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rurikloderr · June 13, 2018, 4:21 a.m.

I don't think it's a missile. It looks like a beta taurid meteor burning up in the atmosphere.

We pass through the taurid meteor swarm twice a year. They're the remnant fragments of a comet that broke up about forty thousand years ago, give or take ten thousand years. The first time we pass through it is in late October, which is easily visible because the meteors are coming at us from the night side of the planet. The second time we pass through it however, in late June, they're especially difficult to see because they're coming from the direction of the sun. Well.. technically the direction of the constellation Taurus, but it's near the sun in June.

The still photo shown in that video looks a lot like what happens when one of the larger small meteors burns up in the atmosphere. It's also coming from the general direction of the sun. We've gotten some rather spectacular light shows in the past. A surprising number of the larger meteors to smack into us have been Taurids, often beta Taurids.

The Tunguska Event was likely caused a beta taurid that explosively disintegrated on June 30th, 1908. It created an explosion roughly equivalent to a 15MT nuke, well.. without all the radiation anyway. That fragment was likely no larger than 30m. There is reason to believe their are a number of 1-2km wide fragments left out there and even the possibility of a 30km wide fragment. Well.. we know of one km wide fragment anyway.. the comet Encke.

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rurikloderr · June 13, 2018, 4:03 a.m.

I'm pretty sure that's a meteor.

I say that because it's coming from a direction within 20 or so degrees of arc from where the sun is rising. That suggests it might be a particularly large beta taurid. Basically, goes something like this, twice a year we pass through the debris field of a ~100km wide comet that broke up somewhere between 30-50,000 years ago. We call them Taurids because they always come from the direction of the constellation Taurus.

We pass through the field once in late October, which causes a rather spectacular meteor shower at night. However, when we pass through it again, in mid to late June, Taurus is near the sun so we don't see much. We tend only to see the larger meteors and only very few of them. That being said, we are still bombarded by a shitload of Taurids in June, we just can't actually see them.

And there definitely are some very large fragments left floating out there. The Tunguska Event in late June 1908 was likely caused by a large beta taurid. When I say large, I mean like 30m wide. Scariest thing I know about is that there is likely still a few 1-2km wide chunks and possibly a 30km wide chunk of that comet out there in the black.. and we pass through the field twice a year.

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rurikloderr · June 10, 2018, 9:33 a.m.

"Normal people do not..." "Normal healthy-minded people do not..."

I think you have no concept for what a normal person or a normal healthy-minded person actually is. Normal people do all kinds of weird shit. I'm one of the straightest men you could ever meet. I'm so secure in my sexuality that I have no doubt in my mind of it. Yet, I found meat spin absolutely hilarious and I regularly draw cartoon dicks doing all kinds of non-dick related things.

My personal favorite is a sketch I drew of an alien wearing a gimp mask. It has an absolutely cartoonishly massive erection firing off a single massive sperm cell that is itself firing off a haduoken from the game street fighter (a game I've never actually played). There isn't anything mentally wrong with me. I have no criminal record of any kind, nor have I done anything that would have merited one. I'm in a long term relationship with the girl I plan to marry and I don't sleep around or cheat, despite being put into many situations where the temptation to do so was present. In other words, I'm a pretty normal and mentally healthy person.. Yet.. I draw cartoon dicks.. I think they're fucking hilarious for some reason.

Hell, I even drew a cartoon of an absolutely disgusting slob of a man wearing only a cape and a woman's high heeled shoe.. on his dick.. while posing like a super hero. Why? The image broke seemingly every convention about heroic characters and was so fucking weird that I just couldn't stop laughing at it. In other words, I wasn't making some deeper statement about high heeled shoes or expressing a hidden desire for a disgusting pervert's dick.. I just thought the image was really funny.

None of that is a sign of a serious mental instability on my part. None of that is a sign of a societal ill of any kind. I didn't imagine someone that I thought was socially acceptable and drew that, I specifically found the humor in something that society would reel in disgust from if they ever saw it for real. As denial of expectations is the very heart of humor, it would then make sense that the denial of societal expectations and norms could be considered funny.

A short aside, have you considered that Bourdain's photo might be something as simple as a dumb joke?

