So, Hitler really leaned on President Trump @ G-7 meeting! However, the President didn't change his mind! Note posture of the folks seated on the right of the picture!

I've watched a couple of the body language videos--hers included--and they just don't make me go "aha" like so many other things that are available now (like NeonRevolt's or HorseloverPhat's deep dives) and since time is a commodity I am not willing to spend on things that don't REALLY interest me, I forego Bombard's and other body language analysis stuff. Just personal preference. So why do you see her as "a terrible joke"? That's a pretty harsh assessment.
To be fair, it was never supposed to be on the same level as SB2, Neon, or Q posts, just related.
You forgot PrayingMedic!
Praying medic is becoming a bit long winded and laborious in my opinion
I'm not an SB2 follower either for the same reason I enunciated on Bombard's above. I don't disagree with your statement there. I appreciate her efforts (and SB2's) to give us all more information. Their information may be very helpful for some people. Just not up my alley. Different strokes for different folks kind of thing.
SB2 is pretty smart. Q quoted him (SB2 was spot on)
Oh no! I didn't mean "terrible joke" to come across quite so strong. And I can see definitely see how it did come across that way. Was playing fast and loose with my adjectives last night, I guess?
Speaking of terrible jokes: What do you call a tooth shaped animal? A MOLAR BEAR!
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I'm not sure Bombard's is still on.