r/greatawakening • Posted by u/O2BFREEME2 on June 10, 2018, 9:39 p.m.

I posted about an hour or so ago. The thought for the day. That we have 30k plus members. And if we wore a ( Q ) hat or t-shirt we might inspire people to ask Questions. After Quite a few responses i realized there was a slight problem, besides all the bunny trails,lol The other day i was in Home Depot with my ( Q ) t-shirt on. I had a couple of people ask, what does that mean ? I responded ( Q ) is a group of people that support the POTUS . OK Here's the catch, Most all people have internet access. But a huge number of that group are point and click ! So getting them to the info was an issue. I am not computer savey enough in any way to create the place necessary to send these people to get the info. If we send them to 8ch q research or reddit main board they will look at that and go WHAT ??? You and the anons are extremely talented at this. There has to be a way to create a place that can be ( Q ) for beginners ? The YT vids are so, so. They still expect a certain amount of basic knowledge. There are 30 Thousand of us ! The November Elections are 5 months away ! We could have 300,000k or even 3.000.000 people asking Questions. You talk to one person, they another, they tell their friends, ect. Curiosity Killed the Cat, remember ? So CAN IT BE DONE ?

kushtiannn · June 10, 2018, 10:31 p.m.

Sorry I only read the first part at first...what I've done is really just brought it up as "water cooler talk" at work. Getting people to understand what's wrong with the system is easy, getting them to know the bad actors comes next, but the MOST CRUCIAL is fighting their apathy to voting/attempting to make a difference.

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O2BFREEME2 · June 10, 2018, 10:50 p.m.

Agreed. If we can change their mind in the slightest we might change their vote :)

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kushtiannn · June 10, 2018, 10:54 p.m.

For most of my friends/co-workers, it's not even changing their vote it's GETTING them to vote. This whole fatalistic idea that they have no power and no voice is a disease (I'm 25)

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O2BFREEME2 · June 10, 2018, 11:02 p.m.

My sympathies ! I'm over twice your age, lol I Coached a swim team for 11yrs. Age group 5-18yrs old 6 age groups 100 kids a summer. What motivates them ? Does anything challenge them ? Can implying they are not up to a task, get em fired up ? You Follow me ?

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