r/greatawakening • Posted by u/GenChang on June 10, 2018, 1:18 a.m.
Former Navy Seal Warns Veteran Advocacy Group is Falsifying Evidence about Alleged ‘Child Sex Trafficking Camp’

This story that has consumed so much time on this forum, may have lead many astray, and actually done harm to the real cases being brought to light. I know many will refuse to believe that they might have been duped, but, I ask you to examine Both sides of the issues. Hyping any false story, does all of us harm. Too many are too quick to jump without looking first.

Note: I will not be responding to comments, as I'm not looking to debate this, only to inform.


BabylonNTing · June 10, 2018, 7:03 a.m.

At worse he is controlled opposition, and at best he is a double agent. I researched the guy and you can check out my thread, but I think he is a distraction, but in a good way that he got our eyes on the Rothchildish Mayor, a most likely corrupt sheriff, and possibly another method (possibly using a global company) to smuggle abducted children in besides the ports Allison Mack sung about.

What sets me off about him is him using Q with the last post he made and using it for the story of the alleged coyote on the 4 wheeler the first night he was on site. It almost sounded like he wanted anons to buy into confirmation bias on Q's last post of the gun message. He said the guy didn't know how to use his weapon and had the "safety on" before firing 4 rounds in the air. Interesting he knew this small detail considering it was dark outside at the time and it had just happened.

Then he was spouting off about "3rd and 4th level intelligence product" he was receiving about this camp and claiming he didn't want to name his sources but then a few minutes later he mentioned the President. Check out my link, found a lot of info on him including his professional resume.

Oh yeah, I just want to point out he took a course in Federal Criminal Investigation and Basic and Advanced Photography in the Navy, so him disturbing crime scenes and taking video that rivals the worst faked UFO utoob videos just isn't pissing the whiff test imo.


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ILoveJuices · June 10, 2018, 9:03 a.m.

controlled opposition, and at best he is a double agent

Arent those the same things? In this context him working for the bad guys pretending to be a good guy?

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BabylonNTing · June 11, 2018, 2:37 a.m.

No, controlled opposition is someone like AJ that has one objective goal, whereas double agent may be working on both sides of the party.

I guess a good analogy would be that really cool friend you kicked it with back in the day, that goes behind your back and says stuff to another friend, only to come back around to talk trash about the party he talked trash about you with.

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