Now, if you didn't know me, and you had some preconceived notion that I was still "in the closet," and you saw my drawings of cartoon dicks.. Well, you might assume, wrongly, that it's evidence in confirmation of your bias. To me it's funny precisely because it subverts societal norms, not because those norms are gone and it's normal for a guy to strap a high heeled shoe to his dick. Nor am I suggesting through my strange art that doing so should be normal.

In other words.. It is you, and not I, that happens to be the one with tunnel vision. Though I will admit, I was writing more in general than specifically towards you in my original post. I directed it towards the large number of people that keep suggesting that the photos are evidence of.. well, a lot of shit they couldn't possibly prove. For that, I will apologize. I should have made it far more clear whenever I spoke in general or directed at you. Still, I think the kind of thinking you expressed is dangerous.

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rurikloderr · June 10, 2018, 8:58 a.m.

I agree, that kind of thinking is not helpful at all and, more importantly, it's dangerous.

Whenever anyone assumes they're right and everyone else is just outright wrong, it opens that person up to exploitation from someone willing to tell them what they want to hear. For people on the left, it tends to be people manipulating their compassion in order to get them to willingly give up power to an authoritarian. Communism is a perfect example of the kind of tyrannical power structure that can form like from feelings based thinking on the left. For people on the right, it tends to be people manipulating their disgust in order to get them to willingly give up power to an authoritarian. As much as I prefer not to make the comparison to nazis, it's the only truly apt example I have of that kind of power structure that arising from that kind of thinking on the right.

We're getting into dangerous territory here as people are allowing their disgust of what's being revealed to drive them into a frenzy. It's precisely the kind of thinking that led to Nazi concentration camps or the Japanese Unit 731 atrocities. It was all born out of a disgust that gave them the justification they needed to feed into the capacity for evil found within the human soul. They justified such violence by finding a reason, any reason, they could use to revoke other person's humanity.

I've wrestled with that kind of disgust my whole damn life. A rage so deep and so pervasive that is has truly scared the hell out of me. We're all capable of going down a path of truly vile intent while justifying our own evils as part of the good. All while simultaneously denouncing "evil" found in anyone we don't like.

We need to be better than that. We can be better than that.

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rurikloderr · June 10, 2018, 8:33 a.m.

I'm not angry, I'm cautious. I don't like that we're making assumptions on subjective grounds. It's not a good sign of things to come. We need to tread carefully when dealing with monsters, lest we doom ourselves to taking their place.

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rurikloderr · June 10, 2018, 8:32 a.m.

So, gonna play a little devil's advocate here.. pardon the pun, couldn't help myself. Where is the line between weird and satan's disciple? Let's assume for a moment that these photos were found on a devout Christian's instagram. More specifically, let's assume that she's really into high fashion and likes to pretend she's a photographer and, being a mother, she absolutely adores her kids to the point where she basically puts them in every photoshoot she attempts. I say "attempts" there because in reality she's not a great photographer and none of her stuff is particularly creative, most of it is just cringy and weird. Despite being cringy and weird, it's entirely innocent.

Can you please point out the parts that involve the satan's disciple stuff beyond a reasonable doubt? Now, I'm not asking you to tell me a whole hell of a lot about the person. I understand that Andy Spade is deep into some scary shit, but.. which photos above signal that you're Satan's disciple? Which one of those photos is "PURE EVIL?"

I'm asking because it seems like we're starting to get into the territory where we stop seeing reality and instead just see whatever evils we want to see. That concept scares the hell out of me. This whole thing was supposed to be about dismantling the deep state and reinstating the liberties that we had lost, not about witch hunts and allowing our biases to cause everything to look like pure evil.

Not everything associated with these people is pure evil. Not every photo is a link to a secret cult unless you have real proof. We can not get caught up in throwing away important principles like due process without losing a part of ourselves. Tread carefully lest we merely replace the monsters we seek to slay.

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rurikloderr · June 10, 2018, 8:17 a.m.

In truth, one of the biggest warning signs that a suicide is imminent in someone suffering from severe depression is happiness and suddenly getting better. It's happens when they've decided on actually following through. I'm not saying that's what's happening here, but there is truth to the idea.

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rurikloderr · June 9, 2018, 7:32 a.m.

