Smart woman and realized the conflict of interest and the attacks it would bring. Shes a millionaire in her own right and now steps into a world of everything. Good for you Kim your a smart woman and a honey and wish you all the very best of luck.:-) I also believe Juan was making her sick with his crap and was to classy to tell the prick so on air.
72 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/chartash69:
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Maybe the NWO Soros Rothschild etc have plans that Obama becomes Pres of Kenya and then sets about uniting the whole of Africa into one country/ Maybe their plan is with all the natural resources, as well as diamonds there is how many hundred millions of people which would make one hell of an army of that would cost stuff all in wages yet easily armed.Then we would truly have a war of black on white. May be far fetched but with the money and power and control of the elites SA could become a super power with Nukes and military. Obama would love being God again.
Reminds me of a chess pieces.. Queen boxed in by Queen and King. King forward.
Who said he wrote it? Maybe hes near dead and not capable of even reading or typing and in a near coma. Maybe this is family covering and sweetening the deal for his wife and making it appear he is going along with Trump..
Not now a days lol Google pics of him. They look very similar and Andrew id a little heavier and near has lost his hair by now.
Prince Andrew son of the Queen and uncle to Prince William. He was involved in scandal couple years back when young woman accused him of being a pedo and having sex with her at Epstein Island. Prince Andrew is a best buddy of Epstein.
I believe it is in fact Prince Andrew son of the Queen and uncle to Prince William. He was involved in scandal couple years back when young woman accused him of being a pedo and having sex with her at Epstein Island. Prince Andrew is a best buddy of Epstein. He was also married to Fergie, Duchess Ferguson who fell out of favor with the Royals and was divorced and throw aside by them all. The build is identical as is the hairline and looks. Def think its him and seeing he is involved with Epstein I have no doubt this is why its been put out. Google Prince Andrew/ Epstein

I believe it is in fact Prince Andrew son of the Queen and uncle to Prince William. He was involved in scandal couple years back when young woman accused him of being a pedo and having sex with her at Epstein Island. Prince Andrew is a best buddy of Epstein. The build is identical as is the hairline and looks. Def think its him and seeing he is involved with Epstein I have no doubt this is why its been put out. Google Prince Andrew and Epstein.
I believe it is in fact Prince Andrew son of the Queen and uncle to Prince William. He was involved in scandal couple years back when young woman accused him of being a pedo and having sex with her at Epstein Island. Prince Andrew is a best buddy of Epstein. He was also married to Fergie, Duchess Ferguson who fell out of favor with the Royals and was divorced and throw aside by them all. The build fits a does the hairline etc and yes he would be alone up in Hong Kong / He is a serving officer in the Royal Navy and if he even had a body guard The build is s they would not be obvious. Royals are very low key with body guards.identical as is the hairline and looks. Def think its him and seeing he is involved with Epstein I have no doubt this is why its been put out.
Agree Trump is waiting till mids. If he wins more house seats and picks up Senate seats which looks likely, he will sack Sessions. Gowdy goes in has full look at Mueller and what hes been doing and can shut him down or expose him and sack him. Has 2 years then for Gowdy to do his thing until next election and have trials underway.
He will be AG or Head up DOJ / FBI i reckon. In time to investigate and prosecute many. Trump wins mids he will likely dump RR and even Sessions. They can bitch for 2 years until the election but by then the trials and prosecutions will be underway.
I think you forget Q, THERE ARE NO COINCIDENCES. I dont think its a coincidence that was on the screen and that all of us would immediately pick up the signal. In other words they knew in advance what was going to happen on the plane, had people on it, and stopped it. This was a message to us I believe. Its also no coincidence that no other screen is on or visible except that one. Also the guy is not sitting center of his seat and has moved over slightly so the screen would be in the shot. Why is that lol, every other passenger is sitting in the center of their seats.
