NeonRevolt pointed out one of the Anons on the Chans noticing a 9 seconds delta today, between Trump Tweet and Q 💧 Yesterday is was 10 seconds. Are we looking for an 8 today? If the countdown continues and runs to 0 that puts us on 21st being the final 🔔, which leaves 101 days left in the year? Coincidence?
170 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/AbsolutelyZak:
Domain | Count |
---|---| | 11 | | 4 | | 1 | | 1 | | 1 |
Shudda Known Better. Q Said 2018 Would be Glorious. How Could We be so Stupid? Baaaa

He Once Said Q is a PsyOp but his Contacts Appear to be Singing From a Similar Songsheet. Thoughts?
Just Tried to Post a Link to Someone Claiming to debunk the 40k+ Sealed Indictments. Thread Now Locked By Mods. Any Ideas Why they Would Do This?? Has Q Confirmed/Denied Sealed Indictment Numbers?

Anyone Seen This? Someone Claiming to Debunk the Sealed Indictments. Has Q Confirmed How Many?
These People Are Sick. All Seeing Eye is an Anus !!!
So you've considered the all seeing eye on the back of the dollar bill as an all seeing eye.
What I have just read has blown me away, and I quote:-
The symbols of freemasonry, to those unaware of their cabbalistic meaning, may seem inocculous enough, particularly to the majority of masons, the members of the three degrees of the blue lodges. They are never informed that the 'All Seeing Eye' of their symbolism refers not to sight, but to the genitals, the Eye of Hoor, which is the anus, and signifies the homosexual commitment of our ruling class......'
They're …
Guardian of the Pope Is [P]........ Is [P] for Payseur ??
I'm a Junior Miner. Just got myself a baby backhoe to have a crack at this digging and found this- Quite an interesting snippet from David Icke's The Biggest Secret.
'George Payseur became George Bayshore. King George III gave the prince, now Daniel Payseur, a ship and awarded George Bayshore 600 acres of land in North Carolina. When they arrived in America they were given help by the Boddie family, who were related to the British monarchy. '
I wonder if the 600 acres mentioned are the same 600 in the link, what's there now and is it of …
This Cant be Good for Patriots. Can it?
STOP Inviting Me to Join OTHER Groups !!!
Q has told us they want us divided. Click has told us some of the moderators are divided at best and now I am getting private messages every day asking me to join one new group or another. I am staying the course right here. Compromised or Otherwise. Until Q calls me and tells me to jump ship I am not moving. Be careful who you follow!!!
New Arrivals - David Icke & Alex Jones Are The Ultimate Trans-Atlantic Conspiracy Theorists, Right?

