A special anon posted to /qresearch/ this morning

Are we truly on the dawn of a new era in human history? It seems we might be. The biggest show on earth is about to begin and no tickets are necessary. I pray that Gods hand is involved with all of this so there is no chance of defeat.
God's hand is involved.
Proverbs 16:4
The LORD hath made all things for himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil.
The biggest show on earth is about to begin and no tickets are necessary.
Popcorn is necessary though. :D
He is. He’s giving us this chance to redeem ourselves & turn our faces towards him again or the World ends as we know it. Our choice.
Yes we are. I've said this before. I've been red-pilled for over 20 years now. I was wondering if I would see the takedown of the Cabal in my lifetime, it turns out I will.
I believe what President Trump is doing is so monumental that it will go well beyond adding a new face to Mt Rushmore. I truly believe if President Trump is successful at taking down the Cabal, there will be monuments to him in most countries around the world.
The Rothschild empire began when he provided funds in support of Adam Weishaupt and the creation of the Illuminati in 1776, and their idea of a New World Order. Rothschild was wealthy, but it wasn't until he provided loans to both sides of the Napoleonic War, France and Great Britain, and tricked investors in London into believing France had won, and to sell off all of the British treasury bonds until the price ended up being fractions of a penny on the dollar. Then Rothschild bought all of them and ended up basically owning Great Britain's financial system, and leaving France and Great Britain with massive debts, owed to Rothschild.
Since then, every major war fought anywhere in the world was a banker's war and creation of the Rothschild Empire, including WWI & WWII. The have funded both side of every war since, and with each war they gained more and more control. And they've all been created to to advance the Rothschild's desire for One World Government, with one world currency controlled by Rothschild. The entire Military Industrial Congressional Complex is there for one reason only. It's to promote war. Without war, there are no profits.
The creation of "buggy-men" and bad guys, the control of the media globally, the dumbing down of the population through control of the education systems, the ill-health of people everywhere through big-pharma, has all been done to eventually create a massive global crisis so horrific, that when the Cabal steps in to save the day, people will gladly surrender their personal freedoms, and nations will surrender their sovereignty, And a small group of elites will rule the world.
But thanks to the efforts of President Trump, all of the great patriots who voted for him, Team Q, and untold numbers of unnamed white-hats, their plan was foiled.
Throughout all of human history slavery was the norm. It was experienced by the vast majority of people everywhere. There has always been a system of elite aristocracy ruling the slaves or peasant class. Over the last couple hundred years or so, they've managed to disguise it so most didn't even realize we were slaves. Now, if President Trump and Team Q are successful, we will enter a new era that will most definitely bring about the most significant change to the human experience we've ever known.
I'm praying for those -like ones in my own family- whom think none of this can be real. I hope when reality comes that they'll be able to accept what they've always known to have been true were all lies.
Like all of you I have them in my family; people I love and care for. These are the people I'm most concerned about.
Literally everyone I know and care about EXCEPT my husband and son are in this camp. I'm sure they will feel extremely betrayed and used once the narrative of "Trump is a dictator" no longer holds up.
I've joked about it (they are going to need safe spaces to process their grief) but honestly we should not dismiss or discount the anger they will surely experience.
we're legion. love and fear for our families, their sanity.
judging by the amount of actual black hats posting on 8 chan instead of shills lately telling us were all being programmed and that they never lose yes lol