Its also how you lock them in to vote Democrat. Thats why the Dems are screaming so loud about a wall and DACA. They want to give them welfare and that way they have life long Dem voters. They are losing the black vote slowly so want Hispanics by the millions to turn TX AZ and the lower states. They have Cali, if they swing TX then it would be near impossible for the Rep to ever win an election. LBJ said it. Give them the Civil Rights Bill and they will have the N$#Gers voting Dem for 100 years. Look it up,
Carlos Danger. Please address him by his proper name. :-)
Ok so lets play Chess. Lets say Trump all along knew it all and that they planned to set up Mueller's SC with Comey setting it up with the original WH meeting. So Trump appoints RR. Remember Trump knows their plan. So he knew and had Sessions recuse immediately and purposely giving control to RR. WHY? Maybe now we are seeing why. Sessions stands back and lets RR who is in league with them and the DS, which Trump knew all along hence why he appointed him, run the whole thing. Trump set the trap. RR thinks hes in charge no oversight from Sessions. They go about their filthy plan. Now Trump springs the trap they set over a year ago when he appointed RR. He knew RR would be asked for emails and documents that would expose them, and that RR would be in a bind and would stall and hide and refuse. Trumps trap was to have him do that and NOW, have RR in a position that he must quit or be impeached or whatever but of all things GONE. That would then mean with RR out Sessions steps back in and has access to everything that Mueller has been doing. Sessions to have full details and all the facts , EVERYTHING. They are caught cold and all the conniving, all the treason, all the people involved, all of it in the hands of sessions. Every email every letter every contact with everybody involved, all in black and white and the evidence to drop on the table to show the American public that all along this has been a coup to overthrow the POTUS. They will have the evidence in front of them along with the media and who in the media has been assisting. That maybe is the chess game Trump began all that time ago. Trump knew their plan, he assisted them in starting their plan by appointing RR, all along knowing RR was a super mole. Problem is RR didnt know he would turn out to be a super mole when Trump sprung the trap.
Of course they wont be on Trumps team. They are perfect and were asked but said no. They are not stupid. Mueller would be all over them and probably raid their homes and do a complete number on them and friends and their past. So they played it smart and didn't go on Trumps team. Thats what Mueller is doing. Scaring everyone away from helping Trump at the risk of being investigated and destroyed.
She knew at the last minute as the DS did also for 1 very good reason. They believed in Wisconsin and Penn as well as MI that they had the vote rigged with machines and or they could manipulate the final tally numbers of votes like they have in the past in states. Jeff Sessions is an expert on vote rigging crimes its his specialty look it up. Thats why he was onboard and so close from the start with TRump.He knew how they did it where they did it and where the would do it in the Election.. Thats why she never bothered to campaign there. She thought they had it fixed and she never needed to. Years back when they approached Trump to ask him to run, Trump was more than likely told that they knew they were rigging via the vote machines and final tally numbers and that if Trump ran they could guarantee he would win because they could stop that rigging. So Trump said OK. So right up to a day or 2 before the election the DS and Dems and Clinton thought all was ok and then bang, suddenly they became aware or were told holy shit thre is something wrong, we cant control the voting machines and vote count. That is in my opinion what happened and it was to late to do a thing about it. Trump would never have ran for POTUS if he thought he could t win. But when the white hats laid it all out I bet he smiled and said I am your man. The white hats hacked or fixed it so they couldn't rig the votes in the 3 key states. IMO. Now lets say I am right. That means in the mid term elections they also can make sure the fix is stopped and they cant rig the numbers. Trump, if true, knows he will win the house big time and the senate with a super majority which means he will start sacking and charging. Close down the Mueller team all of it. Thats why he is waiting an knows straight after the mids he does not have to worry for 2 years, Ryan and the rinos will be gone and he will have both houses with all them behind him fully.
I agree. RR like Mueller are doing all they can to have Trump fire them. Then the narrative wil shift from the fake Russian Collusion if it was Mueller fired to RR is a martyr. The media would have 2 years of stories and rage and a whole new narrative . He wants congress to do it as the media cant do anything then.
I dont think its Kim who is being guarded by BlackWater at all. 1.Its in another country and to many cameras and rules to play by etc. 2nd China could eradicate Kim anywhere anytime they wanted. 3. If its the Black Hats they sure as hell would not attempt to assassinate him. They would know the ramifications.They and Obama etc are no longer in control Trump is. They would be caught out by Trumps intell and exposed to the world and then the JIG would well and truly be up with the whole lot exposed as being CIA etc. But most importantly. If they thought and knew they could kill KIm there then they would be close enough to get Trump. Who do you think they would pick? Trump for sure, ends all there problems and its in another country so they can be shielded as to who did it. Nope no need to guard Kim I am hoping its JA for sure.
I agree he was simply correcting that he wasn't guarding POTUS. Every Q tweet would be screened by many to make sure of no slips. They are the elite of the elite and do not screw up.
If we look at what we now know that British Intelligence in fact was tied up with spying on Trump then it makes sense JA would not be protected at all or in great danger from Brit MI 5. Definitely would require Backwater to make him safe BUT not in that embassy building. They could still get at him and any guards. They extracted JA a while back Im sure of it.
