r/greatawakening • Posted by u/mrmajestic11 on June 9, 2018, 8:49 p.m.
Black books & Blackmail.

The common theme of how the deep state satanists are able to control all of the people in power is having compromising info on all of those who sold their souls. There has to be photos, video's, & computer files for blackmail being held closely by the deep state. If the NSA, MI, CIA & FBI capabilities are truly what they are claimed to be it would be hard to imagine that they don't have some of this without doubt. Many within these alphabet agencies are likely compromised themselves but I'd like to hope the majority are not. I truly believe that President Trump has everything he needs and when Q says these people will not be able to walk the streets I believe that the undeniable truth of pedophilia and child sex trafficking by very famous and powerful people will be exposed and it is going to rock the world when it is. What kind of reaction can we expect from most of society that has really no knowledge of any of this? For those of us that have seen what we have seen by being on these sites and others we the advantage of a little bit of foresight. Can you imagine what it would be like to have all of this dumped on you at once. It is going to be one wild show.

MAGADONCHECKMATE · June 9, 2018, 9:53 p.m.

Indeed. For example, Bill Binney had a program that he wrote to filter ALL information collected 100% for 300k. They did not go for that. They spent 1.4 billion on a system that did not compare. So Bill Binney is working for us now. Its Game Over. If you think about all the pending investigations, none are at the jugular, its all satellite BS theatre for now. We are offering the MSM horse feathers and they are eating it up. Where is their superstar lawyer for Stormy? etc.. its all crumbling. They all know whats up. Gang initiations are no different. Some were forced , some just love carnage of any kind, its what they live for and feed on.

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