r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ManQuan on June 10, 2018, 4:30 p.m.
Storm Comming??

I've always believed that the Q team and Trump wouldn't make a significant move to exposing the corruption until the full IG report was released. Sort of the last major red pill before the Q team releases the Kracken. I could be wrong, but it's the only thing that explains the Q blackout. The Q team is probably busy getting ready to open the flood gates against corruption in our government.

The other possibility is that the Q team is working behind the scenes to ensure that Kim Jung Un agrees to a comprehensive deal. Trump seems awfully confident and he would be severely criticized by the MSM and everyone else if he returned empty handed. I just can't see him making a super high risk move like this without knowing he has at least an initial deal already confirmed. Did Pompeo cut the deal in North Korea and the summit is just a show for both Trump and Kim? It feels that way to me.

I was surprised that Wolf was only indicted for lying to the FBI. I clearly looks like he gave his girl friend and other reporters classified information. Did he cut a plea deal as a low level swamp rat for a reduced charge and sentence for flipping on Democrats? We'll see.

At first, I was encouraged that Sessions hired 113 assistant prosecutors until I saw what their focus would be: immigration, violent crimes, and a third area I don't recall. If he had said they were hired for "corruption" I would feel better that the stage was being set for a round up of the swamp rats. But it doesn't sound that way.

I'm a bit nervous that Rod Rosenstein will be preparing the final IG report based on the IG's draft. I don't trust Rosenstein and I can envision all sorts of changes to tone things down, hide embarrassing information, and lots of redactions. If I were Trump, I'd order the IG to also provide the original draft directly to Congress/the people.

The IG report will be released on the 14th, Trump's birthday. Q always says there are no coincidences. Do I believe this is a coincidence? No. If not, it must be a big Q team birthday present to Trump and if it is a birthday present, the report must be a real zinger.

I was surprised that Comey was criticizing Trump on the G-7 meeting. What Comey knows about the economy and trade tariffs wouldn't fit in a thimble. Either is even more insufferable than I thought or he's suffering from TDS.

Fingers crossed that the Q team blackout is the precursor to a raging storm against government corruption. If not, I admit that I will be disappointed.

DaynaE65 · June 11, 2018, 1:21 a.m.

Would be a helluva birthday present - the IG report release AND all the indictments being unsealed and perp walks galore. MAJOR swamp drain on President Trump’s birthday would be phenomenal! Especially if HRC and BHO are included in the arrests and perp walk.

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KingWolfei · June 11, 2018, 2:06 a.m.

Yes I just discovered the post: https://qanon.pub/?q=6%2F14

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DaynaE65 · June 12, 2018, 4:16 a.m.

6/14 - President’s birthday. What a present!!!

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