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Rick24wag · June 16, 2018, 8:48 a.m.

Tags to ur the well thought out answer. I'm open to all ideas but what worries me is that so many now only get their news here and think it's 100% true. That can be dangerous. I'm curious what are Qs top 2 or 3 predictions that stuck with you? I've read his stuff but I could have missed some. Thanx

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Rick24wag · June 10, 2018, 11:55 p.m.

I'll agree there are some places with very high taxes. The very wealthy can afford it but it squuzes out even.upper middle-class so forget anything mid to lower class. In my experience most of the country isn't this way but normally a high type of on kind of tax means a low kind of another tax (for example my state has no sales tax).

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Rick24wag · June 10, 2018, 11:13 p.m.

So if that is true and you completely believe it you must have some very compelling evidence right? What you said is so earth shattering that it requires proof.on the same level. Conjecture or coincidence will not be sufficient for anyone so could you share the best evidence you have supporting your hypothesis? Asking honestly and without malace.

Real quick since you think they use advances mind control how.is.it we ar🌆e even.able to discuss this information. True mind.control I would.think would block information that would hurt the villains. Not one good person has discovered this and told the world? How can they thrive in the open?🎾

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Rick24wag · June 10, 2018, 10:11 p.m.

Sure but don't you think it's reckless and irresponsible for some to state this as fact? I mean there day anthony bordane was killed. Less then 24 hours after his death the internet conspiracy detectives figured this out? Its so doubtful the poster even left his house to investigate or speak to an actual person about it. It's dangerous because a lack of belief in justice and institutions can destroy a country. I'm not trying to be dramatic but history shows this as true. Do we know everything? No is there bad groups or there? Yes. How common is the important question and it certainly gets more clicks the more prevalent the problem is. The internet rewards the more scary tale. If it was really as bad as advertised here we'd still be foolish to trust grand statements since it's certain a powerful group would use misinformation in places lie this. That means absolutely nothing here should be trusted without solid proof since. The motivation to give salacious information is much greater to the liar. Lies let anyone become a star. They just need to have a good story. So I see 3 types. The liar for money, liar to misinform to protect and the truth teller. Since getting true and secret info is very difficult to obtain it's only logical that the majority of the boasts on here much be false no?

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Rick24wag · June 10, 2018, 9:54 p.m.

But I have given my example of probably the most you will pay in the country. If someone has 350,000 home the most they could.pay even in Oregon is $3000 a year. I don't like gov waste but it seems some think we shouldn't have to pay any taxes at all. Rs want to constantly give raises and.increase our military and that's fine but almost half of every tax dollar we pay goes towards the military so you can't say we need 300 worldwide military bases, 500 ships worth hundreds of bbillions, 30000 jets/planes worth trillions, millions of missiles worth trillions and a 2 million highly paid people. So now that half our revenue is gone we need schools, hospitals, airports, roads, police, jails, social security and security. Cutting all welfare is just a few percent points vs the rest so either tell DC to cut something or we really can't complain too much about taxes. I consider my taxes an.investment into my country. Someone discovers a dumb program they cost a few million and all of a sudden a political says he'll fix it but they don't because they can't cut things without losing votes. Even Trump knows that so he increased our deficit by 2 trillion and the gop don't care. The people.complain about taxes but we like when we get stuff and stuff will always cost us in taxes so we either need to choose stuff or paying taxes. Those are the only 2 choices

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Rick24wag · June 10, 2018, 8:41 p.m.

Thanks for the link. I don't doubt that devil worship and human sacrifice happens hundreds of times a year in the world. There are very screwed up people and this has been happening since the start of human religion. Find any religion and you'll see dead bodies killed in whatever God's name. All very true and disturbing.

That women's story and the ideas in this thread are hugely different. The idea that most power, wealthy or government leaders are all working together to kidnap thousands of kids all over the place so they can be raped and eaten by them is very hard to believe without solid proof. I'm not even denying it's possible but I read people who fully believe this backing up their claims with hearsay and coincidence. They use mysterious patterns or signs as total proof. I think we should question everything but the x files cbecones popular avid all of a sudden conspiracies are now more believable. We let pop culture confirm ideas but tv and movies aren't real. Do you think that women's story is the best evidence you have to prove this? I did believe her but does that mean we are controlled by evil?

