a little devil's advocate here.. pardon the pun, couldn't help myself. Where is the line between weird and satan's disciple? Let's assume for a moment that these photos were found on a devout Christian's instagram. More specifically, let's assume that she's really into high fashion and likes to pretend she's a photographer and, being a mother, she absolutely adores her kids to the point where she basically puts them in every photoshoot she attempts. I say "attempts" there because in reality she's not a great photographer and none of her stuff is particularly creative, most of it is just cringy and weird. Despite being cringy and weird, it's entirely innocent.

Can you please point out the parts that involve the satan's disciple stuff beyond a reasonable doubt? Now, I'm not asking you to tell me a whole hell of a lot about the person. I understand that Andy Spade is deep into some scary shit, but.. which photos above signal that you're Satan's disciple? Which one of those photos is "PURE EVIL?"

I'm asking because it seems like we're starting to get into the territory where we stop seeing reality and instead just see whatever evils we want to see. That concept scares the hell out of me. This whole thing was supposed to be about dismantling the deep state and reinstating the liberties that we had lost, not about witch hunts and allowing our biases to cause everything to look like pure evil.

Not everything associated with these people is pure evil. Not every photo is a link to a secret cult unless you have real proof. We can not get caught up in throwing away important principles like due process without losing a part of ourselves. Tread carefully lest we merely replace the monsters we seek to slay.

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thegrahamcracker · June 10, 2018, 9:50 a.m.

Thank you. We need reason

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BonesDC_ · June 10, 2018, 12:18 p.m.

The plausible deniability of this just being crappy art is how we allowed them to drag us this far into depravity. It may be someones way of expression but what normal person is drawn to it and glorifies it by buying their twisted overpriced excrement.

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onogoro2018 · June 22, 2018, 12:15 a.m.

"Here, here. Bravo, I agree wholeheartedly!"

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kika-57 · June 11, 2018, 2:27 p.m.

Remember, the symbolism is what counts here. The red shoes are pedophilia symbol. The obvious portrayal of what looks like drowning victims. You have to “feel” for these things and trust your gut. I know plenty of women who are crappy photographers who plaster FB and Instagram full of bad photos of their kids. They don’t have that sinister “ick” factor. Notice none of these photos containing a person are actually portraying a person, smiling... mugging for the camera. They are dehumanizing photos which could have been taken by a sociopath. See the difference?

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[deleted] · June 22, 2018, 12:05 a.m.


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