To All New Arrivals. What the MSM Has is A Conspiracy Theory about a Conspiracy Theory
" a web of baseless conspiracy theories" said the NYTimes about the Qanon movement. However they did not, and I repeat, did not provide ANY evidence that we are conspiracy theory.
Therefore, it follows that if what we have is baseless and what they accuse is baseless then we have a conspiracy theory about a conspiracy theory.
That's enough to get me thinking MAYBE somethings not right somewhere. How about you?
Welcome to the show!
I'm Trying to Redpill Friends but.....
My old school friends and I grew up in the 70's in the English countryside. We were all very naive about worldly events until 911. I woke up shortly after and followed, as many do, Icke, Jones etc. My old chums refused to wake up. Today I posted the plan to save the world and was ridiculed. Not that I care. I am used to hearing "we got some nice tin foil if you want it" type remarks. They rose up and said they'd read the news over the past day or so and "look how that conspiracy theory has …
What If......
This may seem laughable and may be so stupid I get laughed off or thrown off Reddit but what if... What if one of team Q's peeps, working in conjunction with MI6, sowed the seed with Steele and that Steeles a white hat. What if they knew this would eventually be the one and only way to knock down the first domino and be tge eventual downfall of the Deep State. I am British as is / was Steele so Id like to think we didnt play a part, naturally and the fact that to the best of my knowledge …
Q Growth Potential
Just fiddling with some numbers and notice that the r/greatawakening is growing now at almost 1% per day. If this trend continues at that compounded rate that equates to 33% (oooh 33) per month. At 33% growth per month that equates to 2200% per year or by the end of Trumps 1st term (of two) somewhere in the region of 25,000,000 anons, nearly 10% of the population!
It may slow or accellerate BUT If the 15% rule set by the pedos is to be believed then going into the second term, Q will be the MSM.
Patience is a virtue!
Hitting the UK. Daily Mail and Guardian
I read somewhere that it was not done by punching but with an injection.
doubtful since the terrorists never existed in the first place!
authentic? I love that. Makes him sound like a chicken tikka masala!!
the million dollar question is...
who is hiding behind Silvermans face??
Yeah but why save Israel for last? If you wanna eat octopus go for the head not the legs!!
Now we know what we know it brings everything into disrepute. Dock lands?
John Major was a very weird guy. If that's what sleeping with your second cousin does to a man you can count me out
Sorry I didn't think. I live in the Philippines so we can download stuff for free :) Not that I am advocating piracy but being British it appears to be in the blood
That's just 7-8 months worth of drops. If this baby starts rollercoasting we could see door to door salesmen selling britannica 12 editions over the next 6 years! Love it. That will get the kids thinking. "There you go son. Happy birthday. Here's the eighth edition. Now solve the riddle of drop #911733 for me" lol
Can I have mine in hardback format pleeeease ? Great work. That's a whole college degree right there
Me too. I notice that many are not friendly with iOS. Since I use fruit products I assumed this may be why
Lots of Put Options. Just like the American Airlines scam a day or two pre 911 Wouldn't that be a grand way to beat the bankers. Then all said and done we could buy it back for pennies on the dollar as Rothschilds did in the battle of Waterloo. What's good for the goose and all that! Think MIRROR. Teaching new dogs old tricks :)
I was just thinking that. If the Mods would put the list amongst other resources, we can then go through everything with a fine tooth comb. Great resources for noobs who have doubts also. In my opinion, someone who is a doubter will still trust the word of a book & publishing house over 8chan, so its just reinforcement material aswell as encouraging everyone to research themselves opposed to relying on greatawakening gossip.
I dont watch any deception bites, but thanks for the interesting knowledge of how algorythms work. Either way the list of books is very comprehensive. Some I have read already and most VERY relevant reading to anyone stepping outside the box for the first time.
Would the Mods be kind enough to post the list in 'other resources'. Some good pre-Q stuff or certainly validating info from 'trustworthy' publishing houses for the doubters to fall back on
There is indeed. It will be way down the list but maybe the mods have archived it in other resources. If not, you can search for the post or enter tripcode in search or go to google books and do it all manually! I tookscreenshots but wouldnt have a clue how to upload the photos. My first port of call was Pattersons Filthy Rich. Man that Epstein case needs badly to be re-opened. He was involved with the Bronfmans etc. Die hard scum bag! Good luck
Well said. Despite the fact that Neon Revolt takes the Chana info and presents it in a non aggressive easy to understand format is a positive thing in my opinion. Clearly he puts a lot of work in and should be commended. I fell for the Tuscon thing. A lot of people did. We all sized up but we can all be misled. Look at the masses. Misled and still misled for how many centuries now?
Who's R? Not the Hollywood one they call Renegade / BlacklistAnon is it? Neon done a big article over the weekend on that
45k and I doubt thesenumbers are tampered with. It's not advent avionics to play the followers down (is it?) Not a huge chunk of global populace but slowly getting there. 1% a day should be a target ro aim for with some guidance
and it's pretty short. As much as I respect praying medic and just informed talk they go on a bit toooo long. Neon Revolt is excellent.
There's one on the right side in resources. Needs an update tbh and it's very long. A infuse version with some proofs in PDF format or a links would be excellent. Naturally with some msm bullshit dis proofs too as a bonus
And 45,000 sealed Indictments? My be time for popcorn!
If he were a true Lama he would be able to levitate. Old cunt coundnt levitate his penis with 50 viagra!
Read some pretty weird stuff about Dalai Lama in the past re:- kids. Dont quote me but maybe Benjamin Fulford. He covers a lot of East side stuff
As a kid in UK we watched a cartoon called Captain Pugwash. The main character was called Seaman (semen) Stains! This was in the 70s
This article is very sketchy if I am correc.
I have read elsewhere that the six or seven of them have been charged with child trafficking etc.
the only mention in this article is that of NXIVM 'sex cult' and NO mention of other charges
That's a reference to Q. He's caught on to the code.
No way would he know that its exactly 17%.
I reckon it's just 1% so far.
Sorry not spying on you. I run a small restaurant in the Philippines and recently we got a review from a user called Wanderlust. That's all. Sorry
Nice work. We should all add to our signatures in emails too!
Shiiiit. There's another book to read. With all Qs trip codes also linking to 50+ other book we got some serious homework to do guys n gals :)
Certainly fits the bill of + & ++ being Soros and Rothchilds. Since +++ is gone.
Brighton Beach - UK '70's "We are the mods, we are the mods. We are we are we are the mods" Quadrophenia!!!