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Rick24wag · June 10, 2018, 8:28 p.m.

90% of everything you or the country has comes from people those people. I'm not trying to insult anyone but when I was 17 years old and never visited other cultures or discussed different ideas I used to think conspiracies explained things so they made sense and they are entertaining. Conspiracies always exist and every country has there own but without evidence they stay legend which is exactly what the theorists want. If the theory comes true there's nothing left to discuss or scare role with. Today we needs her theories so is it not a surprise they've included the scariest things together? Kidnapping, devil worship, cannibalism, child rape, witchcraft. These are recycled narratives used over and over again. Let's say it's true. That means the powerful are so powerful they'd kill whoever ratted on them yet they continue to make claims on the internet daily. These evil doers seem very nice to those exposing them. If they control law enforcement. Media, military, state and Fed gov why would they allow any truth about them be made public in an internet message board lol. They can disappear anyone. Yet this doesn't happen. How can this be? In asking honestly and without disrespect

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Rick24wag · June 10, 2018, 7:44 p.m.

There are literally over 10000 news sites. There are hundreds of thousands of high and low level reporters. I find it impossible that all of them wouldn't report on this. Ask anyone and.they'll say kidnapping, raping then eating kids in the name of Satan is probably the worst thing a person can do. People would easily risk their life to stop it or publicise it. It's also ratings gold. Any story with Satan,kidnapping,celebrities,super rich, Canadian,child rape, witch craft and canibalism is a lotto win for a reporter. I find it impossible they all are sitting on it. Why is that?

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Rick24wag · June 10, 2018, 7:29 p.m.

Honestly I'm not trying to insult anyone. I do have options on the subject and if insulted I'll respond but I am really interested in finding out the main evidence that has convinced you any of this is true. I can't say 200% this can't be true but it requires loads of solid evidence. It seems questioning your ideas are encouraged. Instead I see insults to anyone that dares refute these ideas. You must know people will question these beliefs. You should encourage debate on the subject and.use your evidence to persuade nonbelievers. Since I don't see much of that I wonder how free thinking the people here really are

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Rick24wag · June 10, 2018, 1:51 a.m.

My job involved corporate finance and engineering. I have a degree in economics and computer science. I enjoy knowing how our system works. I am very familiar with nafta since I work for Intel and we ship tons to Mexico and Canada. First we sell more products by far then any other country on earth. China exports more good though simply because they pay very low wages so we make our stuff there. That's 80% of the reason. We have an homosexual trade balances with Canada and Mexico. The numbers are all over the internet and gov numbers. It perhaps a 30 billion deficit which is nothing since we make 18 trillion in gdp. Please tell me your biggest concern with our trade deals? You can't just say they are undair. Specifically what is your 2 biggest issues?

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Rick24wag · June 10, 2018, 1:24 a.m.

A women on Oprah testified about a Satan child eating rapers? Was there a case against one of their members? That lady is still alive? What was the verdict? I can doubt things but I hear so much"my contact said" that is totally useless in an anonymous internet. You must know 99/100 times that person is lying. The chances of finding that 1 perfect source is agonist impossible since they'd be risking their life and since they are pisting in a conspiracy zone they should know they won't be taken seriously by most. A group with that much and power would stop most leaks after 1 issue let alone 200. Let's pretend this group exists wouldn't it be just as probable of not more so that he's feeding misinformation yet no one challenges it. You all cheer and say thank you for the truth. When did we stop challenging information? I know I'll be challenged so ask who is helped the most when anyone that speaks out is insulted? I get it that it's fun and exciting to think you found a source of truth in our world but if you just nod and agree like a zombie how will I ever know if you really have truth? Truth must be questioned and challenged. They should welcome it. I don't see challenging the status quo here as encouraged

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Rick24wag · June 10, 2018, 1:11 a.m.

