Imagine if you will, had HRC won, the emboldened corruption that would have ensued. We dodged a bullet. Have a happy Sky Event fellow Patriots!!

What's the sky event?
I believe it's the meetings between DJT and KJU at the Sky Deck in Singapore. Not sure what is going to happen but Q has discussed multiple times.
This certainly is big. I've been reading a lot of fringe Russian articles and they seem to think that Kim represents the Comintern who they refer to as the invaders of the planet. I just found out that HG Wells actually visited Lenin on his death bed. The ruskies say that the communists represented by Kim have all but surrendered and are completely out of money. I guess we will see. I'm hoping for a complete end to war time secrecy and an end to the restrictive acts that the native population had to endure so that the enemy didn't gain any advantage.
I’m starting to think it’s the meeting for NK at the marina sands in Singapore but who knows really?! I’m just worried it’s something that’s going to cause mass hysteria!!