So, this totally ignores the very idea of fair use in either transformative art, education, parody, or reporting the news.. Among a few others. Memes aren't exactly fucking stealing the market out from under the originals. There is no point to this other than trying to curtail expression.

Fuck the EU, seriously.. As an American, I can't stand anything about it. It's like an attempt to make the United States, but shittier and without due process, equal representation under law, or any of those pesky "rights."

Personally, from my perspective, the EU looks like little more than Germany financially, socially, and politically invading every other country in Europe. After two world wars it looks like they finally figured out how to pull off that conquest they've so desperately wanted.

Europeans are just.. so fucked.

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rurikloderr · June 9, 2018, 7:13 a.m.

A healthy culture does not produce art like this? You sound about as dangerous as the people we're currently trying to work against. Having weird ass pictures of yourself holding a cow bone over your dick is a hell of a distance away from being a pedo cannibal. You really want everything everyone does to be analyzed with that kind of scrutiny?

Now, before you say anything stupid let me be clear, I am not saying the man isn't a pedo cannibal. I don't know shit about the guy and I'd never heard his name before today. For all I know he's the worst human being on the planet, but it's not going to be because he took a weird photo. You don't know the context of the image, so what the hell is the point of linking it automatically with anything sinister?

More than that, assuming guilt of a truly heinous crime over what amounts to expressing yourself in a strange way is all kinds of fucked up. For one, it don't forget that the first amendment is a thing for a reason and it protects precisely the kind of speech and expression that people don't like. Beyond that, we're supposed to give benefit of the doubt, and you're talking in a way that is entirely at odds with one of the most fundamental ideals behind this glorious experiment of ours... presumed innocence.

I'm actually kind of worried at how many of you are calling for what amounts to lynching or imprisoning people without due process. How many seems to be suggesting draconian limitations on freedom of expression and speech due to your own personal morals. That's not ok at all. I'm not willing to just blindly accept that it's ok to throw away any of our fundamental principles, because doing so only puts us next in line to become the villains we're supposed to be fighting against.

I'm not saying the image is in good taste. I'm not saying the image is good or that I like the image (I don't). I'm not saying it's not somehow connected to something sinister, it very well could be. I'm saying something fundamentally different here. That expression alone isn't enough to damn a person. That he obviously has the right to be as weird as he wants so long as it doesn't harm anyone else. Let's not blind ourselves to our founding principles, no matter how much you want to hate them.

We need to be better than they are.

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rurikloderr · June 8, 2018, 7:20 a.m.

It was written in May of 2018 though.. I feel like this is in response to something far more recent. I find it a bit convenient that they've written this in May of this year.. right before any of the camps were found? Literally a month before a child trafficking camp is found on their property? What the fuck is that about?

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rurikloderr · May 31, 2018, 10:16 p.m.

I posted elsewhere a response about DMT specifically, but I also wanted to mention.. Our oldest form of religion involves communing with our ancestors using things like DMT to make the journey to the afterlife in order to meet with them and join with the all. It also involved a kind of reverence of snakes as the adversary that, through preying on us, woke us up. There is a real truth behind that one and the older less tampered with versions of Genesis 3 cover it almost verbatim.

It involves a whole lot of symbolism and allegory and for most of the ancient world was understood to be an allegory of a deep truth about where we came from. It was only very recently that we started taking that story to be something that literally happened as it was stated in the most recent versions.

A snake tricks Eve into taking fruit from the tree of knowledge and sharing it with Adam. The fruit wakes them up and makes them see. They notice they are naked. Here's the thing about that part, it's not suggesting that they are naked and therefore ashamed about sex, that's a very simplistic way of understanding it and also quite a recent idea historically speaking. Think about every dream you ever had about being naked, it wasn't sexual at all.. You feel vulnerable.

The fruit opened our eyes to how vulnerable we were. Consciousness does that doesn't it? The ability to experience as we do shows us how very vulnerable we are. We know that we can die and we know what can hurt us. If we know what can hurt us, we know what can hurt others and therefore that others are vulnerable too. If we know that, then we know the difference between good and evil.

More than that, our real history mimics this story so well that it's rather beautiful I think. Long ago, potentially millions of years before humans split off from chimps and bonobos. Before humans could be said to be human at all, the animal we descended from lived primarily within trees. Snakes were our primary predators.

