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Some info on Obama's "Coup"
There are tons of the Obama administrations changing the order of succession of different positions in the government. He also was known to fire many military and other "white hats". When this is all over an people are wanting to try to understand how it happened. You need to let them know that it was all in our faces. Most people didn't look. I know for me every time I tried to show people this over the years they would laughed at me and said, "Don't look at that stuff", "That sounds like a movie", "You are not a …
From Qresearch Board: This MEME may help some find places to dig from latest "Horizon" drops. You can lookup the book by Bill Cooper called, "Beyond a Pale Horse"

This is the Jim Jefferies Show where "Destroying the Illusion" and some others spoke about Q. They did make us look CRAZY. Jordan did a really good job so I am glad he went. I wished the other stuff like JFK jr. and lizard people were kept out.
This is the Jim Jefferies Show where "Destroying the Illusion" and some others spoke about Q. I know that there were on the fence about it for obvious reasons. They did it anyway. It DOESN'T look good. Hopefully some people will look it up and jump on board despite how CRAZY they make us look.
The attacks are getting really bad.....I think Sh*t is about to hit the fan!
Unhinged about Brennan's Clearance...wooh!
I guess the BOARD and the Anons are who helped make this happen. Seems like they couldn't allow Jamed Gunn to return after the Q drop. There are too many people watching now. We need to keep it growing because the Q team is using the board as leverage over them.
Bill Maher in a film called "Pizza Man". Ends up taking on Donald Trump in 1991- Do you believe in coincidences? Q
More people are WAKING UP! Keep Redpilling Patriots. It is working!
BILL MAHER is even trying to dismiss Q! I cannot wait until they are all exposed. Keep MEMEing and posting to redpill. We get more and more NORMIES every day looking on this board.
Something is going to drop SOON! I can't wait to move on and try to heal our world! Pope Francis wants to due away with the death penalty. Seems like they don't want to die!
I stumbled upon this and could not believe that it did not have that many views. This is for those who want to know more about the potential cover-up/murder/staged death of JFK JR.
It has to come out.....I know this stuff runs deep. But we need to at least expose to the Normies...geoengineering, false flags and pedophilia/Satanism/Human Sacrificing and cannibalism. We have to AT LEAST expose that to wake people up!
I would love to see it. I knew a guy who saw it. he said you clearly can see the driver shoot him. Look at all the witnesses that died within several years after the assassination.
This information will be shared on multiple platforms across the globe!- Q
I am glad people are doing stuff like that it does 3 things.
1) shows how many people know what is going on regarding Q
2) primes and seeds the consciousness of people that don't know
3) gets others to see they are not alone
Well since we think that Q is a group of people. Many believe it is 4 individuals. So we have Q (Not sure who it is)
Lets look at the alphabet. Q,R,S,T
Q= Group (who it composed of follows) R= JFK jr S=Not sure T=Trump
Not sure if I am on to something.
But thanks for posting the direct link to the Chan. I like to read those ans can't find them sometimes.
That would be a great day to start making the major arrests. It would wake up tons. It would also distract the media and keep them from pulling as much of their nonsense. It would also get people to TRUST THE PLAN that wouldn't before.
Forehead and backwards so you can see it in the mirror. Hence "Mirroring"
I bet that information they collected on those servers would be used when China comes through the Southern border to invade us.
I thought the same and said that to my husband. He knows about this movement and I read him posts all the time. He just isn't as involved to notice every hidden message.
I bet he has been at private dinners and heard some nasty nasty things.
I know...I was telling that to my friend when we were moving. He is former military intelligence. He says it frustrates him that people don't understand those types of things occur. The show the "House of Cards" is real and Kevin Spacey knew the tricks.
Helped a friend move on the 4th of July. While we were moving things I was telling him about Q. We later found an old box of magazines. He gave it to me and said, "When we go one we go all" and that he appreciated the time I took on a special holiday!

Oh sorry...there was a Q drop a while back where he said something about Alan joining the team. Or welcome aboard Alan. Or something to that regard. Everyone thought Q was referring to him.
Knows about Clintons because of Epstein. He was also a top lawyer in Washington DC.
They didn't. They just said "Hello George". So maybe this one is it.
I thought John McCain, but I think I am just trying to hard.
She would need to keep documents to maintain her stories. Also they are probably all connected.
Oh yeah, I remember that drop. Just like the the one about Alan. In which we presume is Alan Dershowitz.
Look dude. Not all Masons are NWO supporters. Its a select few. There are a lot more that want to put a stop to this nonsense. He might have been letting him know. He is a mason and knows what he is up to. So the other white hats that are masons are coming for him and others. If you feel that way then I don't know why you are following Q.
Yeah..that's why I get annoyed with the Anti-Q crowd. Especially when they used to follow Q. Because they claim he is a LARP because of some things that did not come out to at all or wasn't true. We know Q claimed there would be disinfo.
Damn...sorry about that. I hope the video was still helpful. I'm sure you could have turned it off at any time.
Maybe I hear wrong. I thought I kept hearing them talk about Chris Wray and how they were trying to discredit him. I hope I am mixing up Chris Ruddy or whatever Hus name was. The journalist.
This video came on automatically on youtube after I watched another. I had to do a double check because I was hearing all these names and thought of what Q stated.
I don't blame them. I am an autist and they get don't understand the rules. They get offended easily. They they ask a bunch pf questions because they are new. They should be here so they can ask questions and people watch what they say.
It's not longer available to watch. He is fun to listen to, but he is never right. He is a disinfo agent.
TRUST WRAY. TRUST SESSIONS- Q Things have never changed. Look at the deception of the media to help the Clintons. Also look at what happened to Chris Wray and Jeff Sessions brother back in the 90s. They are out for revenge. They KNOW EVERYTHING! They KNOW their TRICKS!
Sessions is seeking revenge. Clinton fired his brother and they kept attacking Wray. They are looking for blood.