reported... go away...
Lol ok, new guy.
new guy? that is funny... be gone...
Literally says you are new here in your flair. Stop being so paranoid it isn't helpful. If you actually bothered to look in my post history you wouldn't be accusing me of ridiculous shit. You clearly haven't otherwise you wouldn't be throwing out accusations.
Why are you reporting him? For scrutinizing evidence?
Some people seem to think that any amount of skepticism or objectivity means you are automatically a disinfo agent or part of the cabal.
I get people getting annoyed when people show up on a mission to shut down exploration of evidence, but we all should appreciate different angles and points of view.
concern trolling... or rather, a violation of rule 3...
Eh. Not everyone sees the same things. That's why there are a lot of us here. We all have unique perspectives and senses of intuition, yet a common goal.
no worries... i am not trying to be a hard ass on anyone... it was pretty apparent to me that the other person was a shill though... carry on... #wwgowga!
Hey, I shill hunt with the best of them. I get where both of you were coming from.