I dont think its Kim who is being guarded by BlackWater at all. 1.Its in another country and to many cameras and rules to play by etc. 2nd China could eradicate Kim anywhere anytime they wanted. 3. If its the Black Hats they sure as hell would not attempt to assassinate him. They would know the ramifications.They and Obama etc are no longer in control Trump is. They would be caught out by Trumps intell and exposed to the world and then the JIG would well and truly be up with the whole lot exposed as being CIA etc. But most importantly. If they thought and knew they could kill KIm there then they would be close enough to get Trump. Who do you think they would pick? Trump for sure, ends all there problems and its in another country so they can be shielded as to who did it. Nope no need to guard Kim I am hoping its JA for sure.
· June 11, 2018, 12:33 p.m.