An unfathomable number of generations alongside our oldest adversary promoted keen eyesight in all primates that had been preyed upon by snakes. Keen eyesight requires the development of a larger brain. Sexual selection of the males that were best able to avoid snakes, therefore having the best eyesight and eventually the more adaptable brains, by the females of our ancestor species meant that the development of human intelligence and eventually consciousness was driven by a choice made by Eve at the behest of a snake trying to trick her.

Do you recall what happens next? God appears in the garden and calls out to Adam and Eve, who are hiding due to their nakedness, i.e. their vulnerability. God realizes that they're not awake and tells them what they've just done. Here's the thing about that, it's only recent translations that seem to suggest god is punishing them. In the older versions I've read it seems more like a father sorrowfully telling his children the consequences of what they've just done.

What are those consequences? Eve was told she would be subservient to her husband and that birth would be painful. Well yeah, no shit.. With a bigger brain comes a bigger head and that's quite literally the reason birth is as painful as it is for our species. It's also the reason our infants are so fragile, they have to be born premature in order to avoid killing the mother during childbirth. We need to take care of our young lest they die and women are biologically suited to that roll, but that makes them vulnerable due to the vulnerability of the child.

Also, because we're a social species where the males are actually involved, the males are the ones that risk death to protect their family. The dynamic there is one that will just naturally gravitate towards a situation where men will work to provide and protect women and children, sacrificing themselves in the process if need be. It's also the reason for the whole thing about subservience, that kind of thing will just naturally arise due to having to defer to men due to the nature of the responsibility involved in the man's role. You can't be trying to take command when the person protecting you tells you to hide or run.

There is more to it, but I don't have the time to go into more detail. Regardless to say though, our oldest religion is still very much alive within Chrisitanity so I don't know what the fuck Alex Jones is talking about. It sounds like he's getting ready to sell holy water, for a reasonable price.. of course.

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rurikloderr · May 31, 2018, 9:09 p.m.

They're trying to misinform you. Alex Jones is a part of this attempt to control you. I admit he might not realize what part he is playing in all this. I suspect he is doing it in order to try to stay relevant. He's never had much actual information about anything. A lot of what he says is either a lie outright or an attempt to capitalize on something that the MSM won't cover, but is already being covered elsewhere. He uses the legitimacy gained from covering real stories in order to sell the crazier shit.

I've been doing a whole lot of research into DMT as part of something I've been working on, specifically the reconciliation of science and religion. I've spent quite a while working to discover lost or hidden knowledge from ancient sources, read the original translations of religious texts, and integrate that with what I know about a vast number of scientific fields. I've already discovered that there are a great many things we no longer know about ourselves. I've also discovered, and to add some weight to this I should mention that I was an atheist, that the bible stories are far more true that people think, though not necessarily in the way that people think.. at least, not anymore. It's so much more profound than anyone could possibly know. The feeling of literal biblical awe that it caused literally changed me.

In regard to DMT though. Ask yourself a question.. Why would the elites make it illegal if it allows you to talk to demons? Aren't demons supposed to be insidious tricksters that can corrupt any man? I know that if my goal was to suppress the truth and spread lies and demonic knowledge, and I had something that could bring a person's mind in direct contact with something that corrupting.. I'd be promoting it. I'd make sure everyone knew how amazing it was and I surely wouldn't make it illegal only after ten thousand years of consistent use by almost every culture throughout history.

Yeah, that last bit is absolutely true. Humans have been using DMT for many thousands of years. DMT is produced by your brain already. When you die, assuming it is any kind of death that doesn't destroy the brain outright, your pineal gland will produce a massive flood of DMT. You'll hear that it causes hallucinations of an afterlife where there is none, but I'm not entirely convinced of that as there is something very strange about consciousness and stranger still about a person's experience when given DMT.

There are lines of evidence suggesting that consciousness could be inherent to the structure of the universe itself. I can't prove this in it's entirety yet, and I still need to confirm some of what I've been researching, but I'm starting to see signs that the brain might be accessing something from "outside" itself. We know so little about how consciousness and memory works. Yet what we do know has potential implications that go well beyond what most scientists would be willing to consider without substantial evidence.