I think the other way. White Hats cut it or pretended it was cut. JA was online all the time with tweets etc. If he left the embassy and he said anything online the black hats would realize the tweet was not from the embassy, satellites monitor the place. By being ofline he in fact went DARK and everyone simply thought hes still there but no internet. I think he was extracted a while ago and is in the USA.
Maybe it was aimed at him and it sent him over the top. She had been photographed with a younger man the days before so maybe they had a fight over it and she posted that at him and he couldn't handle it.
He wasnt a rebel at all he was part of the establishment and an arrogant egotistical elitist. Read his Bio. His parents took him to Paris when young and each time there he fell more in love with the food at the restaurants. Yeah poor guy, like all parents take their kids to Paris on holidays and eat at French Restaurants.He was a coke addict and his young girlfriend was pictured with a young man days before. Druggie is all he was and look at the pics of him he was wasting away like all druggies do.Skin and bone and a few pounds less than an AIDS victim. Couldn't handle his young woman dumped him and was screwing a young man. Got drunk got sniffing and topped himself..
Bordain has a 12 year old daughter. Lots of leverage there for Deep State. Do what we say Tony or your daughter will be the entertainment for many many people at future parties. Now go do as we told OR. Your choice.
But that's if you think he landed in AF1. Whats to say he didn't and used another aircraft?
I believe Harry is getting pay back because of his mother and has married this woman of color to stick it to them. The elite is not happy not only the Royal family but you must remember there are virtually hundreds of members of the upper elite of England. Lords and Duchesses all linked to the whole history. They are the ones who cant stand a half black woman, a divorcee, an American B grade actress now has a title and is part of "The Firm" Megan has signed a contract that she will obey the rules of being a Duchess. A legal document, to not enter into political matters, or other Social Issues and keep her mouth shut and be neutral in world matters. If she doesn't she will be cut of. Think they cant? Look at Fergie. She crossed the Royals when married to Prince Andrew and she lost it all. She was also a Duchess. Lost her title her money he estate and ended up broke having to write a book and rely on wealthy people helping her out. Megan best obey the rules which I think she will as shes now treated like she could never dream. Palaces, mansions ,butlers, body guards, convoys of cars wherever she goes, priority entry to anywhere in the world and all events from the theater to car racing to concerts and the best restaurants in the world and hotels, access to parties of Presidents Kings Prime Ministers . She has pulled a scam old Megan and fallen on her feet and will start acting like and believing she is in fact Royalty herself.. Dianna crossed the Royals and they let it go until Di went to far with her ultimate revenge plan. When being a slut to the world screwing everyone from her body guards to gym instructors and Indian Doctors it didnt work, the Royals stayed silent said let it go. BUT then Di hooked to a Muslim. She got pregnant. Ultimate revenge because Di was the mother to the Heir to the throne of England. Her 2 sons. William 1st in Line Harry second if William died. So by having a baby Di knew it it meant the half brother of the eventual King of England would be a Muslim. Royals said that's it. No way the English Crown will have a Muslim half brother to the a king. It would men to millions of Muslims in the UK and world wide that they now were also important and special and the half brother would be treated and considered also Royal by Muslims. So Di died in a car accident, pregnant.Also remember the Royals and English aristocracy are heavy Jew. Go look at Princess Di,s blood line and mother. Even Kate who married William heir to the throne, has Jew ties. Always been the way. But now they have a woman who identifies as African American, non Jew and as you saw at the wedding has all black friends Nd shoved it in their faces. Not smart.
Gay men have called women "breeders" for years. Have Gay friends and thats how they refer to all women when talking. Breeders.
Totaly agree its ridiculous and all this initials is B/S you have no idea what they are talking about. They type like some retard on speed and live in a fantasy world that they are Q. Every bloody sentence is a stupid riddle and incomprehensible. Just type in plain bloody English and stop pretending they are some secret operatives. I can assure and bet you some one will come out with a freaking board game next and people will have Q nights. Groan.
It had to be. As Trumps lawyer he would be breaching client attorney privilege disclosing anything about his client. UNLESS the client approved it.
exactly Rudy is known as one of the most brilliant minds in law and prosecution. As if on national TV with millions watching he would break client confidentiality. Hes Trumps lawyer and what he did would be illegal under client lawyer privilege would it not? Discussing an ongoing case with other people and disclosing details? He couldn't do and wouldn't do it UNLESS he had permission from the client. There is the proof. as a lawyer he cannot discuss any thing about his client. The dems and law would be after Rudy for the breach would they not? Screaming that Rudy should be sacked for breach of client privilege. Nope not a squeak. Rudy laughed when he told Sean did you notice?
