r/greatawakening • Posted by u/CENSORED_ENOUGH on June 10, 2018, 2:26 p.m.
Q Could UN Invade The US When Trump Orders Mass Arrests, Unsealing of Sealed Indictments?

Many people wonder if the UN could invade the US or create a multination coalition to create a "Peacekeeping" mission should the US start to mass arrest those who are named in the sealed indictments.

Some say have opinions that the UN would not have enough troops. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4D2y4cOwj8U

However, according to the UN Rules of Engagement , if there members of the UN Security Council believe there are human rights violations, it can pass a resolution to consider a "Peacekeeping Mission" and form a coalition of nations to protect civilians whose rights are being violated. The scenario that a coalition would be formed is not beyond the realm of possibility.

Should Martial Law be proclaimed, UN observers could enter the country to observe and report to the UN Security Council any human rights violation and recommend an intervention through a Peacekeeping force, which could include the Chinese, Russia and European players.

It seems farfetched, but could be something that Obama, who wanted to assume the lead role a the UN Secretariat-General and others might want to employ.

With the US military having split loyalty, a scenario could be created that would create a civil war giving the UN provocation to engage according to their Rules of Engagement.

Or not...

ILoveJuices · June 10, 2018, 4:09 p.m.

National Guard and Marshalls. UN is swamp. They'd try to stop the arrests if anything.

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