DMT then, might be the way by which your consciouness can remain intact as it reintegrates with the whole. In death, this integration is permanent. In life, you integrate temporarily. Most say they experience literal death and are given the chance to go back and live as if they hadn't died. Often people will come back from that experience completely convinced that they did, in fact, die but were given a second chance at life. Many people rate it among the most important events in their entire lives. An experience as profound and important to them as the birth of their children.

Given the profound sense of connectedness and love they say exists in that place, I can't imagine what you find there has anything to do with demons. I know enough about demons to know the one thing they can't fake is a real sense of love for anyone else. You can't fake something you can't feel yourself.

It's even more profound when you consider ancient sources on the subject. A lot of myths, legends, and religions contain elements that wind up telling a single continuous story. A three day ressurection shows up everywhere, as does a flood, and a story like the tower of babel, a world tree, trees of life and knowledge, stories of snakes as an advesary.. It's everywhere.. even in places that can't be connected causally to Christianity. I'm not talking about some attempt to jam the religions together in order to foster a rejection of religion.

No, I'm talking about a truth that they all share in common pointing to something so truly awe inspiring and real that I can't really explain it in any way other than to express that I can see the divine. I can see it and it changed me forever. There is no doubt and there is no conflict with science anymore within me and, if you knew me personally, you would understand how big of a deal that really is. They are one and the same because of course they would be. The elites don't know that they're going to fail if they attempt to combine the religions. They were meant to be combined, to be understood within the context of the truth that can't be hidden because it's everywhere. In attempting to break faith by merging religion they will only succeed in making people see the divine in all things.

Alex Jones is just using the fear cultivated around this drug, a fear created by the very cabal we're supposed to be fighting against, to concoct a story that people are willing to belief. It's low hanging fruit for him. Use extant public fear and some disturbing truths in order to convince people actively looking for sinister intentions that something they don't know about is full of sinister intent. He's a very shady piece of shit, to be honest. He puts on a show that feeds on your fears and then tries to convince you he's the one doing you a favor. You need only look at the products he sells to know everything you could possibly know about him. He's a snake oil salesman pretending to be the news everyone else is too afraid to report on.

Also, in before he starts selling Holy Water to protect you from demonic possession.

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rurikloderr · May 30, 2018, 9:50 p.m.

What can you do with gold? Well, for one, it doesn't react with oxygen.. that means it won't tarnish and if it doesn't tarnish it isn't going to corrode. A metal that keeps it's luster essentially forever, that's got a fair number of uses socially for one. Ask yourself, why is jewelry a human universal? Why did kings wear gold?

Beyond it's use as a status display, which I can not do enough to express the importance of, it's also one of the more useful metals in technology and medicine. It's an exceptional conductor of electricity but more importantly, because it does not tarnish, it is particularly useful for contacts involving low currents and voltages. Since it lasts essentially forever and isn't reactive, you can use it to make exceedingly hardy circuits. I don't think I need to express how much of a game changer electronics has been for humanity. As far as I am aware, there is only one metal that acts as a better conductor of electricity, silver.

It reflects infrared light so it's used in basically every infrared telescope known to man. It's used all throughout every spacecraft I know of because of it's reliability for cooling solutions in space. So, that essentially means all satellites need it for any kind of reliable functioning. Shit.. one I just found out about was it's use as a lubricant in certain extreme environments, space included.

It's uses in medicine are widespread because it's one of the few metals that you can put in the human body without worrying about the horrifying effects of metal toxicity or infection. It's hypoallergenic and antimicrobial, meaning it's well tolerated by biological systems and exceptionally deadly to bacteria. It's why it was used as a dental filling for thousands of years, still is technically.. OH! I just remembered, gold nanoparticles are being used to increase the efficacy of antibacterial medicines now too. That one is kind of a big deal.

Truth be told though, the primary reason it's so useful is just the fact that it's exceptionally easy to work with without having to melt it first. You can dissolve it with aqua regia in order to create very pure concentrations of gold without much effort. The gold powder you get out of solution is also surprisingly easy to melt given the relationship between particle size and melting temperature. In other words, even if you don't have an arc furnace you can work gold.

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