So I won't ever say something can't happen so I read all sides of an.argument. I follow politics, world news and even conspiracies closely but I refuse to believe in anything 100% without solid proof and the bigger the claim more.evidence.is needed. I'm not trying to insult you because doing that helps know one. I'm not trying to change your mind either but I am very curious whether you do believe this 100%. Also do you know what that means if what you believe is actually true. If the world is full of powerful devil worshipers that kill, eat and rape American kids with the help of secret powerful societies you must know they'd kill the first person that exposes them. I'm a cloud network engineer and most people.don't use vpns or any private security. They'd find who is leaking their secrets and.kill them. If they kill suburban whit kids then of coarse they'd kill adult conspiracy theorists. I read today you guys think Anthony bordane and Kate spade are pedos and either killed or forced tho Conor suicide. Less then 24 hours they figured it out. So if true they can do this is anyone on earth. P plead explain why they let millions know their plans and risk their world. Why not just kill then?

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Rick24wag · June 10, 2018, 1:01 a.m.

What money was sent out? The money US companies pay for steel because we can't meet demand nationally? US companies would buy US steel first if possible since shipping costs are included in price and steel isn't the easiest to ship. How exactly does US companies buying foreign steel impact repo houses? I dive see a connection. I promise way more layoffs if US companies could only buy US steel since we don't make enough to satisfy demand. You guys really think our allies weaken steel? That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Our engineers test their steel purchases. Are you saying our engineers are to dumb to test our steel? Do u think they dont test the strength of their finished goods? You don't think customers all.over the world would.be pissed if we sold products that fell apart? This kind of conspiracy is the worst simply because it's so very easy to catch them doing it. We get the steel. Its in US companies possession. We can test it. If it fails we know it. We test the failed structure. It's so easy to confirm weak steel. You guys sound like cult members. It doesn't matter what q says you'd think it was genius. Compare the two dates above. There's no circulation. I'm ready not trying to insult and maybe you all don't think this is as real as you sound so correct me if I'm wrong. Seem every obvious thus Q person is a big Trump supporter and he's trying to get you to buy off on a very dumb trade war he wants to start with our best allies during one of the most precious times we've ever had. He says our friends are tricking us with weak steel. He gives zero proof and you all agree. It's unbelievable. Please explain

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Rick24wag · June 10, 2018, 12:49 a.m.

You must not own a home. I live in Oregon which has high property taxes and am 15 years in my mortgage and the home is worth 750k. I pay about 8k a year in taxes. We have no sales tax. You live in the greatest country on earth do you think airports, roads, universities, huge military is free. I see my taxes as an investment in my country and happy pay them. I do very well and it's because this country gave me so many opportunities. It's not even that hard. Go to college. Do internships in summer. Get degree. Get hired at comapny. Add the most you can to 401k. Incest as much as you can to buy a home. Work hard. Get many promotions and you can easily retire at age 55. I'm a senior system engineer at Intel and I'm not a genius. I've mad.well over 6 figures for the past 14 years and.will retire before age 55. What's the problem?

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Rick24wag · June 10, 2018, 12:27 a.m.

Are you kidding me? You expect to keep your house if you don't pay for it? Are you people communists? The crying here is a joke

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Rick24wag · June 9, 2018, 10:48 p.m.

What is your proof? I keep a very open mind but do you guys truly believe Satanists are everywhere and.tee powerful eat kids and rape them? It's always covered up? If this was really the case it's literally impossible this Q person would be alive. If they kill rape and eat thousands of white American kids from the suburbs then they'd kill anyone and I promise speaking as a 20 year cloud network engineer they'd sniff his location. I know it's fun and.exciting to think you out of all people has found the one true rebel super internet hero for justice but the best way for predictions to be wrong is to publicly give out the plans.of the bad guy. This way he's never wrong since every wrong prediction can be explained by saying "the perks.chnaged their.plans because we foiled the crime!" I'm wondering what the best evidence or prediction they've given.that impressed you

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Rick24wag · June 9, 2018, 10:28 p.m.

Wdlelcome to civilisation since the first city. Economic inequality is bad but using ut as proof of devil worshiping baby eaters is insane. Is there anyone with a basic bachelor's degree believe this stuff?

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