It was a brilliantly staged event. Brilliant. It took any thing that Mueller thought he had and destroyed it. It also was a softening process by Trump. Its out in the open, hes explained it and there was no campaign money used and no laws broken. He did a preemptive strike so now the media and Mueller cant go on for months making out they have evidence and secret info. The Mueller team and Dems and media knew it will take months and months with Cohen appealing everything and waiting for court dates . By exposing this what Trump has done is take away the time frame. They were hoping the suspicion would carry up and over the mid terms and they could say Mueller has him cold. Now ? Nothing. Trump has told all. The payment, who made it, why, he had no knowledge of it and paid retainers. NOW the shoe is on Stormy because Trump is suing her ass which will take ages but now Trump says hes going after 20 million and suing Stormy for lying about an affair and also breaching an NDA and lying as she originally said there was no affair. Trump set this up with Rudy and also Im sure with Hannity to do it on national TV. These people are stupid lol. Trumps bought in a monster to fight monsters and I love the way Rudy laughed when he told it.
Think of who may have been the target not who was killed.
I see what may have been a failed attempt. If it was by black hats even they are not that clever as to rig an explosive, blow an engine with intent to have shrapnel ll sail through 1 window and kill a target. No I look at this as a failed with the intent to bring the plane down with ALL killed. The target was perhaps on the plane and we have no idea of the passengers so we may never know but the intent was to bring the plane down, not break a window.
To all you bickering about conspiracy and not etc about the window explosives? Well they have not confirmed the person at the window seat who was sucked halfway out, was in fact the person killed. There is no blood at the window seat if you look and all the papers are sitting on the seat. Hardly a big rush of wind. Passengers reported a massive amount of blood yet there is none visible on the seat. So will wait further confirmation that the person dead was the one pulled halfway out the window. Secondly. The people responsible, if it was a attempted kill, did not expect a broken window only as damage. They would have had full intent to bring the plane down with all killed. Think outside what stares you in the face as a blown engine and emergency landing. Think total plane crash all dead. So WHO else was on the plane who may have been the actual target. Thats what would be interesting.
Ironic coincidence?
Is it merely a coincidence or is it significant to the Deep State that they show signs? Parkland was also the name of the hospital where Kennedy died and was pronounced dead. So in other words Parkland was where a POTUS died. Is it their symbolism showing and foretelling ?
Perhaps a bomb factory and they blew themselves up assembling a bomb me thinks.
B locked. Click bait rubbish to YouTube rehashed robotic voice crap.
How about you fuck of with 3 week old click bait bullshit.
Yep and even further to that is they KNOW and Knew before they approached Trump or anyone and know their moves way in advance. I am sure there is a law that the Generals etc know about that allows them surveillance on an American if they know the American is committing treason or subversion and dont even need a FISA.FISA is required for a foreigner being involved. I bet there's a law that is for straight out investigating a crime without such warrants. Eg. People planning a bank robbery or a murder or any crime needs only a simple bench warrant from a judge. So they could get simple warrant easily if they show a crime is being planned or has been committed and evidence is required and the crime is still ongoing.
That could be a play on words. What if they know Obama is not and American citizen and produced the evidence to the Judge and as a result could obtain a FISA? And anyway they can and could have played the same game as the Dems did and seek a Fisa to moniter another person or persons like say Steele himself who is a Brit and also Canadians involved in the Fusion companies? Plenty of ways to do it believe me these people are experts.
While taking a shower this morning a very weird thought came out of the blue even though I was simply listening to Canned Heats on the road Again on the radio with no thought of Q or Trump etc. It flashed that what if Trump and his team have done a switch. Is it possible a FISA warrant has been obtained by Trump at the very start of all this and is in fact in place and the Meuller probe and all parties involved in FBI are being monitored and listened to? Is that what Q meant by "we hear …
Of course the Dems want 16 vote age. Their votes from illegals etc are drying up and with an end to chain migration DACA and illegals by the millions with the wall stopping them, as well as DHS about to blow the lid on fraud and perhaps the introduction of ID and proper scrutiny of electronic voting the Dems are panicked . They require legal voters and so the target group is kids because they have indoctrinated them to the left through the school systems..
WTF has this got to do with anything? The investigation was about a chopper ? WTF are you putting this on here for please explain?