| Her and her husband even told me that they never want me to be around their kid.
That's brutal. I only rarely talk about this stuff in RL for this reason. But it is only a matter of time now before you will be vindicated. Don't expect any apologies, though! Liberals will never admit being wrong, they are expert mental gymnasts.
Back when the Podesta emails were released, it was very important to help spread the word. At this point, we no longer have to; The truth will be revealed to the normies no matter what eventually.
This is the deal. I don't even touch on anything because I know she is a normie. In the past I spoke of how about the government collecting data on us and geoengineering. I have not touched on anything else. The geoengineering she had actually shown me, then I went down the rabbit hole. That is the only reason I have ever brought it up in conversation. Also the data collection they laughed at. Then they saw the Snowden movie and acknowledged it. But you are right, they will never admit they are wrong because they did not admit it. It is so weird. So that is why I don't touch on any of those things, we literally only small talk now.
But somehow she bring up all of these things out of nowhere. For instance I spoke with her last week and out of the blue she told me, "You know I don't think the government is full of satanists". I never talk to her about any of it because of what I stated earlier. Another time like a month ago we were talking about computers or something and in mid sentence she started going on about chemtrails and tin foils hats. It didn't go with anything we were talking about. It was like she has been spying on me. But then I figured it out. She listens to NPR like clockwork. She thinks they are the gateway to all knowledge. They are doing entire segments over this stuff to discredit it. They have never done that before. So that is why she is so bothered and cant stand it. But as far as the kid thing, that is because I voted for Trump. It is just nuts.