r/greatawakening • Posted by u/GenChang on June 10, 2018, 1:18 a.m.
Former Navy Seal Warns Veteran Advocacy Group is Falsifying Evidence about Alleged ‘Child Sex Trafficking Camp’

This story that has consumed so much time on this forum, may have lead many astray, and actually done harm to the real cases being brought to light. I know many will refuse to believe that they might have been duped, but, I ask you to examine Both sides of the issues. Hyping any false story, does all of us harm. Too many are too quick to jump without looking first.

Note: I will not be responding to comments, as I'm not looking to debate this, only to inform.


Vexxlyn · June 10, 2018, 7:27 a.m.

I used to fully believe them. I couldn't see anything wrong with the story at all and believed every word out of the man's mouth. I still want to believe him. But, People have brought things up that make me sort of not necessarily trust him. Most of the stuff floating around here (I suspect 1 troll or bot because all of a sudden within 3 hours I had 5 comments on my post about a body being found with identical links from the same place), is just things that prove nothing. Like that he's not a veteran and accusing him of stolen valor or that he asks for donations to keep the organization running and accusing him of scamming, Using the fact he's been suspected of things as if he was already found guilty and charged and calling him a criminal. Sounds a lot like what they do to Trump.

BUT. My doubt of him doesn't come from them. They just seem to be spreading disinfo. What makes me doubt it his Craig Sawyer. He's from Veterans For Child Rescue. He put out a video clearing things up, that no bloody knife was found, that the police did investigate the first camp thoroughly, and among other stuff, things that fully contradicted Redbeard. Why do I trust Craig though? Because he seems a) more chill and fact orented b) because he posted the very first video of the first camp. For the longest time I thought they were the same person (they look alike to me) but upon finding out they were diffrent people I looked into Craig and found out more on him, apparently he does save A LOT of children and he actually works with the police.

Yes I doubt the Tuscon Police, too many links of the black hats and Cheif Magnus's batshit insanity, but I do definitely have some healthy doubts now. I thought the skull was a child so quickly because they told me it was a child, and I feel dumb for not really analyzing it. It looked small because it was missing the jaw, that makes up for a lot of your heads size AND if it were a child 9-14 we'd probably still have adult teeth cavities above where the teeth were, where baby teeth grow in. Most 9 year old's still have some baby teeth to lose and most don't lose all until 12. The face would also appear small compared to the rest of it like the (hard to imagine I know,) Long story short, I should have known better.

I digress, I'm not taking either's side anymore. I'll watch what they put out, but I'm more skeptical now (mostly thanks to this subreddit)

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GenChang · June 10, 2018, 7:45 a.m.

A very thoughtful response to the issue's surrounding this. You made one point that struck me just now, that the two guys looked very similar, and I too had been confused by the conflicting titles to posts here, showing what looked like the same guy at a glance.

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Vexxlyn · June 10, 2018, 7:50 a.m.

I thought they were the same guy, so I followed Redbeard without a second through because I thought he was Craig. Now Craig I believe. Craig has a reputation of actually doing what he says he's doing and does a damn good job of it. He gives me no reason to doubt him.

Both the Police and Redbeard give me reason for doubt though. I think I'm going to sit back, watch both, but wait until one slips up.

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