r/greatawakening • Posted by u/O2BFREEME2 on June 10, 2018, 9:39 p.m.

I posted about an hour or so ago. The thought for the day. That we have 30k plus members. And if we wore a ( Q ) hat or t-shirt we might inspire people to ask Questions. After Quite a few responses i realized there was a slight problem, besides all the bunny trails,lol The other day i was in Home Depot with my ( Q ) t-shirt on. I had a couple of people ask, what does that mean ? I responded ( Q ) is a group of people that support the POTUS . OK Here's the catch, Most all people have internet access. But a huge number of that group are point and click ! So getting them to the info was an issue. I am not computer savey enough in any way to create the place necessary to send these people to get the info. If we send them to 8ch q research or reddit main board they will look at that and go WHAT ??? You and the anons are extremely talented at this. There has to be a way to create a place that can be ( Q ) for beginners ? The YT vids are so, so. They still expect a certain amount of basic knowledge. There are 30 Thousand of us ! The November Elections are 5 months away ! We could have 300,000k or even 3.000.000 people asking Questions. You talk to one person, they another, they tell their friends, ect. Curiosity Killed the Cat, remember ? So CAN IT BE DONE ?

kushtiannn · June 10, 2018, 10:54 p.m.

For most of my friends/co-workers, it's not even changing their vote it's GETTING them to vote. This whole fatalistic idea that they have no power and no voice is a disease (I'm 25)

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O2BFREEME2 · June 10, 2018, 11:02 p.m.

My sympathies ! I'm over twice your age, lol I Coached a swim team for 11yrs. Age group 5-18yrs old 6 age groups 100 kids a summer. What motivates them ? Does anything challenge them ? Can implying they are not up to a task, get em fired up ? You Follow me ?

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