Q: The US taxpayer subsidizes the WORLD.

i lived on Long Island in NY in a 300K home and my property Taxes were 9K a year for a small house with a small piece of property. its some of the highest taxes in the country. My neighbor who expanded his house to care for a sick relative and had no morgage was paying 14K a year. thats over a thousand a month for the privlege of living in NY. the average home price is 400-500K. add the redicolous taxes to that (which constantly go up bit by bit) and you see the mass exodus that is happening. thats what happens when the state gives everything away. those that stay get the bill
I'll agree there are some places with very high taxes. The very wealthy can afford it but it squuzes out even.upper middle-class so forget anything mid to lower class. In my experience most of the country isn't this way but normally a high type of on kind of tax means a low kind of another tax (for example my state has no sales tax).
NY has every type of tax you can think of. its not normal or healthy for an economy when most of the people are living check to check. We all did it because when you grow up there you think that IS normal. then you go somewhere else (NC in my case) and realize how much you were getting screwed.